Pomona Center News
The Pomona Center News was the newspaper for the Pomona Assembly Center, California, which was open from May 7, 1942, to August 24, 1942. The newspaper provided information about activities and sports, living conditions, and the move to permanent camps.
World War II
Temporary Assembly Centers
Pomona Center News
24 items
24 items
Pomona Center News Vol. I No. 21 (August 5, 1942) (ddr-densho-193-21)
Selected article titles: "300 Workers to Leave Sunday" (p. 1), "No Packages After August 14" (p. 1), "Boxes Now Available" (p. 1), "US Regulations Ban Gifts for Division Heads" (p. 1), "Center Store to Remain Open" (p. 1), "Our New Home Nears Completion" (p. 2), "Borrowed Articles From Hospital Must Be Returned" (p. 2), "Ant Poison …
Pomona Center News Vol. I No. 14 (July 10, 1942) (ddr-densho-193-14)
Selected article titles: "Triggs Issues Statement on USO Drive Here" (p. 1), "Return Empty Bottles!" (p. 1), "Ban Travel in Eight Far Western States" (p. 1), "Mess Halls Graded in Contest" (p. 3), "Seek Barbers, Beauticians" (p. 4), "Prematurely Born Baby Dies" (p. 6).
Pomona Center News Vol. I No. 7 (June 16, 1942) (ddr-densho-193-7)
Selected article titles: "Graduation Rites Set. Diplomas to be Given on June 29" (p. 1), "Get Receipts for Property in Warehouse!" (p. 1), "New Central Commissary Established" (p. 1), "Out Patients Clinic Opens" (p. 1), "Library Gets More Books" (p. 2), "Household Goods Now on Sale at Center Store" (p. 3), "30 Barracks Get 50-Foot Fire …
Pomona Center News Vol. I No. 9 (June 23, 1942) (ddr-densho-193-9)
Selected article titles: "Voters Cast Ballots. Election to Continue During Week" (p. 1), "Inductees May Join Work Corps" (p. 1), "Grass Fire Causes Alarm" (p. 1), "Victory Gardens Sprout" (p. 2), "Seek Those With Experience in Teaching English" (p. 3), "Residents Leave Mementos for Friends Here" (p. 4), "Fence Play Ground for Children" (p. 4), "Plan …
Pomona Center News Vol. I No. 20 (August 1, 1942) (ddr-densho-193-20)
Selected article titles: "Rumors Say We're Going to Wyoming" (p. 1), "Residents May Obtain Boxes for Packing" (p. 1), "Extra Blankets Being Collected by Supply Division" (p. 1), "Ship Impounded Property" (p. 1), "Clothing Issued to Residents" (p. 3), "Return Sears Catalogues!" (p. 6).
Pomona Center News Vol. I No. 15 (July 14, 1942) (ddr-densho-193-15)
Selected article titles: "Evacuees Eligible for Benefits Under Federal Social Security Act. Payments Due Many in Centers" (p. 1), "Ban on Sale of Soda Pops Lifted But -- " (p. 1), "Japanese Print of Any Kind Forbidden Here" (p. 1), "500-Ft Fire Hose Added" (p. 2), "Skunk Scents Center" (p. 3), "Plan Dry Cleaning Service" (p. …
Pomona Center News Vol. I No. 10 (June 26, 1942) (ddr-densho-193-10)
Selected article titles: "46 Block Leaders Picked. 1141 Voters Turn Out in Three Days" (p. 1), "150 Students Get Diplomas Monday" (p. 1), "5 Teachers Visit Center on Sunday" (p. 1), "Gala Fourth Program Planned" (p. 3), "Center Auxiliary Police Lauded" (p. 3), "Classes in Rug Making Opened at Barrack 249" (p. 4).
Pomona Center News Vol. I No. 16 (July 17, 1942) (ddr-densho-193-16)
Selected article titles: "Rules for Transfer to Other Centers Revealed. Address All Requests to Manager" (p. 1), "Candy and Ice Cream Prices Back to 5 Cents" (p. 1), "Absentee Ballots" (p. 1), "New Dental Unit Opens" (p. 2), "Needy May Get Clothing at Welfare Office" (p. 2), "Warn on Ambulance Use" (p. 3), "Truckload of Paper …
Pomona Center News Vol. I No. 18 (July 24, 1942) (ddr-densho-193-18)
Selected article titles: "Mixed Families' Release Plan Told" (p. 1), "2nd Checks Total $16,744. 60% Increase Shown Over First Payroll" (p. 1), "Optical Service Added" (p. 1), "Repatriation Forms Must be Filed Today" (p. 1), "677 in 20-25 Age Group; 55 Over 70 Years, 24 Births" (p. 2), "Arts and Craft Exhibit Will Open Tomorrow" (p. …
Pomona Center News Vol. I No. 8 (June 19, 1942) (ddr-densho-193-8)
Selected article titles: "Election Next Week. Last Group of Nomination Meetings Set" (p. 1), "Hey, Youse Guys! You've Got a Rival" (p. 2), "A Guy Gets Married, Gives $20 to USO" (p. 3), "Draft, Occupation Questionnaires" (p. 3), "Fresh Fruits Available for Children" (p. 3), "Ban Ball Playing Between Barracks" (p. 3).
Pomona Center News Vol. I No. 23 (August 12, 1942) (ddr-densho-193-23)
Selected article titles: "Exodus Begins. First Orders of Clothing Arrive" (p. 1), "Editorial: Glad to Have Been of Service" (p. 2), "Many Articles Unclaimed at Police Station" (p. 2), "Cooperation Lauded by Assistant Manager" (p. 3), "Look Forward to Future, Advises Service Director" (p. 3), "Ship Radios by Freight" (p. 7).
Pomona Center News Vol. I No. 17 (July 23, 1942) (ddr-densho-193-17)
Selected article titles: "Red Cross Aides in Visit Here" (p. 1), "Center Residents Sell Automobiles to Army" (p. 1), "Health Situation Clarified by Hospital Chief" (p. 1), "Health Study for Mothers Planned" (p. 1), "Overworked, Shorthanded. They Continue to Serve" (p. 2), "Over Two Tons of Tin Cans Salvaged Here" (p. 3), "Mess Halls Now Being …
Pomona Center News Vol. I No. 3 (June 2, 1942) (ddr-densho-193-3)
Selected article titles: "War Dead Honored. Pomona Center Observes Memorial Day" (p. 1), "New Mess Schedules Announced" (p. 1), "Southern Sports Group Gives $50 to Center" (p. 1), "Opening of School is Postponed Until Next Monday" (p. 1), "200 Sign-up for Class in Embroidery" (p. 2), "Use of Wash Tubs" (p. 2), "Cooperation Sought by Police …
Pomona Center News Vol. I No. 4 (June 5, 1942) (ddr-densho-193-4)
Selected article titles: "Election Plans Made. Center Split Into Five Districts; Meetings Set" (p. 1), "Hey, Kids! It's Back to School" (p. 1), "Aliens Here to Register Next Week" (p. 1), "1192 Employed; More Work Orders Issued" (p. 2), "If You Don't Return Empty Bottles, Then --" (p. 2), "Cooks, Mess Hall Workers Thanked" (p. 3), …
Pomona Center News Vol. I No. 11 (June 30, 1942) (ddr-densho-193-11)
Selected article titles: "Author to Give Talk on Friday" (p. 1), "Award Diplomas to 200 Students Here" (p. 1), "Draft Sign-Up Ends Tonight" (p. 1), "Listen Folks: I'd Like to Get Some Sleep" (p. 2), "130 Register for Evening Adult School" (p. 3), "Search Barracks for Missing Items" (p. 3), "Add 200 More Books. 'Best Sellers' …
Pomona Center News Vol. I No. 6 (June 12, 1942) (ddr-densho-193-6)
Selected article titles: "1700 Aliens Register in 3 1/2 Days" (p. 1), "Hang Out Your Name Card for Bed Count!" (p. 1), "Residents Pay Tribute to Old Glory Sunday" (p. 1), "Nurses Make Health Survey" (p. 1), "It's Up to You, Mr. Cook!" (p. 2), "Kitchen Crews Put Out Fires in Mess Halls" (p. 3), "Inspection …
Pomona Center News Vol. I No. 22 (August 8, 1942) (ddr-densho-193-22)
Selected article titles: "Workers Leave 9 A.M. Tomorrow" (p. 1), "Wednesday Last Day For Issuance of Coupon Books" (p. 1), "All Residents of Mixed Blood Must Register" (p. 1), "Baggage Instructions Announced" (p. 1), "Kindly and Democratic is Our Center Manager" (p. 2), "Ten Residents Released from Pomona Center" (p. 2), "All Bicycles to Be Crafted …
Pomona Center News Vol. I No. 12 (July 3, 1942) (ddr-densho-193-12)
Selected article titles: "Fun Galore in Store. Residents to Turn Out for Gala 4th of July Program" (p. 1), "Schick Test Next Week" (p. 1), "Administration Will be Closed" (p. 1), "Bibles to be Presented" (p. 2), "Plan Class in Manual Training" (p. 3), "Check U.S. Property" (p. 3), "Children Get Milk" (p. 4), "Spike Freeze …
Pomona Center News Vol. I No. 13 (July 7, 1942) (ddr-densho-193-13)
Selected article titles: "$697 Given in USO Drive" (p. 1), "Notify Bank of Change of Address" (p. 1), "Not Eligible for Benefits from State" (p. 1), "Dental Office Opened" (p. 2), "5000 See Talent Show. Plays Top 4th of July Program" (p. 3), "250 Bibles Given Away" (p. 4), "Inspection of Barracks Made by Sanitation Crew" …
Pomona Center News Vol. I No. 19 (July 29, 1942) (ddr-densho-193-19)
Selected article titles: "Clothing Issuance Beings. Applications to be Taken From Friday" (p. 1), "Distribution of August Coupons Starts Saturday" (p. 1), "Spike Visitors and Mail Order Rumors" (p. 1), "Ban Barbers in Business for Private Gains" (p. 1), "Administration Area Now Veritable Garden" (p. 2), "Center Youngsters Make Getas in Carpentry Class" (p. 2), "Know …
Pomona Center News Vol. I No. 1 (May 23, 1942) (ddr-densho-193-1)
Selected article titles: "Talent Revue Success; Performance Lauded" (p. 1), "More Cots Ordered, Next Urges Care" (p. 1), "Triggs Succeeds Spencer as Center Manager" (p. 1), "I Am An American by May Horiuchi" (p. 2), "The Policy of the Pomona Center News" (p. 2), "Mail, Packages Left Unclaimed, Increasing Daily" (p. 3), "Center Store Opens Next …
Pomona Center News Vol. I No. 5 (June 9, 1942) (ddr-densho-193-5)
Selected article titles: "550 Attend First Day of School" (p. 1), "900 Dishes and Bowls Missing!" (p. 1), "Registration of Aliens Continues" (p. 1), "Check Health of Center Cooks" (p. 1), "110 New Extinguishers Installed by Fire Crew" (p. 2), "Center Residents Leave for Japan" (p. 3), "Piano Lessons Reported Coming Along Nicely" (p. 3).
Pomona Center News Vol. I No. 24 (August 14, 1942) (ddr-densho-193-24)
Selected article titles: "Nine Camp Monitors Appointed" (p. 1), "Supply Division Thanks Residents" (p. 1), "531 Set for Departure Tomorrow Morning" (p. 1), "All Aliens Must Register Prior to Evacuation" (p. 1), "Things Needed on Train Listed" (p. 2).
Pomona Center News Vol. I No. 25 (August 15, 1942) (ddr-densho-193-25)
Selected article titles: "More Leave Tomorrow" (p. 1), "First Detailed Report from Wyoming Received" (p. 1), "Arrangement of Barracks in Block" (p. 2).