Leaving camp

World War II (239)
Leaving camp (354)

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All Center Conference


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359 items
Roger Daniels Interview Segment 11 (ddr-densho-1012-17-11)
vh Roger Daniels Interview Segment 11 (ddr-densho-1012-17-11)
The role of the War Relocation Authority in dispersing Japanese Americans after camp (audio only)

This interview is audio-only. It contains raw footage used by Steven Okazaki in his 1985 film Unfinished Business.

This material is based upon work assisted by a grant from the Department of the Interior, National Park Service. Any opinions, finding, …

An Oral History with Norman Y. Mineta - Segment 1 (ddr-csujad-29-55-1)
vh An Oral History with Norman Y. Mineta - Segment 1 (ddr-csujad-29-55-1)
Japanese American congressman, representing the Thirteenth Congressional District of California, born and raised in San Jose, California, discusses his early life, graduation from the University of California, Berkeley, and receiving a commission and serving in the armed forces from 1953-1956. Recalls the removal, "relocation," and incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II at the Heart …
All Center Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah (ddr-densho-242-29)
img All Center Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah (ddr-densho-242-29)
Caption by Ike Hatchimonji: "This Photograph Taken by Bill Shipler, Salt Lake City, 44043." Caption: "The All Center Conference. Feb 16-25, 1945 Salt Lake City, Utah. Representatives from every WRA camp met to confer with officials of the WRA to discuss issues facing internees after release from the camps. Kumezo Hatchimonji quote: 'The delegation from Heart …
Letter from Amy Morooka to Violet Sell (ddr-densho-457-39)
doc Letter from Amy Morooka to Violet Sell (ddr-densho-457-39)
Amy Morooka writes to Violet Sell about the Christmas holiday, issues with Midori, a visit from Martha, upcoming wedding plans, and more.
Letter from Amy Sugano to Violet Sell (ddr-densho-457-43)
doc Letter from Amy Sugano to Violet Sell (ddr-densho-457-43)
Amy Sugano writes to Violet Sell about Violet's health, photographs of her wedding [not included], updates on family, and more.
Letter from Martha Morooka to Violet Sell (ddr-densho-457-46)
doc Letter from Martha Morooka to Violet Sell (ddr-densho-457-46)
Martha Morooka writes to Violet Sell about Christmas gifts, a trip to Chicago, not returning to California, her job, and more.
Letter from Martha Morooka to Violet Sell (ddr-densho-457-32)
doc Letter from Martha Morooka to Violet Sell (ddr-densho-457-32)
Martha Morooka writes to Violet Sell about Violet's health, a visit from First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, Easter celebrations, school plans, and more.
Letter from Amy Morooka to Violet Sell (ddr-densho-457-35)
doc Letter from Amy Morooka to Violet Sell (ddr-densho-457-35)
Amy Morooka writes to Violet Sell about her mother's health, upcoming plans to marry Tomio, updates on John and Midori's marriage, and more.
Letter from Amy Morooka to Violet Sell (ddr-densho-457-42)
doc Letter from Amy Morooka to Violet Sell (ddr-densho-457-42)
Amy Morooka writes to Violet Sell about leaving camp and her upcoming wedding.
Letter from Amy Morooka to Violet Sell (ddr-densho-457-36)
doc Letter from Amy Morooka to Violet Sell (ddr-densho-457-36)
Amy Morooka writes to Violet Sell about her mother's health, Tomio's new job at Yale, another request to have a portrait reproduced, and more.
Letter from John Morooka to Violet Sell (ddr-densho-457-44)
doc Letter from John Morooka to Violet Sell (ddr-densho-457-44)
John Morooka writes to Violet Sell about his life after leaving camp and with updates on friends and family.
Letter from Amy Morooka to Violet Sell (ddr-densho-457-22)
doc Letter from Amy Morooka to Violet Sell (ddr-densho-457-22)
Amy Morooka writes to Violet Sell about the recent holidays, feeling sick with Valley Fever, her new job, being encouraged to leave camp, and encloses a Christmas program.
Letter from Martha Morooka to Violet Sell (ddr-densho-457-52)
doc Letter from Martha Morooka to Violet Sell (ddr-densho-457-52)
Martha Morooka writes to Violet Sell about her nephew Larry, possibly returning to California, updates on her family, and more.
Letter from Amy Morooka to Violet Sell (ddr-densho-457-51)
doc Letter from Amy Morooka to Violet Sell (ddr-densho-457-51)
Amy Sugano writes to Violet Sell about her family resettling outside Gila River and with updates on her newborn, Larry.
The Northwest Times Vol. 1 No. 1 (January 1, 1947) (ddr-densho-229-1)
doc The Northwest Times Vol. 1 No. 1 (January 1, 1947) (ddr-densho-229-1)
"Legislature Will Weigh Proposal to End Bias in Employment" (p. 1), "Ex-OWI Aide Cites Losses of Evacuees" (p. 1), "Where Should Nisei Settle Down? Wherever He is Happy, Writer Thinks" (p. 2), "Nisei Hoopsters Start '47 Season Jan. 8" (p. 3).
The Northwest Times Vol. 3 No. 43 (May 28, 1949) (ddr-densho-229-210)
doc The Northwest Times Vol. 3 No. 43 (May 28, 1949) (ddr-densho-229-210)
"Canada's Japanese Unit Offices Will be Shut as of July 31" (p. 1), "Three Newspapers Support Passage of Judd's Measure for Equality with Editorials" (p. 1), ""House for Hiroshima' Group Will Depart United States for Japan Friday, Jun 24" (p. 1).
The Northwest Times Vol. 1 No. 39 (June 6, 1947) (ddr-densho-229-27)
doc The Northwest Times Vol. 1 No. 39 (June 6, 1947) (ddr-densho-229-27)
"Many Alaska Salmon Industry Workers Sought" (p. 1), "Report Cites B.C. Removal of Japanese" (p. 1), "Okada and Satow Will Speak Here Monday Night in Buddhist Church; Report on Claims Board Bill" (p. 1).
Letter to Henrietta Schoen from Eijiro Suzuki (ddr-densho-223-62)
doc Letter to Henrietta Schoen from Eijiro Suzuki (ddr-densho-223-62)
A letter thanking Henrietta Schoen for her care while Eijiro Suzuki was in the hospital at Santa Fe.