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886 items
Rae Takekawa Segment 42 (ddr-densho-1000-89-42)
vh Rae Takekawa Segment 42 (ddr-densho-1000-89-42)
Giving children the strength to withstand discrimination
Aya Uenishi Medrud Interview Segment 18 (ddr-densho-1000-213-18)
vh Aya Uenishi Medrud Interview Segment 18 (ddr-densho-1000-213-18)
A traumatic encounter after seeing wounded Japanese American soldiers
Roger Shimomura Interview Segment 10 (ddr-densho-1000-142-10)
vh Roger Shimomura Interview Segment 10 (ddr-densho-1000-142-10)
Witnessing parents' experience with racism on a family vacation to Cannon Beach, Oregon
Roger Shimomura Interview Segment 40 (ddr-densho-1000-142-40)
vh Roger Shimomura Interview Segment 40 (ddr-densho-1000-142-40)
Experiencing discrimination at a job interview for Murray State University, Kentucky
James T. Johnston - William R. Johnston - Dorothy J. Whitlock Interview Segment 7 (ddr-manz-1-142-7)
vh James T. Johnston - William R. Johnston - Dorothy J. Whitlock Interview Segment 7 (ddr-manz-1-142-7)
Mother's attempt to bring Japanese American women out of the camp into the local community
vh Shimako "Sally" Kitano Interview Segment 16 (ddr-manz-1-54-16)
Adjusting to life after returning to Bainbridge Island; barred from joining the Girl Scouts
Masako Yoshida Interview Segment 24 (ddr-manz-1-153-24)
vh Masako Yoshida Interview Segment 24 (ddr-manz-1-153-24)
Returning to California to raise a family, facing discrimination
vh Alfred "Al" Miyagishima Interview Segment 10 (ddr-manz-1-27-10)
Growing up in a non-Japanese American community: "Why was I born Japanese?"
Hikoji Takeuchi Interview Segment 3 (ddr-manz-1-10-3)
vh Hikoji Takeuchi Interview Segment 3 (ddr-manz-1-10-3)
Experiencing racism following the bombing of Pearl Harbor
Kenji Ogawa Interview Segment 17 (ddr-manz-1-170-17)
vh Kenji Ogawa Interview Segment 17 (ddr-manz-1-170-17)
Returning to the U.S. as a teenager and experiencing discrimination
Sharon Seeder Interview Segment 8 (ddr-chi-1-5-8)
vh Sharon Seeder Interview Segment 8 (ddr-chi-1-5-8)
Experiencing subtle forms of discrimination while growing up
Keith One Interview Segment 3 (ddr-chi-1-10-3)
vh Keith One Interview Segment 3 (ddr-chi-1-10-3)
Parents' difficulties finding housing after the war
Keith One Interview Segment 5 (ddr-chi-1-10-5)
vh Keith One Interview Segment 5 (ddr-chi-1-10-5)
Being made fun of for ethnicity, realizing Japanese American identity
Mas Hashimoto Interview Segment 27 (ddr-densho-1015-7-27)
vh Mas Hashimoto Interview Segment 27 (ddr-densho-1015-7-27)
Mixed reactions from community members upon return of Japanese Americans