Economic losses

The economic and emotional toll associated with the uprooting of Japanese Americans from their homes and businesses was enormous. The cost was especially high for the issei (first-generation immigrants), who had worked most of their lives to establish financial security for themselves and their children. Many Japanese Americans bitterly recall being forced to sell property, personal belongings, and business equipment for a fraction of their value to opportunistic scavengers. Evacuees could take only what they could carry. They left behind heirlooms, cherished toys, and family pets. Farmers continued to work for a harvest they would never see, told it would be "disloyal" to stop. The bustling Nihonmachis (Japantowns) of the West Coast closed down and never fully recovered, even after the war ended.

World War II (240)
Economic losses (563)


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563 items
Letter sent to Kinuta Uno at Tule Lake concentration camp (ddr-densho-324-71)
doc Letter sent to Kinuta Uno at Tule Lake concentration camp (ddr-densho-324-71)
Correspondence from Carl Prato regarding sale of the Uno's farm and equipment.
Crossroads, Vol. 1, No. 36 (February 4, 1949) (ddr-densho-358-10)
doc Crossroads, Vol. 1, No. 36 (February 4, 1949) (ddr-densho-358-10)
Selected article titles: "Plan Local Business Association" (p.1), "Eleventh in Series of Q's and A's on Claims Law" (p.2), "Peace: Has MacArthur Failed?" (p.6).
Crossroads, Vol. 1, No. 40 (March 4, 1949) (ddr-densho-358-14)
doc Crossroads, Vol. 1, No. 40 (March 4, 1949) (ddr-densho-358-14)
Selected article titles: "House Pass Naturalization Bill" (p.1), "Bill Proposed Allowing Interned Aliens to Claim Property Loss" (p.1), "Raw Silk, Oysters Shipped from Japan" (p.2), "Nisei Strandees' Case Set for Trial March 6, May 10" (p.3).
Japantown after mass removal (ddr-densho-36-51)
img Japantown after mass removal (ddr-densho-36-51)
Japanese Americans were given little time to take care of their personal and business affairs once the exclusion orders were posted. Many businesses were either permanently closed or boarded-up for the duration of World War II. Shown here is 602 to 612 Jackson Street in Seattle's Nihonmachi, or Japantown.
Boarded-up store formerly run by Japanese Americans (ddr-densho-37-303)
img Boarded-up store formerly run by Japanese Americans (ddr-densho-37-303)
Original WRA caption: Stores and homes formerly inhabited by Japanese. Some of them are now used by Chinese people. Note boarded up windows and doors.
Boarded-up store formerly run by Japanese Americans (ddr-densho-37-304)
img Boarded-up store formerly run by Japanese Americans (ddr-densho-37-304)
Original WRA caption: Stores and homes formerly inhabited by Japanese. Some of them are now used by Chinese people. Note boarded up windows and doors.
Vandalism of Japanese American property (ddr-densho-37-283)
img Vandalism of Japanese American property (ddr-densho-37-283)
Original WRA caption: Scene showing the results of vandalism at the Nichiren Buddhist Temple, 2800 East 3rd Street, Los Angeles, California.
Vandalism of Japanese American property (ddr-densho-37-284)
img Vandalism of Japanese American property (ddr-densho-37-284)
Original WRA caption: View of the results of vandalism at the White Star Soda Works, 416 Jackson Street, Los Angeles, California.
Vandalism of Japanese American property (ddr-densho-37-285)
img Vandalism of Japanese American property (ddr-densho-37-285)
Original WRA caption: View of the results of vandalism at the White Star Soda Works, 416 Jackson Street, Los Angeles, California.
Letter from Min Tamesa to Adam Beller (ddr-densho-333-27)
img Letter from Min Tamesa to Adam Beller (ddr-densho-333-27)
Letter regarding seeking financial restitution for highway being put across Tamesa property
Claim for damage to or loss of real or personal property by a person of Japanese Ancestry (ddr-densho-383-514)
doc Claim for damage to or loss of real or personal property by a person of Japanese Ancestry (ddr-densho-383-514)
Form filed by George Tokuda, Page 3 and 4 Statement of Claim due to evacuation with inventory of property lost.
WRA Evacuee Property Report (ddr-densho-383-516)
doc WRA Evacuee Property Report (ddr-densho-383-516)
Receipt for George Tokuda's property stored at the Pacific Hotel basement
Letter from O.M. Moen to George Tokuda (ddr-densho-383-553)
doc Letter from O.M. Moen to George Tokuda (ddr-densho-383-553)
Re: sale of Tokuda's store on Yesler Way, and disposition of personal property
Letter to George Tokuda from O.M. Moen (ddr-densho-383-515)
doc Letter to George Tokuda from O.M. Moen (ddr-densho-383-515)
Re: the storage and disposition of Tokuda's property from his pharmacies, and settling of accounts
Letter to Clarence Thomas from Elmer Feathers (ddr-densho-383-517)
doc Letter to Clarence Thomas from Elmer Feathers (ddr-densho-383-517)
Letter of personal recommendation for George Tokuda from his friend Elmer Feathers, letter and envelope
Receipt for $20.00 paid to Catherine Johnson (ddr-densho-383-523)
doc Receipt for $20.00 paid to Catherine Johnson (ddr-densho-383-523)
For Payment on Store. Tokuda purchased the Johnson Pharmacy in 1935, was forced to sell while in camp and then repurchased the store in 1947.
Administrative Notice No. 23 Registration of Evacuees' Rentable Property (ddr-densho-356-800)
doc Administrative Notice No. 23 Registration of Evacuees' Rentable Property (ddr-densho-356-800)
Administrative Notice No. 23 from Santa Anita Assembly Center informs internees that if they have any property that is "rentable" to register it immediately and lists what is rentable property and how to register it.
Meeting Minutes from Committee of Immigrant Serving Agencies  meeting on January 6, 1942 (ddr-densho-356-761)
doc Meeting Minutes from Committee of Immigrant Serving Agencies meeting on January 6, 1942 (ddr-densho-356-761)
Meeting Minutes from Committee of Immigrant Serving Agencies meeting on January 6, 1942. Topics covered in the meeting include: reading of correspondence regarding Issei being detained by authorities, relief funds frozen as some of the account holders were Issei, Japanese American Citizens' League seeking advise, and violence by Filipino Americans against Japanese Americans.
Letter to Yuri Domoto from Yoshito Shibata (ddr-densho-356-245)
doc Letter to Yuri Domoto from Yoshito Shibata (ddr-densho-356-245)
Letter to Yuriko Domoto Tsukada from Yoshito Shibata in which he describes a visit to the Domoto Family's nursery in Hayward which was under the care of Pete Milan.
Seattle Post-Intelligencer:
doc Seattle Post-Intelligencer: "Frozen Money Worries Japanese" (ddr-densho-483-473)
Clipping from the Seattle Post-Intelligencer of Japanese Americans standing in line at the Sumitomo Bank with an accompanying caption.
Sachi Fudenna Recalls the Washington Township and Tanforan during World War II (ddr-ajah-6-404)
doc Sachi Fudenna Recalls the Washington Township and Tanforan during World War II (ddr-ajah-6-404)
Document with biographical information for Sachiko Kamiji Fudenna, transcription of interview and clipping
Scrapbook of newspaper clipping (ddr-densho-483-100)
doc Scrapbook of newspaper clipping (ddr-densho-483-100)
Loose scrapbook pages containing newspaper and magazine clipping, a press release, and a speech transcript. Selected article titles: Seattle Post-Intelligencer: "Seattle Japs return home" (p. 1), "The National Director speaks to residents" (p. 2), "237 Bainbridge Japs leave, head south" (p. 3), "No refunds for japs, says city" (p. 4), "Sad farewells while troops stand by" …
Form No. CL. 1: Claim for Damage to or Loss of Real or Personal Property by a Person of Japanese Ancestry (ddr-densho-483-67)
doc Form No. CL. 1: Claim for Damage to or Loss of Real or Personal Property by a Person of Japanese Ancestry (ddr-densho-483-67)
Claim filed by Fukuyama family for damages and lost property during World War II incarceration. Claim filed for $1106. Approved for $829 on 11/1/25.