
Concentration Camp

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Flooded conditions (ddr-densho-37-689)
img Flooded conditions (ddr-densho-37-689)
Original WRA caption: Flooded area between barracks in Block 3.
Field irrigation (ddr-densho-37-701)
img Field irrigation (ddr-densho-37-701)
Original WRA caption: Irrigation of a new field adjacent to the Minidoka Relocation Center is started within a short time after the area was cleared of sagebrush.
Japanese Americans harvesting onions (ddr-densho-37-710)
img Japanese Americans harvesting onions (ddr-densho-37-710)
Original WRA caption: High school boys and girls of Hunt pull onions on the project farm during harvest vacation.
Christmas decorations (ddr-densho-37-11)
img Christmas decorations (ddr-densho-37-11)
Original WRA caption: Christmas decorations in Block 1 dining hall.
View between barracks (ddr-densho-37-715)
img View between barracks (ddr-densho-37-715)
Original WRA caption: Looking down the barracks from 34 to 44.
Clearing land (ddr-densho-37-36)
img Clearing land (ddr-densho-37-36)
Clearing land (?) Many camps raised livestock such as chickens and pigs, as well as vegetables, for camp consumption. This land is presumably being cleared for farm use.
Family outside barracks (ddr-densho-37-2)
img Family outside barracks (ddr-densho-37-2)
Original WRA caption: Sakamoto family picture on golden wedding anniversary of Joseph Gerald Osamu Sakamoto and Mary Ann Tsuchi Sakamoto, both 80, at the Minidoka Relocation Center on December 11, 1943. Married in Japan, they came to the United States in 1894. Mr. Sakamoto was an early Seattle hotel proprietor. His son, James Y. Sakamoto, 40, …
Japanese Americans preparing a garden (ddr-densho-37-723)
img Japanese Americans preparing a garden (ddr-densho-37-723)
Original WRA caption: Hunt High School students clean and rake areas between classroom barrack buildings preparatory for planting rye.
Cross country run winners (ddr-densho-37-692)
img Cross country run winners (ddr-densho-37-692)
Original WRA caption: Pictured are the nine winners and officials of the Cross Country Run sponsored by the "olverine Club" last Friday afternoon, March 24. Pictured left to right are: First row--midget division winners-- Teddy Yamada, 3rd place; Goro Todo, 1st place; Jack Hirai, 2nd place. Second row--junior division winners-- Harry Nagaoka, 2nd place; Ray Mitsudo, …
Brush fire (ddr-densho-37-697)
img Brush fire (ddr-densho-37-697)
Original WRA caption: Brush fire midsection of camp.
Japanese American soldiers (ddr-densho-37-660)
img Japanese American soldiers (ddr-densho-37-660)
Original WRA caption: Ready to report to Ft. Douglas for their first step toward a "fighting life", nine men are shown in their civilian clothes for the last time for the duration. They are, standing, left to right, Yoshio Terada, Frank Yaguchi, John Sadanaga, Ken Namba; seated, Hit Kanzaki, Mitsuru Takahashi, Roy Akabe, Johnny Uno, and …
Camp irrigation workers (ddr-densho-37-729)
img Camp irrigation workers (ddr-densho-37-729)
Original WRA caption: Establishing irrigation controls, land reclamation.
Japanese Americans transferring to a different camp (ddr-densho-37-64)
img Japanese Americans transferring to a different camp (ddr-densho-37-64)
Original WRA caption: A group of 254 evacuees transferred from the Minidoka Relocation Center to the Tule Lake Center boards the train at Hunt siding after riding the five miles from the center in trucks.
Lifeguards (ddr-densho-37-6)
img Lifeguards (ddr-densho-37-6)
Original WRA caption: Volunteer lifeguards at outdoor swimming hol[e] constructed close to north side irrigation canal. At left is Willard Jeager, Hunt High School teacher and volunteer Red Cross life-saving instructor. At right is Walter Kipp, community activities supervisor.
Registration of camp new arrivals (ddr-densho-37-62)
img Registration of camp new arrivals (ddr-densho-37-62)
Original WRA caption: Transferees from Tule Lake relocation center being registered for housing immediately after inspection of baggage. It was arranged so that the people arriving by truck from the rail siding unloaded their baggage for inspection and received their housing assignments at the same time and then got back on the trucks for delivery to …
Girls preparing for commencement (ddr-densho-37-691)
img Girls preparing for commencement (ddr-densho-37-691)
Original WRA caption: Girls at the Hunt High School, Minidoka Relocation Center, prepare for commencement exercises.
Christmas decorations (ddr-densho-37-679)
img Christmas decorations (ddr-densho-37-679)
Original WRA caption: Christmas decorations in Dining Hall 34. In the background is a painted scene of the area around the center. The model buildings are a typical block.
Home economics class (ddr-densho-37-724)
img Home economics class (ddr-densho-37-724)
Original WRA caption: Students in the High School Home Economics Class.
Sugar beet topping crew (ddr-densho-37-725)
img Sugar beet topping crew (ddr-densho-37-725)
Original WRA caption: All girl crew of sugar beet toppers working for Berlin Fought near Burley, Idaho. The girls cooked their own meals.
Partitioned recreation hall (ddr-densho-37-59)
img Partitioned recreation hall (ddr-densho-37-59)
Original WRA caption: Recreation hall partitioned with wall board to make bedrooms for Tule Lake transferees due to the shortage of regular housing space.
First Communion class (ddr-densho-37-684)
img First Communion class (ddr-densho-37-684)
Original WRA caption: First Communion class of Catholic Church at Minidoka Relocation Center, Hunt, Idaho. The Rev. L.H. Tibesar, Maryknoll Missionary, is pastor. The nuns are Maryknoll sisters from the Maryknoll Mission in Seattle where the Maryknoll group numbered 1000 Japanese Catholics and non-Catholics before evacuation.
Camp farm (ddr-densho-37-676)
img Camp farm (ddr-densho-37-676)
Original WRA caption: Part of farm adjacent to Minidoka Relocation Center.
Japanese American preparing lunch (ddr-densho-37-330)
img Japanese American preparing lunch (ddr-densho-37-330)
Original WRA caption: Dave K. Yoshida, from Seattle, Washington former Chef for Benjamin Franklin Hotel. Kitchen crew preparing lunch. Menu: Baked macaroni with Spanish sauce, spinach, pickled beets, bread-pudding, tea, bread & butter.
Camp band performance (ddr-densho-37-681)
img Camp band performance (ddr-densho-37-681)
Original WRA caption: Norakuro band. This is called a harmonica band although harmonicas are augmented by an equal number of other instruments. The organization including the name is patterned after Borrah Minnevitch's Harmonica Rascals. The band plays for center dances and is very popular. They play both American and Japanese music, often putting Japanese lyrics to …