
Industry and employment (517)
Photography (79)

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Takashi "Bud" Aoyama, Hikaru Iwasaki, Jack Iwata


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79 items
Aiko Studio (ddr-densho-20-11)
img Aiko Studio (ddr-densho-20-11)
Aiko Studio, located in Seattle's Nihonmachi area, was one of several photography studios that catered to the Japanese American community before World War II.
img Miyuki "Kay" Kida and George Kida (ddr-one-3-81)
Color studio portrait photograph of Kay and her son George Kida taken in celebration of her 89th birthday. From left to right: Miyuki "Kay" Kida and George Kida.
img Miyuki "Kay" Kida (ddr-one-3-131)
One copy of a color studio portrait photograph of Miyuki "Kay" Kida taken in celebration of her 89th birthday. Inscribed on the back "#11."
img Miyuki "Kay" Kida (ddr-one-3-80)
One copy of a color studio portrait photograph of Miyuki "Kay" Kida taken in celebration of her 89th birthday.
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 51, No.23 (December 2, 1960) (ddr-pc-32-49)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 51, No.23 (December 2, 1960) (ddr-pc-32-49)
Select article titles: "President Invites JACL to White House Conference on Aging, to Push for Low-Cost or Rent Housing" (p.1); "Oldest Japanese Christian church in American celebrates 75th anniversary" (p.2); "Calif. Attorney general to fight policy of 'whites only' in golf pro association" (p. 3); "Issei pioneer who retouched photographs of every President since Wilson succumbs" …
Mr. Kako Murosako (ddr-csujad-8-44)
doc Mr. Kako Murosako (ddr-csujad-8-44)
Oral history interview with Mr. Kako Murosako. Information on the oral history project is found in: csuf_stp_0012A; Glossary in: csuf_stp_0014. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: FCPL Murosako, Mr Kako
Japanese American organization (ddr-densho-26-163)
img Japanese American organization (ddr-densho-26-163)
Photograph taken by James M. Amano, 3208 35th Ave So., Seattle, Washington
Ted Akimoto taking a photograph (ddr-densho-299-144)
img Ted Akimoto taking a photograph (ddr-densho-299-144)
Caption: "Our cameras were bulky 4x5 Speed Graphics. Nothing was automatic. You took a wood film holder / which held one piece of film on each side, placed it in the back, pulled out a slide, put in a flash bulb, / figured out your exposure and cocked the shutter, set the f stop, focused and …
Ted Akimoto's Army Photographer patch (ddr-densho-299-247)
img Ted Akimoto's Army Photographer patch (ddr-densho-299-247)
Caption: "At the end of WWII I was fortunate enough to be Photo Assignment Officer for the Signal Photo / division of the Supreme Command Allied Powers (SCAP) in Tokyo, Japan. Our responsibilities / were to take all newsworthy still photographs and newsreels requested by the Public Information / Office of SCAP. All photos taken in …
Letter from Robert Ikari to Ted Akimoto (ddr-densho-299-76)
doc Letter from Robert Ikari to Ted Akimoto (ddr-densho-299-76)
Letter regarding the quality of the cameras used by the army, Robert's reassignment, and "George's" discharge.
Crossroads, Vol. 1, No. 42 (March 18, 1949) (ddr-densho-358-16)
doc Crossroads, Vol. 1, No. 42 (March 18, 1949) (ddr-densho-358-16)
Selected article titles: "Negroes, Chinese Oppose ENI" (p.1), "Evacuation Claims Questions, Answers" (p.2), "Toyo San: Saga of Senbei to Smart Photography" (p.3), "Mr. Watanabe Builds His Dream House" (p.11).
Kuroko Studio envelope (ddr-densho-390-2)
doc Kuroko Studio envelope (ddr-densho-390-2)
Photograph envelope with a total of $1.00 and advertisement for Ansco Film.
Portrait of a young man (ddr-densho-353-27)
img Portrait of a young man (ddr-densho-353-27)
Alfred Eijiro Tatsumi. Photo taken at Judkins Studio, on 2nd and Columbia.
Misty (Kiyomura) Takeoka (ddr-one-1-738)
img Misty (Kiyomura) Takeoka (ddr-one-1-738)
Black and white photographic negative of Misty (Kiyomura) Takeoka sitting in front of a black backdrop in the Oregon Camera Club's studio. She is smiling at the camera with her body turned to the right.
Frank Hirahara in developing room (ddr-one-1-566)
img Frank Hirahara in developing room (ddr-one-1-566)
Photographic negative of Frank Hirahara sitting in front of a large sink developing photographs.
Misty (Kiyomura) Takeoka (ddr-one-1-734)
img Misty (Kiyomura) Takeoka (ddr-one-1-734)
Black and white photographic negative of Misty (Kiyomura) Takeoka modeling inside the Oregon Camera Club's studio. She is sitting against a black backdrop in an elbow length sweater with her hands on her lap and her body turned to the left.
Misty (Kiyomura) Takeoka (ddr-one-1-721)
img Misty (Kiyomura) Takeoka (ddr-one-1-721)
Black and white photographic negative of Misty (Kiyomura) Takeoka sitting in front of a black backdrop inside the Oregon Camera Club's studio. She is dressed in an elbow length sweater, smiling brightly with her hands on the table in front of her.
Misty (Kiyomura) Takeoka (ddr-one-1-727)
img Misty (Kiyomura) Takeoka (ddr-one-1-727)
Black and white photographic negative of Misty (Kiyomura) Takeoka sitting in front of a black backdrop inside the Oregon Camera Club's studio. She is wearing a formal dress and smiling brightly at the camera.
Misty (Kiyomura) Takeoka (ddr-one-1-746)
img Misty (Kiyomura) Takeoka (ddr-one-1-746)
Black and white photographic negative of Misty (Kiyomura) Takeoka modeling inside the Oregon Camera Club's studio. She stands in front of a black backdrop in an elbow length sweater smiling brightly upwards.
Misty (Kiyomura) Takeoka (ddr-one-1-737)
img Misty (Kiyomura) Takeoka (ddr-one-1-737)
Black and white photographic negative of Misty (Kiyomura) Takeoka sitting in front of a black backdrop in the Oregon Camera Club's studio. She is smiling slightly with her eyes slightly closed. Her arms crossed on the table in front of her.
Misty (Kiyomura) Takeoka (ddr-one-1-742)
img Misty (Kiyomura) Takeoka (ddr-one-1-742)
Black and white photographic negative of Misty (Kiyomura) Takeoka modeling inside the Oregon Camera Club's studio. She sits against a white backdrop frowning slightly, her dress is spread out in away from her body in a circle.
Family photo (ddr-one-1-678)
img Family photo (ddr-one-1-678)
Black and white photographic print of an unidentified Japanese American family sitting on a couch posing for the camera.
Misty (Kiyomura) Takeoka (ddr-one-1-724)
img Misty (Kiyomura) Takeoka (ddr-one-1-724)
Black and white photographic negative of Misty (Kiyomura) Takeoka sitting in front of a black backdrop inside the Oregon Camera Club's studio. She is wearing a formal dress.
Gomonshu and Lady Ohtani's Visit to Portland (ddr-one-1-710)
img Gomonshu and Lady Ohtani's Visit to Portland (ddr-one-1-710)
Black and white photographic negative of Lady Yoshiko Ohtani sitting on a couch. Gomonshu Koshi Ohtani was the leader of the Jodo Shinshu Hongwaniji-ha Buddhist sect, and was visiting Portland for the first time since the end of World War II with his wife Lady Yoshiko Ohtani.