4123 items
Log of books checked out by students in period VIII, taught by Harry Bentley Wells at Manzanar High School (ddr-csujad-48-137)
Log of books checked out by forty-three students in Period 8, taught by Harry Bentley Wells at Manzanar High School. Transcription is found in item: ecm_wells_9946. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ecm_wells_0946
My future (ddr-csujad-48-16)
Term paper by Shig Katayama for Social Problems class taught by Mr. Harry Bentley Wells, a teacher at Manzanar High School. Shig's greatest wish is to live in a democratic world and be a success in his chosen career. He has intended to attend the college of Pharmacy at UC Berkley and run a small drug …
Senior problems quiz (ddr-csujad-48-130)
A quiz assigned during the Senior Problems course taught by Harry Bentley Wells at Manzanar High School, there is no student listed on the assignment. The quiz describes the means that a "Jack Jones" would learn his father's business from the ground up eventually taking over and having enough savings to invest in stock, and supply …
Log of books checked out by students in period 1, taught by Harry Bentley Wells at Manzanar High School (ddr-csujad-48-139)
Log of books checked out by thirty-two students in Period 1, taught by Harry Bentley Wells at Manzanar High School. Transcription is found in item: ecm_wells_9948. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ecm_wells_0948
Log of books checked out by students in period I, taught by Harry Bentley Wells at Manzanar High School (ddr-csujad-48-120)
Log of books checked out by thirty-nine students in Period 1, taught by Harry Bentley Wells at Manzanar High School. Four names have been added in red colored pencil, three names have been crossed out. Transcription is found in item: ecm_wells_9929. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ecm_wells_0929
Requisition for materials and supplies, Form 272, Form WRA-7, Shirley E. Wells (ddr-csujad-48-87)
Requisition of materials and supplies by Shirley E. Wells for a refrigerator to be delivered to Apt. 7-9-5 on May 19, 1943, requisition no. 5722. Transcription is found in item: ecm_wells_9087. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ecm_wells_0087
Memory of evacuation (ddr-csujad-48-20)
Assignment by Henry Haruda for period VIII World Geography and History class taught by Mr. Harry Bentley Wells, a teacher at Manzanar High School. Henry recounts needing to leave his dog Scrappy behind when his family left Los Angeles. He tells a story of Scrappy stealing bacon from the grocery store and getting into the neighbor's …
Log of books checked out by students in period II, taught by Harry Bentley Wells at Manzanar High School (ddr-csujad-48-138)
Log of books checked out by forty-one students in Period 2, taught by Harry Bentley Wells at Manzanar High School. Transcription is found in item: ecm_wells_9947. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ecm_wells_0947
Manzanar schools (ddr-csujad-48-31)
Assignment by Henry Nakano for period VIII History class taught by Mr. Harry Bentley Wells, a teacher at Manzanar High School. Henry discusses the schools at Manzanr. Initially, the parents worried if there would be any schooling. But Dr. Carter (Superintendent of Schools) reassured them that school would start in the fall. Initially the school did …
Planning ahead (ddr-csujad-48-5)
Term paper by Helen Kusuda for period III Social Problems class taught by Mr. Harry Bentley Wells, a teacher at Manzanar High School. Helen pursued stenography and secretarial work in junior high as she was fascinated by typing. Although fond of typing, Helen switched her major to Cosmology after taking a Home Economics course. She then …
Term report: what will my future ambition be? (ddr-csujad-48-1)
Term paper by George Odahara for period V Social Problems class taught by Mr. Harry Bentley Wells, a teacher at Manzanar High School. He discusses working in a print shop during middle and high school to become a printer. However, after the war started he changed paths to become a farmer, believing he would never be …
Manzanar session of the Inyo and Mono counties (ddr-csujad-48-49)
Public outreach brochure for Manzanar Session of the Inyo and Mono Counties; the front page contains a stylized print of the barracks with a tree in front (possibly a wood-cut or etching). Contains a program for a visit to Manzanar and anecdotal information and facts regarding the incarceration camp and the people within. Transcription is found …
My career (ddr-csujad-48-37)
Term Paper by Matsumura Masuru for period VII Senior Problem class, taught by Mr. Harry Bentley Wells, a teacher at Manzanar High School. Matsumura describes his desire to be an aeronautical engineer eventually. He describes the necessary training to become a pilot and a aircraft mechanic. He provides a list of technical schools and colleges that …
Tally sheet of grades for classes taught by Harry Bentley Wells at Manzanar High School (ddr-csujad-48-140)
A tally sheet showing the distribution of grades for each of six classes taught by Harry Bentley Wells at Manzanar High School. Transcription is found in item: ecm_wells_9949. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ecm_wells_0949
Memorandum from Howard Marumoto, Fair Practice Chairman, Fair Practice Committee, to members of the administrative staff, November 3, 1942 (ddr-csujad-48-134)
A memorandum from Howard Marumoto, chairman of the Fair Practice Committee at the Manzanar incarceration camp, outlining the purpose of the committee and more broadly of the Manzanar Work Corps. Transcription is found in item: ecm_wells_9943. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ecm_wells_0943
Roster of students for 12-H, taught by Harry Bentley Wells at Manzanar High School (ddr-csujad-48-129)
Class roster for 12-H, taught by Harry Bentley Wells at Manzanar High School. Ten students are listed, one has been crossed out with red colored pencil. Transcription is found in item: ecm_wells_9938. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ecm_wells_0938
Wells World Geo. and History, Per. 2 (ddr-csujad-48-116)
Class roster for Period 2, World Geography and History, taught by Harry Bentley Wells at Manzanar High School. Thirty-six students are listed. Transcription is found in item: ecm_wells_9925. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ecm_wells_0925
Project Director's bulletin, no. 48 (March 31, 1943) (ddr-csujad-48-101)
A bulletin from Ralph Merritt addressing the criticism of the Property Control and Warehousing section. The bulletin establishes a numerical requisition register for each Section or Unit and provides the procedure for future requisitions and the tracking thereof. Transcription is found in item: ecm_wells_9910. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project …
Memorandum from the Office of the Superintendent to all teachers, February 1, 1943 (ddr-csujad-48-107)
A memo to all teachers at Manzanar containing an announcement related to Manzanar Education Week, the organization of the Manzanar Rumor Clinic to collate rumors and questions within their classrooms, a reminder to gain permission prior to taking field trips outside of the boundaries of the Manzanar, and several updates on administrative policies. Transcription is found …
Travel authorization, Form 1904-A, OEM-71, Harry Bentley Wells (ddr-csujad-48-69)
Travel authorization No. WRAII-82-43, November 27, 1942, authorizing Harry Bentley Wells, a teacher, to travel to and return from Reno to "escort Messrs. F. Yayama, K. Higashi, J. Masaoka into Area." Transcription is found in item: ecm_wells_9069. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ecm_wells_0069
Receipt for order of graduation announcements and calling cards from Chalfant Press (ddr-csujad-48-77)
Receipt from Chalfant Press for the order graduation announcements and calling cards for Manzanar High School graduation. Receipt dated March 2, 1943, care of H. Bentley Wells. Marked paid on March 15, 1943 by Todd Watkins. Transcription is found in item: ecm_wells_9077. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ecm_wells_0077
Public opinion (ddr-csujad-48-128)
A school assignment completed by Shig Katayama, where he outlines Public Opinion. Section headings include: public opinion, function of public opinion, nature of public opinion, how can public opinion be ascertained, how is public opinion influenced, propaganda, influence of newspaper upon public opinion, influence of radio upon public opinion, other influences, and public opinion and democracy. …
Dealing with Japanese-Americans by John F. Embree, Documents Section, Office of Reports (ddr-csujad-48-131)
Short report from WRA Documents Section leader John F. Embree on recommended attitudes, suggestions, and practices while interacting with incarcerated Japanese Americans. According to Embree, race is hereditary while culture is acquired, and Caucasians should refrain from making stereotypical images of "Japanese types." Embree describes the differences in culture and attitudes including questions of loyalty between …
Letter from Leon C. High, Principal, to Mr. Harry Bentley Wells, May 15, 1943 (ddr-csujad-48-72)
Letter expressing High's regrets for being unable to attend the Ten Low class "get together." He commends Harry Bentley Wells on organizing the event and encourages them in the future though. Transcription is found in item: ecm_wells_9072. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ecm_wells_0072
Teacher and the war relocation project (ddr-csujad-48-125)
Title as: The Teacher and the War Relocation Project. This memorandum includes a broad overview of the reasoning behind the creation of the combat zone, Executive Order 9066, and Executive Order 9102 as well as the selection of "relocation areas," the kinds of jobs held by Japanese-Americans and the administration of the "relocation areas." It outlines …