Work and jobs

Both Issei and Nisei took jobs within the camps, at wages set not to exceed soldiers' pay: $12 per month for unskilled labor, $16 for skilled labor, and $19 for professional employees. WRA staff was paid much more for the same jobs. Though public opinion mandated such low pay, dissatisfied Japanese Americans objected to losing their right to make a decent living. They had to use their sparse income for necessities, such as warm clothing and shoes.

World War II (231)
Concentration camps (1454)
Work and jobs (1374)

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1374 items
Japanese American examining guayule plants (ddr-densho-151-385)
img Japanese American examining guayule plants (ddr-densho-151-385)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. George J. Yokomizo, hybridizer for the guayule rubber experiment project.
Japanese Americans working in field (ddr-densho-151-445)
img Japanese Americans working in field (ddr-densho-151-445)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Ichiro Okumura, 22 (left), from Venice, California and Ben Iguchi, 20 from Sangus, California, thin young plants in a two-acre field of white radishes at the relocation center. High sierras are shown in the background.
Japanese Americans working with guayule plants (ddr-densho-151-380)
img Japanese Americans working with guayule plants (ddr-densho-151-380)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Guayule beds in the lath house at the Manzanar Relocation Center.
Japanese American working in lath house (ddr-densho-151-379)
img Japanese American working in lath house (ddr-densho-151-379)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Guayule beds in the lath house at the Manzanar Relocation Center.
Japanese American making camouflage net (ddr-densho-151-412)
img Japanese American making camouflage net (ddr-densho-151-412)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Making camouflage nets for the War Department. This is one of several War and Navy Department projects carried on by persons of Japanese ancestry in relocation centers.
Japanese Americans experimenting with guayule (ddr-densho-151-387)
img Japanese Americans experimenting with guayule (ddr-densho-151-387)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Chemists, nurserymen, and plant propagators at this War Relocation Authority center assemble to witness a new experiment in an attempt to resolve the amount of rubber produced in a small quantity of the guayule plant. Frank Hirosawa, research rubber chemist, is seated in the foreground.
Japanese Americans making camouflage nets (ddr-densho-151-55)
img Japanese Americans making camouflage nets (ddr-densho-151-55)
Original WRA caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Making camouflage nets for the War Department. This is one of several War and Navy Department projects carried on by persons of Japanese ancestry in relocation centers.
Japanese Americans inspecting guayule plants (ddr-densho-151-381)
img Japanese Americans inspecting guayule plants (ddr-densho-151-381)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Guayule plantings are being inspected by Doctor Robert Emerson, (third from right) a bio-chemist and botanist from the California Institute of Technology and director of the guayule rubber experiment. He is here shown conferring with several of his staff of young evacuee scientists at Plot 4. There are 408 …
Japanese Americans making camouflage nets (ddr-densho-151-413)
img Japanese Americans making camouflage nets (ddr-densho-151-413)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Making camouflage nets for the War Department. This is one of several War and Navy Department projects carried on by persons of Japanese ancestry in relocation centers.
Japanese Americans making camouflage nets (ddr-densho-151-474)
img Japanese Americans making camouflage nets (ddr-densho-151-474)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Making camouflage nets for the War Department. This is one of several War and Navy Department projects carried on by persons of Japanese ancestry in relocation centers.
Field crew foreman (ddr-densho-151-390)
img Field crew foreman (ddr-densho-151-390)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Johnny Fukazawa, foreman of fields Numbers 3, 4, 5, and 6, heading a 20-man field crew on the farm project, says there are many problems they have to solve in their agricultural work at this War Relocation Authority center for evacuees of Japanese ancestry.
Japanese Americans working in field (ddr-densho-151-391)
img Japanese Americans working in field (ddr-densho-151-391)
Original caption: Manzanar Relocation Center, Manzanar, California. Field laborers hoeing corn on the farm project at this War Relocation Authority center for evacuees of Japanese ancestry.
Reassignment slip (ddr-densho-469-3)
doc Reassignment slip (ddr-densho-469-3)
A reassignment slip reassigning Kazuo Otani to work as a barber.
A Year at Gila Anniversary Booklet (ddr-densho-469-8)
doc A Year at Gila Anniversary Booklet (ddr-densho-469-8)
Includes the legend of Gila, a history of the beginning of the Gila River, facts, and maps of the Gila River, as well as summaries of Gila's River's various organizations, departments, work, and activities.
Reclassification assignment (ddr-densho-469-4)
doc Reclassification assignment (ddr-densho-469-4)
A reclassification assignment for Kazuo Otani to a new section.
Check transmittal (ddr-densho-469-7)
doc Check transmittal (ddr-densho-469-7)
A receipt and check to cover services for October 1942, addressed to Kazuo Otani.
Second Year at Gila (ddr-densho-469-9)
doc Second Year at Gila (ddr-densho-469-9)
A summary of the second year spent by camp inmates at the Gila River Relocation Center. Topics on the second year of the camp include the camp's administration, involvement in the war, predominant religions, schools, agriculture, recreation, and population, ending with a timeline of events.
Butcher shop (ddr-densho-93-33)
img Butcher shop (ddr-densho-93-33)
Original Ansel Adams caption: Butcher shop, Manzanar Relocation Center / photograph by Ansel Adams.
Japanese American making clothing patterns (ddr-densho-93-5)
img Japanese American making clothing patterns (ddr-densho-93-5)
Original Ansel Adams caption: Bert K. Miura (pattern making).
Japanese Americans sewing (ddr-densho-93-7)
img Japanese Americans sewing (ddr-densho-93-7)
Original Ansel Adams caption: Sumiko Shigematsu, foreman of power sewing machine girls, Manzanar Relocation Center, California.
Electrical crew (ddr-densho-93-8)
img Electrical crew (ddr-densho-93-8)
Original Ansel Adams caption: Line crew at work in Manzanar.
Co-op warehouse (ddr-densho-93-29)
img Co-op warehouse (ddr-densho-93-29)
Original Ansel Adams caption: Warehouse, M. Ogi, manager; S. Sugimoto, manager of co-op; Bunkichi Hayashi, Manzanar Relocation Center / photograph by Ansel Adams.
Commercial artist (ddr-densho-93-1)
img Commercial artist (ddr-densho-93-1)
Original Ansel Adams caption: "Ahio Matsumoto, commercial artist." (Note: first name is misspelled; should be, "Akio")
Poultry farm (ddr-densho-93-34)
img Poultry farm (ddr-densho-93-34)
Original Ansel Adams caption: Poultry farm, Mori Nakashima, Manzanar Relocation Center, / photograph by Ansel Adams.
Japanese American woodworker (ddr-densho-93-4)
img Japanese American woodworker (ddr-densho-93-4)
Original Ansel Adams caption: Hidimi Tayenaka (woodworker), Manzanar Relocation Center, California. (Note: original caption contains misspelling. "Hidimi" should be, "Hidemi".)