
Concentration Camp

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3176 items
Military volunteers (ddr-densho-37-663)
img Military volunteers (ddr-densho-37-663)
Original WRA caption: Volunteers for induction into the U.S. Army to serve in a special combat team of Japanese-Americans. At foot of flag pole stand H.L. Stafford, project director and right, Philip Schafer, assistant project director.
Elementary school flagpole dedication (ddr-densho-37-719)
img Elementary school flagpole dedication (ddr-densho-37-719)
Original WRA caption: Dedication of the flag pole at the Huntville Elementary School conducted by the Boy Scouts of the Hunt troop. The Huntville School is one of two elementary schools in the Minidoka Relocation Center.
Panoramic view of camp (ddr-densho-37-746)
img Panoramic view of camp (ddr-densho-37-746)
Original WRA caption: A panorama view of the Minidoka War Relocation Authority center. This view, taken from the top of the water tower at the east end of the center, shows partially completed barracks.
Japanese Americans harvesting corn (ddr-densho-37-711)
img Japanese Americans harvesting corn (ddr-densho-37-711)
Original WRA caption: Harvesting the first corn crop at the Minidoka Relocation Center from fields which were covered with sagebrush last spring. Note the sleeves and the cloth and head cloth work by the evacuee woman on the left to protect her from the sun.
Registration of camp transferees (ddr-densho-37-56)
img Registration of camp transferees (ddr-densho-37-56)
Original WRA caption: Transferees from Tule Lake Relocation Center being registered for housing immediately after inspection of baggage. It was arranged so that the people arriving by truck from the rail siding unloaded their baggage for inspection and received their housing assignments at the same time and then got back on the trucks for delivery to …
King of Hunt High School (ddr-densho-37-3)
img King of Hunt High School (ddr-densho-37-3)
Original WRA caption: King of Hunt High School May Day festival being crowned by Richard A. Pomeroy, Supt. of Education, is shown with his attendants. The court was chosen by popular vote in a contest sponsored by the student body. Left to right: Prince Victor Fujioka, princess Dorothy Sugawara, Mr. Pomeroy, King Johnny Okamoto, Princess Sue …
Minidoka concentration camp new arrivals (ddr-densho-37-757)
img Minidoka concentration camp new arrivals (ddr-densho-37-757)
Original WRA caption: High school teachers assist arriving evacuees from the Tule Lake Relocation Center.
Japanese Americans plowing a field (ddr-densho-37-704)
img Japanese Americans plowing a field (ddr-densho-37-704)
Original WRA caption: A tractor drawn disk breaks up soil of a new farm field from the sagebrush adjacent to the Minidoka Relocation Center.
Japanese American clearing land (ddr-densho-37-707)
img Japanese American clearing land (ddr-densho-37-707)
Original WRA caption: An evacuee drives a heavy tractor pulling a triangle of heavy railroad irons breaking off sagebrush. This is one of the methods of clearing off land of the sagebrush adjacent to the Minidoka Relocation Center.
Japanese American preparing a garden (ddr-densho-37-720)
img Japanese American preparing a garden (ddr-densho-37-720)
Original WRA caption: High school student plowing space between barrack building classrooms in Block 23 to prepare ground for grass, flowers, and vegetables.
Japanese Americans working outside barracks (ddr-densho-37-721)
img Japanese Americans working outside barracks (ddr-densho-37-721)
Original WRA caption: High school students clean up around their classroom barrack.
Camp new arrivals (ddr-densho-37-425)
img Camp new arrivals (ddr-densho-37-425)
Original WRA caption: Eden, Idaho. Gereald, 5, David, 6 and Chester Sakura, Jr., 1 1/2 brothers. These little evacuees, along with 600 others from the Puyallup assembly center, have just arrived here and will spend the duration at the Minidoka War Relocation Authority center.
Japanese Americans relocating to a different camp (ddr-densho-37-63)
img Japanese Americans relocating to a different camp (ddr-densho-37-63)
Original WRA caption: A group of the 254 evacuees transferred from the Minidoka relocation center to the Tule Lake center boards the train at Hunt siding after riding the five miles from the center in trucks.
Japanese Americans in front of remodeled barrack (ddr-densho-37-51)
img Japanese Americans in front of remodeled barrack (ddr-densho-37-51)
Japanese Americans tried to make camp life more tolerable in many creative ways, such as renovating their barracks.
Funeral service (ddr-densho-37-675)
img Funeral service (ddr-densho-37-675)
Original WRA caption: Reverend L.H. Tibesar, Maryknoll missionary assigned to work with the Catholic group at the Minidoka Relocation Center, conducts a grave side service at the little cemetery cleared out of the sage land adjacent to Minidoka Relocation Center, Hunt, Idaho.
Flooded conditions (ddr-densho-37-690)
img Flooded conditions (ddr-densho-37-690)
Original WRA caption: Flooded area east of Block 3.
Japanese Americans relocating to a different camp (ddr-densho-37-61)
img Japanese Americans relocating to a different camp (ddr-densho-37-61)
Original WRA caption: Baggage of Tule Lake transferees sorted and piled accordingly at Hunt siding. Most of the baggage was delivered to the owners the same day.