
Concentration Camp

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3176 items
Newspaper office workers (ddr-densho-37-687)
img Newspaper office workers (ddr-densho-37-687)
Original WRA caption: A group of part time high school student workers in project newspaper office.
Carpentry class (ddr-densho-37-671)
img Carpentry class (ddr-densho-37-671)
Original WRA caption: Adult Education class in carpentry.
Minidoka Project Director H.L. Stafford (ddr-densho-37-672)
img Minidoka Project Director H.L. Stafford (ddr-densho-37-672)
Original WRA caption: H.L. Stafford, project director of Minidoka Relocation Center, Hunt, Idaho, formerly administrative officer in Idaho for the Agricultural Adjustment Administration of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Boise. Mr. Stafford was born in 1893 at Tarkio, Missouri and has lived in Idaho since 1912. Before entering government service, he engaged in farming, banking, and …
Japanese Americans clearing land (ddr-densho-37-705)
img Japanese Americans clearing land (ddr-densho-37-705)
Original WRA caption: A tractor draw harrow prepares the soil of a new field cleared out of sagebrush adjacent to the Minidoka Relocation Center.
Christmas decoration contest (ddr-densho-37-14)
img Christmas decoration contest (ddr-densho-37-14)
Original WRA caption: Block 36 saw favor in the judges' eyes for fifth place in the Christmas dining hall decorations contest, by its homey atmosphere and clever decorations made out of waste material.
Camp new arrivals (ddr-densho-37-60)
img Camp new arrivals (ddr-densho-37-60)
Original WRA caption: High school teachers assist arriving evacuees from the Tule Lake relocation center.
Japanese Americans sorting Christmas gifts (ddr-densho-37-7)
img Japanese Americans sorting Christmas gifts (ddr-densho-37-7)
Original WRA caption: SANTA'S HELPERS -- Through kind donations from thoughtful friends all over the United States, a happy and merry Christmas will be possible for the children of Hunt. Thousands of presents have been sent in day after day, swamping Rec. 21 and overflowing the Federated Christian Church office.
Plowing land between barracks (ddr-densho-37-40)
img Plowing land between barracks (ddr-densho-37-40)
Original WRA caption: High school student plowing space between barrack-building classrooms in Block 23 to prepare ground for grass, flowers, and vegetables.
Ceremonial presentation (ddr-densho-37-668)
img Ceremonial presentation (ddr-densho-37-668)
Original WRA caption: Tura Nakamura, block manager of block 42-44 presents ceremonial Tai fish to Project Director, H.L. Stafford and Philip Schafer, assistant project director, on behalf of the block managers as a token of appreciation for the manner in which the administration helped to make the Army volunteering program a success.
Japanese Americans sorting tomatoes (ddr-densho-37-713)
img Japanese Americans sorting tomatoes (ddr-densho-37-713)
Original WRA caption: A crew of evacuee women sorts tomatoes at the edge of a field which was covered with sagebrush six months before. Because of frequent outcroppings of lava the fields on the project farm are small.
Camp Christmas decorations (ddr-densho-37-13)
img Camp Christmas decorations (ddr-densho-37-13)
Original WRA caption: "Block 13." Block residents cleverly decorated their dining halls with waste material for Christmas. The blocks were judged for their decorations and ingenuity.
Japanese Americans preparing lunch (ddr-densho-37-331)
img Japanese Americans preparing lunch (ddr-densho-37-331)
Original WRA caption: Dave K. Yoshida, from Seattle, Washington former Chef for [the] Benjamin Franklin Hotel. Kitchen crew preparing lunch. Menu: Baked macaroni with Spanish sauce, spinach, pickled beets, bread-pudding, tea, bread & butter.
View between barracks (ddr-densho-37-747)
img View between barracks (ddr-densho-37-747)
Original WRA caption: Looking down the rows of barracks westward from block 44. At extreme left is a corner of the dining hall where 275 to 300 residents of the block eat. At center background is the sanitization building including showers, lavatories, toilets, and washtubs. Nearly all the residents planted flowers and vegetable gardens in front …
Sweetheart of Minidoka and attendants (ddr-densho-37-674)
img Sweetheart of Minidoka and attendants (ddr-densho-37-674)
Original WRA caption: Sweetheart of Minidoka and her attendants chosen by popular vote in St. Valentine's Day contest sponsored by the Minidoka Irrigator, center newspaper. Standing left to right: Kiyoka Kumagai, Amy Hidaka, Mona Saito, Chickie Ishihara. Seated left to right: Misao Hayashida, Ise Inozuka, Mary Jane Kinoshita.
Cabbage field (ddr-densho-37-48)
img Cabbage field (ddr-densho-37-48)
Original WRA caption: Cabbage field. Many incarceration camps raised livestock such as chickens and pigs, as well as vegetables, for camp consumption.
Japanese American welding (ddr-densho-37-670)
img Japanese American welding (ddr-densho-37-670)
Original WRA caption: Member of the adult education welding class using portable outfit.
WAC interview (ddr-densho-37-667)
img WAC interview (ddr-densho-37-667)
Original WRA caption: An evacuee girl is interviewed by three members of the WAC who visited the Minidoka Relocation Center to accept enlistment of Japanese-American girls.
Poultry farm (ddr-densho-37-702)
img Poultry farm (ddr-densho-37-702)
Original WRA caption: Entrance to poultry farm showing fence constructed of snow fence.
Japanese Americans preparing for Christmas (ddr-densho-37-8)
img Japanese Americans preparing for Christmas (ddr-densho-37-8)
Original WRA caption: SANTA'S HELPERS--Through kind donations from thoughtful friends all over the United States, a happy and Merry Christmas will be possible for the children of Hunt. Thousands of presents have been sent in day after day, swamping Rec. 21 and overflowing the Federated Christian Church office.
Preinduction physical (ddr-densho-37-1)
img Preinduction physical (ddr-densho-37-1)
Original WRA caption: Pre-induction physical. The Minidoka incarceration camp produced more Japanese American military volunteers than any other camp.
Christmas decoration contest (ddr-densho-37-15)
img Christmas decoration contest (ddr-densho-37-15)
Original WRA caption: Dining hall 32 won fourth place with its beautiful centerpiece complete with life-size Santa Claus in the Christmas dining hall decorations contest.