Politics [235] (formerly Political activism and involvement [120])
World War II
Leaving camp
Related articles from the
Densho Encyclopedia :
Japanese American Evacuation and Resettlement Study,
Japanese American Joint Board,
Thomas W. Parker,
Resettlement in Chicago,
Resettlement in Denver,
Resettlement in New York,
Salt Lake City governors' meeting,
Terrorist incidents against West Coast returnees,
Gretchen Van Tassel
1504 items
WRA resettlement image (ddr-densho-7-6)
Original WRA caption: "Here is a corner view of the spacious living room in the home of the Kaneko and Isoda families who have resettled in Milwaukee. Mrs. Tei Kaneko is opening her knitting bag while on the floor (left to right) are Robin Isoda, 2-1/2, son of Mr. and Mrs. Georg[e] Isoda, and Wayne Kaneko, …
WRA resettlement image (ddr-densho-7-4)
Original WRA caption: The lagoon in Juneau Park on the lake's edge is a favorite for Milwaukee strollers and also with the Nisei who have resettled in Milwaukee. This picture shows an extremely mild winter day. The ducks on the lagoon are wild Mallards which often spend the winter at the Milwaukee lagoon and lake front …
WRA resettlement image (ddr-densho-7-12)
Original WRA caption: When Mrs. Masumi Kaneko goes shopping, she likes to take her young 2-1/2-year-old son, Wayne, to the store with her. Here Mrs. Kaneko, comfortably dressed in a sport coat and slacks, is leaving her Milwaukee home to visit the nearby shopping center. The Kanekos live at 4301 with another Nisei family, Mr. and …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 52, No. 19 (May 12, 1961) (ddr-pc-33-19)
Selected article titles: "'Issei Story' One of the Most Important Tasks: Wakamatsu" (p. 1), "Evacuee Groups Resettled in Chicago, Los Angeles Seek Gov't Aid to Remove Japanese Graves from Rowher; Others Disagree" (pp. 1, 3), and "3 Waves of Issei Settled in Omaha: 1st Came as Strikebreakers, 2nd as Businessmen, and 3rd as Evacuees from West …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 55, No. 25 (December 21, 1962) (ddr-pc-34-51)
Selected article titles: "What Prevented Disaster from Becoming a Catastrophe? Evacuation and Resettlement of Japanese Americans Reviewed" (p.A1-2), "Nisei GI and Resettlement" (p.A1, 3), "First Returnees Set Economic Rebirth Pattern" (p.A3), "Fear of Negro-Japanese Conflict Premature" (p.A3), "Japanese American Migration Patterns Following War Relocation" (p.B1-2), "Civil Rights" (p.B3-4), "'60-'70 Planning Commission Cites Advance in Youth" (p.B5), …
Letter from Frank Herron Smith to C. I. O. Reporter, Station KYA, San Francisco, May 5, 1945 (ddr-csujad-21-3)
Letter to popular local radio reporter requests that he speak out against injustices perpetrated against Japanese American citizens during World War II. Smith notes his responsibility for "the care of our 37 Japanese churches," states that he is concerned that church members are not being allowed to work in canneries in Sacramento by the union, and …
Letter from Francis Biddle, Attorney General of the United States, to Frank Herron Smith, May 30, 1945 (ddr-csujad-21-6)
Response to information from Smith states that, unless a federal law is violated, Biddle can not be involved, but that this "serious" matter "should be taken up directly with the Governor of California." See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: 065-1-a-01-01-06
Letter from Earl Warren, Governor of California, to Frank Herron Smith May 29, 1945 (ddr-csujad-21-5)
Response to Smith's letter detailing incidents against Japanese Americans returning to California informs Smith that law enforcement is a local responsibility, and that Warren has "personally urged every Mayor and every principal law enforcement officer in the state to support the government and do his full duty in this situation." Warren states that he is aware …
Letter from Frank Herron Smith to J. H. Peiper, Federal Bureau of Investigation, May 4, 1945 (ddr-csujad-21-1)
Smith urges FBI action be taken to stop injustices done to Japanese American citizens during World War II. Letter mentions correspondence from a Japanese pastor in Livingston, California, near Modesto and Merced, describing "no less than eight shooting incidents in which night-riders have shot into the homes of our church members." Smith also describes shooting and …
Letter from Frank Herron Smith to President Harry S. Truman, May 4, 1945 (ddr-csujad-21-2)
Smith urges Truman to ask "Edgar J. Hoover and his organization" to help control "the arsonists and night-riders who are terrorizing the few Japanese Americans who have returned to the West Coast." Smith states that approximately 60,000 of the "110,000" people who were "evacuated" seek to return to their homes, under pressure from the War Relocation …
Letter from Tom C. Clark, Assistant Attorney General of the United States, to Frank Herron Smith, May 31, 1945 (ddr-csujad-21-7)
Referencing Clark's May 4, 1945 letter to Harry Truman regarding violence against Japanese Americans on the West Coast, Clark informs Smith that unless a federal law is violated, the FBI can not be involved. See related Letter from Frank Herron Smith to President Harry S. Truman, May 4, 1945. See this object in the California State …
Letter from Francis Biddle, Attorney General of the United States, to Frank Herron Smith, May 8, 1945 (ddr-csujad-21-4)
Biddle's response to Smith's letter to Harry Truman requesting that J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI become involved in stopping the arson and shootings perpetrated against Japanese Americans (see Letter from Frank Herron Smith to President Harry S. Truman, May 4, 1945) informs Smith that unless a federal law is violated, he can not be involved. …
Little Americans with Japanese faces [Nancy Fujita and Gordon Nagai] (ddr-csujad-23-5)
A photograph of Nancy Kiyoko Fujita from Petaluma, California (Block 10-H, 12-C at Amache) and Gordon Nagai from Livingston, California (Block 10-H, 11-B at Amache) appeared in an issue of "Time" or known as "Time magazine" either in late 1943 or early 1944 along with an article discussing the resettlement issue. See this object in the …
George Nobuo Naohara's handwritten note: postcard business at the Tule Lake camp (ddr-csujad-38-107)
George Nobuo Naohara's handwritten note describing his business at the Tule Lake camp in California. English translation: Geroge Naohara made postcards, adding his illustrations on blank cards, and sold them at the Post Exchange at the Tule Lake camp where his old friend worked. George's friend helped him to sell his postcards at the store. The …
George Naohara's handwritten note (ddr-csujad-38-160)
Handwritten note from "George Naohara photo album" (csudh_nao_0001), page 15. George Nobuo Naohara details his experience after moving from Idaho to Utah. He was a farm labor for sugar beets farm at Norman Johnson in Utah but was working in a hotel as a dish washer during the winter. He and his friend, Tadashi Sakaida, visited …
Envelope from War Relocation Authority, United States Department of the Interior, to George Naohara, September 27, 1945 (ddr-csujad-38-569)
An envelope from War Relocation Authority, United States Department of the Interior, to George Nobuo Naohara in Chicago, Illinois, where he has been reestablishing his life after leaving the Tule Lake camp, California. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_05_13_022
Government property release for evacuees (ddr-csujad-38-544)
A form of "Government property release for evacuees" issued for Tomosuke Masukawa, Block 318-2-D at the Poston camp, Arizona. It is singed by Block Manager, H. Hanemoto and Leave Officer in the camp. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nao_05_09_002
Chapter 8, 9, 10 personality cards (ddr-csujad-26-35)
Journal entries written by high school students discussing their observations and perspectives on a variety of topics including movies, dances, dissatisfaction with recreation, family dynamics, desire to leave camp, cultural and generational differences, and weather. Each entry includes the full date and student name. The entries were part of a class assignment and collected for the …
Women gather next to bus (ddr-csujad-26-74)
Women gather next to a packed bus with people inside possibly for "resettlement." From photo album of Robert Billigmeier. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: mei_05_011
Departure for resettlement in the East (ddr-csujad-26-68)
A large crowd of Japanese American incarcerees gather around packed vehicle with trailer. Caption on back of photograph reads, "Departure for resettlement in the East." From photo album of Robert Billigmeier. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: mei_05_005
Help wanted (ddr-csujad-47-8)
A photograph of a female and male incarceree reviewing the "Help Wanted" bulletin board with several notices tacked to it. The tar paper construction of the buildings can be seen behind the bulletin board. Caption reads: Help Wanted. Title from caption, which was taken from the original photo album. See this object in the California State …
Letter from Dillon S. Myer, Director, War Relocation Authority, to Project Directors, June 8, 1943; Community analysis report, no. 5 (June 1943) (ddr-csujad-48-57)
Letter from Dillon S. Myer to Project Directors on June 8, 1943. Report on "Evacuee Resistances to Relocation" (or, leaving the incarceration camps). Evacuee resistance to relocation. Presents three "fundamental reasons" for the "relocation program" designed to encourage people to move out of the incarceration camps, then describes the "ideal relocation program," which would see "every …
Heart Mountain Relocation Project Fourth Community Council, 26th session (June 1, 1945) (ddr-csujad-45-29)
The council minutes feature plans to issue a bulletin in regards to differentiation of freight movements during relocation. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: HMRC_01-01_058
Photograph of a departure by WRA escort en route to Reno (ddr-csujad-47-7)
Photograph of a "departure by WRA escort in station wagon en route to Reno." The license plate is M115 and there are at least five people in the car with luggage tied on to the tailgate. Barracks and utility poles can be seen in the background as well as the Sierra Nevada. Quoted description is from …