The Japanese American Citizens League

The Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) was organized in the late 1920s by a small group of young, professional nisei in response to the anti-Japanese fervor of the times. The organization was decidedly patriotic and dealt with discrimination by emphasizing American citizenship, loyalty, and assimilation. Because of their ideology, JACL members were recruited by the military to assist in carrying out the "evacuation" orders, and they urged Japanese Americans to cooperate with the government. The group inspired strong, mixed feelings among Japanese Americans during this time. However, in the years following the war, the JACL regained much of its former support by successfully overturning many legal barriers for Japanese Americans.

Community activities (1042)
Associations and organizations (651)
The Japanese American Citizens League (1874)

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1874 items
General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, July 14, 1939 (ddr-csujad-44-137)
doc General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, July 14, 1939 (ddr-csujad-44-137)
Meeting minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Topics include the expenses of the Public Relations Board, the Fourth of July parade, and plans for various social events. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0136
General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, May 13, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-156)
doc General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, May 13, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-156)
Meeting minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Features discussion of the Arbor Day program, membership drive, El Toro softball league, graduation party, and a proposal from the Nihon-jin-kai (Nihonjinkai), or Japanese Association, that the JACL help decorate the hall for the opening celebration of the remodeled building. A list of new members is …
Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, April 1, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-152)
doc Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, April 1, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-152)
Minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League executive meeting. Includes discussion of participation in civic activities, an upcoming lecture on the Japanese American treaty abrogation, and plans for a talent show and movie fest. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0151
Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, August 18, 1938 (ddr-csujad-44-114)
doc Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, August 18, 1938 (ddr-csujad-44-114)
Minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League executive meeting. Topics include the county fair dance and selection of official delegates for the JACL National Convention. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0113
Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, April 14, 1937 (ddr-csujad-44-80)
doc Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, April 14, 1937 (ddr-csujad-44-80)
Minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League executive meeting. Topics discussed include a telegram asking for help fighting anti-alien legislation, the membership drive, and picnics the chapter is organizing. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0079
Meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, July 30, 1936 (ddr-csujad-44-73)
doc Meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, July 30, 1936 (ddr-csujad-44-73)
Meeting minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Topics include committee reports on participation in local parades, the Salinas chapter's request that the Monterey chapter assist the Watsonville JACL with travel expenses, and committee appointments. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0072_01
Meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, October 29, 1937 (ddr-csujad-44-94)
doc Meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, October 29, 1937 (ddr-csujad-44-94)
Meeting minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Topics discussed include whether the local chapter should continue to be involved with the Northern California District Council and the National Council, and nominations for social chairman. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0093
Special general meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, August 4, 1938 (ddr-csujad-44-113)
doc Special general meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, August 4, 1938 (ddr-csujad-44-113)
Meeting minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Includes discussion of matters relating to the skating party and raffle, JACL National Convention, and a bill from the Pacific Citizen. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0112
Scrapbook of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League (ddr-csujad-44-196)
img Scrapbook of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League (ddr-csujad-44-196)
Scrapbook of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Consists primarily of newspaper clippings from the Monterey Peninsula Herald and Pacific Citizen, the bulk of which pertain to social activities and charity benefits organized by the JACL, as well as the chapter's involvement in various community events, such as the annual Fourth of July parade. Also …
Executive board meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, March 2, 1937 (ddr-csujad-44-78)
doc Executive board meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, March 2, 1937 (ddr-csujad-44-78)
Minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League first executive meeting. Includes discussion of committee boards each member will serve on, and the duties of the various boards. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0077
Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, June 11, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-158)
doc Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, June 11, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-158)
Minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League executive meeting. Topics discussed include the District Council meeting in Fresno, dual citizenship and expatriation, a benefit talent show organized by the Salinas skeet club, and a proposal for a women's auxiliary. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0157
General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, August 28, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-189)
doc General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, August 28, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-189)
Meeting minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Includes discussion of matters relating to the entertainment of soldiers, the need for additional fundraising, the special District Council meeting in Stockton, the women's auxiliary, and raising money with the support of the Issei. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project …
Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, September 13, 1938 (ddr-csujad-44-116)
doc Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, September 13, 1938 (ddr-csujad-44-116)
Minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League executive meeting. Includes discussion of matters relating to the JACL National Convention, the parade and Japanese tea garden at the county fair, the upcoming benefit show, and the inaugural ball. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0115
General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, October 23, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-193)
doc General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, October 23, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-193)
Meeting minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Features discussion of the club room remodel project, including suggestions on how to raise money. Additional topics include the Northern California District Council meeting, Pacific Citizen newspaper, and the publication of a patriotic bulletin. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project …
Executive board meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, February 8, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-146)
doc Executive board meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, February 8, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-146)
Minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League executive meeting. Includes discussion of funds raised for the National Infantile Paralysis Fund, the Japanese Association Hall lawn project, transportation to the District Council meeting in San Jose, and suggestions for increasing membership. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0145
General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, January 12, 1939 (ddr-csujad-44-123)
doc General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, January 12, 1939 (ddr-csujad-44-123)
Meeting minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Topics discussed include the upkeep of the Japanese Association Hall, the anti-alien fishing bill, the Northern California District Council gathering, and the skating party for the commemoration of the President's Ball. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0122
Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, October 17, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-168)
doc Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, October 17, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-168)
Minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League executive meeting. Features discussion of the JACL-sponsored carnival, the New Years dance, the appointment of a new chairman to the dance class, and the suggestion that the chapter discuss how the Nisei should conduct themselves during times of unrest. See this object in the California State Universities …
Meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, November 18, 1938 (ddr-csujad-44-120)
doc Meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, November 18, 1938 (ddr-csujad-44-120)
Meeting minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Topics addressed include the Community Chest drive, inauguration of district council officers, and Christmas party plans. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0119
General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, April 17, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-182)
doc General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, April 17, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-182)
Meeting minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Topics include the National Convention in Monterey, the Fourth of July parade, and the JACL-sponsored community picnic. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0181
Special general meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, May 1, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-184)
doc Special general meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, May 1, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-184)
Meeting minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Topics include donations from other chapters for use of the Monterey chapter's American flag, the community picnic, and the proposal to collect donations at the picnic. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0183
Meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, November 5, 1936 (ddr-csujad-44-76)
doc Meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, November 5, 1936 (ddr-csujad-44-76)
Meeting minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Includes reports on expenses relating to the "Japan Night" program at the county fair, the postponement of the garden project, and committee appointments. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0075
Meeting of the Public Relations Board of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League (ddr-csujad-44-86)
doc Meeting of the Public Relations Board of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League (ddr-csujad-44-86)
Meeting minutes of the Public Relations Board of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Includes discussion of the District Council meeting in Santa Rosa. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0085
Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, April 6, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-181)
doc Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, April 6, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-181)
Minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League executive meeting. Features discussion of matters relating to the membership drive, the Japanese show, and the community picnic. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0180
Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, June 3, 1937 (ddr-csujad-44-88)
doc Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, June 3, 1937 (ddr-csujad-44-88)
Minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League executive meeting. Discussion topics include the Northern California District Council meeting, recreation during the summer months, the county fair, and the Fourth of July parade. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0087
Meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, January 18, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-145)
doc Meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, January 18, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-145)
Meeting minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Topics include the installation of new chapter officers, raising money for the National Infantile Paralysis Fund through JACL-sponsored benefits, and the lawn project at the Japanese Association Hall. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0144