
Kibei is the term for the generation of Nisei born in the U.S. but sent to Japan for education. When in Japan, the Kibei lived with grandparents or other relatives while their parents remained in the U.S. to work. Kibei often struggled to fit in both in Japan, where they were viewed as outsiders, and the U.S., where they were considered "too Japanese" by their Nisei peers. Because of their knowledge of both cultures and languages, the Kibei in particular were targeted by the government as "disloyal" during World War II. Ironically, the Kibei were heavily recruited for the Military Intelligence Service because of their linguistic abilities.

Identity and values (202)
Kibei (487)

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487 items
Group portrait of Japanese boys (ddr-densho-325-190)
img Group portrait of Japanese boys (ddr-densho-325-190)
Each student's name is written on the photograph. From left to right Imao, Shiyouiti, Sumito, and Minoru. On the far right is a line of smudged Japanese text.
Family traveling back to Japan (ddr-densho-321-919)
img Family traveling back to Japan (ddr-densho-321-919)
Caption in album: "Mom leaving for Japan / Kiku / Born: Napa, California / 1907 / Spent 10 years in / Hakata, Fukuoka, Japan."
Letter to project directors about the
doc Letter to project directors about the "Kibei problem" (ddr-densho-381-23)
Myer describes Kibei as a "complex problem" in his letter to the project directors. He encloses a report from January 28, 1944, detailing differences between Kibei and Nisei, reasons Kibei were sent for education in Japan, and Kibei reactions to being detained in concentration camps.
Takami Hibiya reference letter (ddr-densho-381-142)
doc Takami Hibiya reference letter (ddr-densho-381-142)
A reference letter from Frank H. Hattori to Dillon S. Myer about Takami Hibiya. Hattori mentions Takami's work in the housing division at Minidoka and states that he is "very much Americanized."
Takami Hibiya reference letter (ddr-densho-381-141)
doc Takami Hibiya reference letter (ddr-densho-381-141)
A reference letter from Lorne Huycke to Dillon S. Meyer for Takami Hibiya. Huycke speaks about his contact with Takami at the Minidoka Project, where they worked together in the Housing Department.
Name check for Takami Hibiya (ddr-densho-381-137)
doc Name check for Takami Hibiya (ddr-densho-381-137)
A history of Takami Hibiya's family, education, employment, and community activities.
Memorial table for Takami Hibiya (ddr-densho-381-193)
img Memorial table for Takami Hibiya (ddr-densho-381-193)
A table decorated with a portrait of Takami Hibiya, the Seal of the Emperor of Japan medal, flowers, and a white cloth.
Investigative report of Takami Hibiya (ddr-densho-381-138)
doc Investigative report of Takami Hibiya (ddr-densho-381-138)
A previously confidential federal investigation of Takami Hibiya's history, family, and American loyalty.
Draft letter from Ai Chih Tsai (ddr-densho-446-27)
doc Draft letter from Ai Chih Tsai (ddr-densho-446-27)
Arrangements for young people of First Baptist Church of Cicero to entertain Nisei US soldiers on July 18, 1942. Request for list of interested soldiers to send invitations.
Southern California Nisei Directory 1934-1935 (ddr-densho-480-1)
doc Southern California Nisei Directory 1934-1935 (ddr-densho-480-1)
A directory of Japanese American citizens and businesses in Southern California.
Letter from Joseph Conard to Joseph Ishikawa (ddr-densho-468-115)
doc Letter from Joseph Conard to Joseph Ishikawa (ddr-densho-468-115)
Explanation of Student Relocation program policies regarding Kibei
School outing group photograph (ddr-densho-359-40)
img School outing group photograph (ddr-densho-359-40)
Students pose for a group photograph with a sign in Japanese. Masaru Okano lived in Japan from 1923-1933.
School outing group photograph (ddr-densho-359-36)
img School outing group photograph (ddr-densho-359-36)
Students and a teacher pose for a group photograph. Masaru Okano lived in Japan from 1923-1933.
Japanese hot spring (ddr-densho-359-63)
img Japanese hot spring (ddr-densho-359-63)
A Japanese hot spring that Masaru Okano visited while living in Japan between 1923-1933.