Social and recreational activities

Japanese Americans found ways to fill the long days created by the enforced idleness of camp life. They made jewelry from shells found in the desert, built furniture for their rooms using scrap lumber and renovated the exteriors of their barracks. People also played cards, chess, checkers, mahjongg, and the Japanese games 'go' and 'shogi.' Camp inmates held dances, concerts, plays, and arts and crafts exhibitions. In Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho, they even held a beauty contest to select the "Sweetheart of Minidoka."

World War II (240)
Concentration camps (1640)
Social and recreational activities (1216)

Related articles from the Densho Encyclopedia :
Arts and crafts in camp, Music in camp


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1216 items
Farewell dinner at Heart Mountain concentration camp (ddr-densho-242-22)
img Farewell dinner at Heart Mountain concentration camp (ddr-densho-242-22)
Caption on front: "Tom Sashikara Aug '44." Caption by Ike Hatchimonji: "Heart Mountain Aug. 1944. Caption reads: 'Farewell dinner for Tom Sashikara leaving for Cleveland, OH. Guy Robertson, the camp director and Mrs. Pryne were there.' K. Hatchimonji is seen on left with his hand on his chin."
Community Council at Heart Mountain concentration camp (ddr-densho-242-13)
img Community Council at Heart Mountain concentration camp (ddr-densho-242-13)
Caption on front: "Second Com. Council [illegible] - July 1944." Caption by Ike Hatchimonji: "Heart Mountain, Wyoming, july 1944. Community Council. Block representatives. Kumezo Hatchimonji, block 27, back row, extreme left."
Play staged in an internment camp (ddr-densho-64-1)
img Play staged in an internment camp (ddr-densho-64-1)
The play being performed is comic relief for a nine series adult drama. Mako Nakagawa is on the far right.
Cast of a stage play (ddr-densho-64-2)
img Cast of a stage play (ddr-densho-64-2)
Mako Nakagawa is in the front row on the far right.
Boy Scout troop (ddr-densho-160-72)
img Boy Scout troop (ddr-densho-160-72)
This is Troop 179's Drum and Bugle Corps from Los Angeles.
Elementary school princesses (ddr-densho-20-3)
img Elementary school princesses (ddr-densho-20-3)
Elementary school princesses. Left to right: Unidentified, unidentified, Miyuki Hasegawa, Julie Hikida, Marianne Okawa, Haruko Nishimura, Kazuko Noji, Frank Sato, unidentified, Harumi Iwakiri.