Secondary education

Education (296)
Secondary education (490)

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490 items
[Gila River incarceration camp] (ddr-csujad-29-262)
img [Gila River incarceration camp] (ddr-csujad-29-262)
Photograph of three teenage girls walking past the Gila River high school, with the viewpoint from the Amphitheater (?). See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: P205
Students cleaning and preparing an area for rye grass (ddr-fom-1-908)
img Students cleaning and preparing an area for rye grass (ddr-fom-1-908)
WRA caption on reverse: "Hunt High School students clean and rake areas between classroom barrack buildings preparatory to planting rye-grass."
Field of vegetables planted by students (ddr-fom-1-909)
img Field of vegetables planted by students (ddr-fom-1-909)
WRA caption on reverse: "A garden of table vegetables planted by the high school students of Hunt High School."
doc "Study Attendants Make $47 At Play Candy Sale" (ddr-densho-280-104)
"Broadway Whims" article on funds raised by candy sales at recent Broadway High play.
doc "Cats To Play Host To Hill Grizzlies Tuesday" (ddr-densho-280-81)
"Broadway Whims" article on the upcoming basketball game between the Broadway Bengals and the Queen Anne Hillers.
doc "Whims Scores C.S.P.A. Honor" (ddr-densho-280-53)
"Broadway Whims" article on the C.S.P.A. award the Broadway High School student newspaper won from Columbia University.
doc "Charity Classic Helps Luckless" (ddr-densho-280-100)
"Broadway Whims" article about a fall charity football game.
doc "Thirty Million Newspapers Preserve American Freedom" (ddr-densho-280-87)
"Broadway Whims" article on National Newspaper Week and the importance of freedom of press.
doc "Bengal Shots Barely Drive Off Invaders" (ddr-densho-280-65)
"Broadway Whims" article on the slim defeat of West Seattle's basketball team by the Broadway Bengals.
doc "Swanson, Hamanaka Win Coveted Whims' Award" (ddr-densho-280-106)
"Broadway Whims" article congratulating Joe Hamanaka and Maria Swanson for winning the most inspirational journalist award.
doc "Rio Rita" musical program (ddr-densho-280-131)
A program for Garfield High School Music Department's production of "Rio Rita," a musical comedy in two acts.
Broadway High vs. Snohomish High pep ralley article (ddr-densho-280-55)
doc Broadway High vs. Snohomish High pep ralley article (ddr-densho-280-55)
"Broadway Whims" article on how George Umemura led Broadway High students in cheers at an away game at Snohomish High.
doc "Underclassmen Receive Praise" (ddr-densho-280-74)
"Broadway Whims" article praising Broadway High underclassmen for timeliness and general good behavior.
doc "Grizzly Trinitrotoluol Pits Against Woodward" (ddr-densho-280-105)
"Broadway Whims" article on recent baseball game between the Broadway Bengals and Lincoln club.
doc "Lynx Trample Over Bengals" (ddr-densho-280-60)
"Broadway Whims" article on Broadway Bengals' basketball loss to Lincoln High Lynx.
doc "Whims Receives High Award from Quill and Scroll" (ddr-densho-280-107)
"Broadway Whims" article on newspaper receiving the highest award from Quill and Scroll international society.
Assorted thoughts in
doc Assorted thoughts in "Broadway Whims" (ddr-densho-280-52)
A small clipping from "Broadway Whims" school newspaper. Covers assorted topics.
doc "Building, Grounds Group Directs Improvements" (ddr-densho-280-62)
"Broadway Whims" article on the upcoming projects of the Broadway High building and grounds committee.
doc "Tigervillers Show Claws On Grizzlies" (ddr-densho-280-85)
"Broadway Whims" article on the Broadway Bengals basketball win over Queen Anne Grizzlies.
doc Assorted "Broadway Whims" articles (ddr-densho-280-82)
Joe Hamanaka wrote articles on both sides of this "Broadway Whims" edition. "Dedicated To Best Mother, Your 'Mon'" about Mother's Day and "1913 Grad Skyrockets To President Of Boeing's" about a Broadway High alum who went on to greatness at Boeing.
doc "Seniors To Have Names In Whims" (ddr-densho-280-72)
"Broadway Whims" article announcing the inclusion of all seniors in the final issue of their senior year.
Whims Style Book (ddr-densho-280-109)
doc Whims Style Book (ddr-densho-280-109)
"Broadway Whims" style book, which outlines proper grammar and writing practices for the Broadway High newspaper.