The Japanese American Citizens League

The Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) was organized in the late 1920s by a small group of young, professional nisei in response to the anti-Japanese fervor of the times. The organization was decidedly patriotic and dealt with discrimination by emphasizing American citizenship, loyalty, and assimilation. Because of their ideology, JACL members were recruited by the military to assist in carrying out the "evacuation" orders, and they urged Japanese Americans to cooperate with the government. The group inspired strong, mixed feelings among Japanese Americans during this time. However, in the years following the war, the JACL regained much of its former support by successfully overturning many legal barriers for Japanese Americans.

Community activities (1956)
Associations and organizations (728)
The Japanese American Citizens League (2107)

Related articles from the Densho Encyclopedia :
Warren Furutani, Japanese American Citizens League, Saburo Kido, James Sakamoto, Masao Satow, Walter Tsukamoto, Edison Uno


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2107 items
Turlock Social Club regular meeting minutes, January 19, 1936 (ddr-csujad-46-46)
doc Turlock Social Club regular meeting minutes, January 19, 1936 (ddr-csujad-46-46)
Turlock Social Club regular meeting held by president James Yoshino and secretary George Marimoto. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csus_nac_0046
Turlock Social Club meeting minutes, June 5, 1938 (ddr-csujad-46-42)
doc Turlock Social Club meeting minutes, June 5, 1938 (ddr-csujad-46-42)
Turlock Social Club meeting minutes led by President Jack Noda. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csus_nac_0042
Turlock Social Club certificate of donation appreciation (ddr-csujad-46-33)
doc Turlock Social Club certificate of donation appreciation (ddr-csujad-46-33)
Turlock Social Club Certificate of Donation Appreciation. Inlcudes names of Japanese American indiciduals, Taiji or Yasuji Fujimoto and Nobutsugu or Shinji Tsuda. Documents in Japanese. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csus_nac_0033
Turlock Social Club meeting minutes, February 4, 1934 (ddr-csujad-46-44)
doc Turlock Social Club meeting minutes, February 4, 1934 (ddr-csujad-46-44)
Turlock Social Club meeting held by president James Yoshino and secretary Jack Noda, discussing finances. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csus_nac_0044
Constitution of the Stanislaus-Merced Chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League (ddr-csujad-46-4)
doc Constitution of the Stanislaus-Merced Chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League (ddr-csujad-46-4)
Constitution of the Stanislaus-Merced Chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League and chapter requirements. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csus_nac_0004
Turlock Social Club meeting minutes, October 1, 1937 (ddr-csujad-46-48)
doc Turlock Social Club meeting minutes, October 1, 1937 (ddr-csujad-46-48)
Turlock Social Club meeting discussing funds. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csus_nac_0048
Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, November 14, 1938 (ddr-csujad-44-119)
doc Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, November 14, 1938 (ddr-csujad-44-119)
Minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League executive meeting. Includes discussion of matters relating to the Community Chest drive, Christmas party, and New Years dance. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0118
Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, July 30, 1937 (ddr-csujad-44-92)
doc Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, July 30, 1937 (ddr-csujad-44-92)
Minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League executive meeting. Features discussion of plans for the county fair, including the tea garden, parade, and barn dance. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0091
General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, April 8, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-153)
doc General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, April 8, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-153)
Meeting minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Topics addressed include the dance class at the Bay View Grammar School, the JACL membership drive and rally, Dr. Inui's lecture at the church, and fundraising ideas. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0152
Meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, February 27, 1935 (ddr-csujad-44-62)
doc Meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, February 27, 1935 (ddr-csujad-44-62)
Meeting minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Topics addressed include the results of a recent benefit show, an upcoming tea party to introduce the JACL to the larger community, and the price of dues. A report on the joint meeting at Salinas is also given. See this object in the California State Universities …
Members of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, December 1937 (ddr-csujad-44-97)
doc Members of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, December 1937 (ddr-csujad-44-97)
List of the members of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0096
Special meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, March 22, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-151)
doc Special meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, March 22, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-151)
Meeting minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Includes discussion of how much the chapter should donate toward the reconstruction of the "Nihon-jin-kai" (Nihonjinkai = Japanese Association) building, the location and date of Dr. Inui's lecture, and the voter registration deadline. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: …
Meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, December 21, 1938 (ddr-csujad-44-121)
doc Meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, December 21, 1938 (ddr-csujad-44-121)
Meeting minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Includes discussion of matters relating to the New Years dance, the Northern California District Council, an amendment to the JACL constitution, and the election of chapter officers. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0120
Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, May 29, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-157)
doc Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, May 29, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-157)
Minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League executive meeting. Includes discussion of the 1941 convention, Monterey Birthday Party program, Fresno District Council meeting, Pacific Citizen newspaper, and a suggested letter of protest in response to an article in Liberty Magazine. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0156
Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, April 11, 1939 (ddr-csujad-44-131)
doc Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, April 11, 1939 (ddr-csujad-44-131)
Minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League executive meeting. Includes discussion of matters relating to Assemblyman Weybret's opposition to the anti-alien fishing bill, the cherry tree formal presentation at the Monterey Union High School, and the proposal to display the chapter's American flag at the Monterey Bank show. See this object in the California …
General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, February 15, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-147)
doc General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, February 15, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-147)
Meeting minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Includes discussion of donations to the Infantile Paralysis Fund, participation in the Monterey Birthday Party event, and a petition for the Inter-Mountain District Council to join the National JACL. Additional topics include the Northern California District Council meeting, suggestions for how to increase membership, and protocols …
Special meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, June 23, 1939 (ddr-csujad-44-136)
doc Special meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, June 23, 1939 (ddr-csujad-44-136)
Meeting minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Includes reports on the Japanese Association Hall lawn project and the Fourth of July parade. Discussion topics include the Northern District Council Convention, and whether to propose Monterey as the location of the 1941 convention. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization …
General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, June 14, 1939 (ddr-csujad-44-135)
doc General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, June 14, 1939 (ddr-csujad-44-135)
Meeting minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Topics include the Japanese Association lawn project, participation in Fourth of July festivities, and plans for a talent parade and movie screening. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0134
General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, September 12, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-167)
doc General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, September 12, 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-167)
Meeting minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Topics covered include the women's auxiliary, the "Tradewind," suggestions for JACL's participation in the Monterey County Fair, the proposal to sponsor a carnival in conjunction with the planned benefit drawing, and the anti-alien fishing bills. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization …
Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, May 6, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-183)
doc Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, May 6, 1941 (ddr-csujad-44-183)
Minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League executive meeting. Includes discussion of matters relating to the mixer at the Bay View Grammar School, graduation party, Fourth of July parade, Memorial Day cleanup, and National Convention. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0182
Meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, August 6, 1937 (ddr-csujad-44-93)
doc Meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, August 6, 1937 (ddr-csujad-44-93)
Meeting minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Includes reports from JACL boards on several topics, including donations, attendance at a Monterey City Council meeting, tea garden project construction and expenses, the upcoming barn dance, and the county fair parade. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0092
Digest of the West Coast Newspaper Items, December 6, 1945 to January 15, 1946 (ddr-csujad-19-8)
doc Digest of the West Coast Newspaper Items, December 6, 1945 to January 15, 1946 (ddr-csujad-19-8)
Factual information describing the activities of the Japanese Americans in the armed forces, Anti Japanese activities, housing of Japanese Americans in Burbank and other significant activities during the period from December 6, 1945 to January 15 , 1946. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: WRA_01-01_03
Letter from Michi Weglyn to Frank Chin, September 5, 1995 (ddr-csujad-24-88)
doc Letter from Michi Weglyn to Frank Chin, September 5, 1995 (ddr-csujad-24-88)
A letter from Michi Weglyn to Frank Chin in which criticizes the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) for dismissing the Lim Report, a report commissioned by JACL in 1989 to determine the extent of their collaboration with Japanese American incarceration during Word War II. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project …
Photograph of Michi Weglyn receiving award (ddr-csujad-24-143)
img Photograph of Michi Weglyn receiving award (ddr-csujad-24-143)
Japanese American Citizenship League (JACL) National President [Shigeki] Sugiyama presenting Michi Weglyn with the Japanese American of the Biennium Award. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: chi_10_011
Letter from Mits Koshiyama to Michi Weglyn, January 26, 1993 (ddr-csujad-24-52)
doc Letter from Mits Koshiyama to Michi Weglyn, January 26, 1993 (ddr-csujad-24-52)
A letter from Mits Koshiyama to Michi Weglyn about an article in Nichi Bei by Nisei veteran Eji Suyama. Koshiyama praises Suyama for writing that the Nisei veterans were used by the US government. Koshiyama agrees with this point, but argues that a resister like himself cannot make it in public without being criticized by the …