Secondary education

Education (336)
Secondary education (506)

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506 items
Page of Hisa Nimura Horiuchi Scrapbook (ddr-densho-325-7)
doc Page of Hisa Nimura Horiuchi Scrapbook (ddr-densho-325-7)
Poems from Hisa's friends. Ms. Whilhite writes that the Nimura family and their neighbors were sent to Arboga, California, most likely they were sent to the Marysville Temporary Assembly Center which was located near Arboga. After spending just over a month in the assembly center Hisa and her family were sent to Tule Lake Concentration Camp.
School Portrait (ddr-densho-325-538)
img School Portrait (ddr-densho-325-538)
Written beneath the photograph in the photo album "7" for seventh grade
School Portrait (ddr-densho-325-533)
img School Portrait (ddr-densho-325-533)
Printed on the front of the photograph "School Days 1963-1964" and written beneath the photograph in the photo album "6" for sixth grade.
School Portrait (ddr-densho-325-530)
img School Portrait (ddr-densho-325-530)
Written beneath the photograph in the photo album is "6" for sixth grade.
Jerome T. Light Dissertation, Vol. I (ddr-densho-327-1)
doc Jerome T. Light Dissertation, Vol. I (ddr-densho-327-1)
"The Development of a Junior-Senior High School Program in a Relocation Center for People of Japanese Ancestry during the War with Japan" is Jerome T. Light's dissertation for his doctorate of Education from Leland Stanford Junior University.
Jerome T. Light Dissertation, Vol. II (ddr-densho-327-2)
doc Jerome T. Light Dissertation, Vol. II (ddr-densho-327-2)
Volume II of Light's dissertation is the appendix for the dissertation.
Antelope Valley Joint Union High School Yucca Yearbook 1931 (ddr-densho-394-27)
doc Antelope Valley Joint Union High School Yucca Yearbook 1931 (ddr-densho-394-27)
Lili Sugimoto's high school year book. The yearbook has many inscriptions in both the front and back of the book. Many teachers and students have signed near their photographs as well.
Lili Yuriko Sugimoto's High School Diploma (ddr-densho-394-28)
doc Lili Yuriko Sugimoto's High School Diploma (ddr-densho-394-28)
Lili Yuriko Sugimoto's High School Diploma from Antelope Valley Joint Union High School. Lili Sugimoto graduated on May 25, 1934.
1988 44th and 45th Reunion (ddr-densho-375-3)
doc 1988 44th and 45th Reunion (ddr-densho-375-3)
Yearbook-esque memory book of the 1988 Hunt High School Class Reunion Reunion in Seattle, Washington. Book contains portraits of attendees and candid photographs of the reunion.
1983 Hunt High School Reunion newsletters (ddr-densho-375-5)
doc 1983 Hunt High School Reunion newsletters (ddr-densho-375-5)
4 copies of Reunion newsletters from 1983, some with hand written notes
Hunt High School Reunion '85 (ddr-densho-375-4)
doc Hunt High School Reunion '85 (ddr-densho-375-4)
Yearbook-esque memory book of the 1985 Hunt High School Class Reunion Reunion in Seattle, Washington. Book contains portraits of attendees and candid photographs of the reunion.
Minidoka Remembered Memory Book (ddr-densho-375-1)
doc Minidoka Remembered Memory Book (ddr-densho-375-1)
Yearbook-esque memory book of the 2003 Minidoka Reunion in Seattle, Washington. Book contains portraits of attendees and candid photographs of the reunion.
50th Anniversary Hunt High School Class Reunion 1993 (ddr-densho-375-2)
doc 50th Anniversary Hunt High School Class Reunion 1993 (ddr-densho-375-2)
Yearbook-esque memory book of the 1993 Hunt High School 50th Class Reunion Reunion in Seattle, Washington. Book contains portraits of attendees and candid photographs of the reunion.
Hunt High School Reunion '85 (ddr-densho-375-6)
doc Hunt High School Reunion '85 (ddr-densho-375-6)
Address and non-attendee comment booklet for the 1985 Hunt High School Reunion in Seattle, Washington
High school band performance program (ddr-densho-338-180)
doc High school band performance program (ddr-densho-338-180)
"Demonstration of Bands and Orchestras of the San Jose Public Schools."
Certificate from City of Boston Evening High Schools (ddr-densho-355-14)
doc Certificate from City of Boston Evening High Schools (ddr-densho-355-14)
Certifying that Gentaro Takahashi passed the examination in English Composition II.