Recreational activities

Japanese American communities organized group social activities such as family picnics and outings to the beach or to parks when the demands of work allowed. These activities gave hardworking families the chance to spend leisure time with their friends and neighbors.

Community activities (1956)
Recreational activities (727)


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727 items
Georgia Star (ddr-densho-473-1)
img Georgia Star (ddr-densho-473-1)
Colorized photograph of the ship Georgia Star on the water
Picnic at a park (ddr-densho-16-21)
img Picnic at a park (ddr-densho-16-21)
Women pictured in foreground (left to right): Ayako Murakami (in sunglasses), Matsuyo Murakami, Masako Murakami.
Kagoshima Kenjinkai picnic (ddr-densho-20-17)
img Kagoshima Kenjinkai picnic (ddr-densho-20-17)
This is a men's dance group. The headbands are inscribed with the Shimazu family crest.
Grocery store owners' picnic (ddr-densho-20-14)
img Grocery store owners' picnic (ddr-densho-20-14)
Japanese American grocers and their families gathered for this picnic at Jackson Park in Seattle, Washington. The picnic included dancing. Left to right: unidentified, Marianne Okawa, May Tsutsumoto, and unidentified.
Issei picnic (ddr-densho-20-10)
img Issei picnic (ddr-densho-20-10)
Yoshiro Okawa (second from left) and friends on a picnic.
Children seated on grass at Point Defiance Zoo (ddr-densho-18-4)
img Children seated on grass at Point Defiance Zoo (ddr-densho-18-4)
Front: George Natsuhara. Back (left to right): Maryo Natsuhara, Izuru Watanabe, Kazuo Watanabe, Jack Natsuhara, and May Natsuhara.
Taking photographs on Mount Rainier (ddr-densho-18-89)
img Taking photographs on Mount Rainier (ddr-densho-18-89)
Willie Maebori (left) and Frank Natsuhara enjoy the view from Sunrise, Mount Rainier National Park.