38 items
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Japanese American women and children (ddr-densho-259-172)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "A large group of Hood River Issei women and their many, many children, but with no men present In an associated picture [Masuo Yasui] had written that this was a gathering of the Hood River Japanese in front of the R.G. Dieck's [Dicek's] place for their annual Decoration Day."
Japanese American women and children (ddr-densho-259-189)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "A large group of Hood River Issei women and their many, many children, but with no men present In an associated picture [Masuo Yasui] had written that this was a gathering of the Hood River Japanese in front of the R.G. Dieck's [Dicek's] place for their annual Decoration Day."
Japanese American family on a boat to Japan (ddr-densho-259-11)
The Yasui family on a boat en route to Japan in 1926.
Issei man and children at train station (ddr-densho-259-195)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Min[oru], Michi, Roku, Shu, Homer & Yuka standing with Chan [Renichi Fujimoto] at the Hood River train depot. This was probably taken in the winter of 1929, when Chan went back to Japan to bring Obasan [Matsuyo Fujimoto] home to Hood River."
Issei mother and children (ddr-densho-259-137)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "This is a formal portrait of most of the Yasui family, taken in the Third Street home in Hood River [Shidzuyo] is holding Shu on her lap, Mihci is sitting in an adjustable child's chair, Roku is sitting on a rectangular leather-topped stool, and the older boys are gathered in front of …
Issei mother and children (ddr-densho-259-541)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "This is a formal portrait of most of the Yasui family, taken in the Third Street home in Hood River [Shidzuyo] is holding Shu on her lap, Mihci is sitting in an adjustable child's chair, Roku is sitting on a rectangular leather-topped stool, and the older boys are gathered in front of …
Nisei children (ddr-densho-259-201)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "The Yasui children standing on the Hood River courthouse lawn It shows the band-stand in which the Knights of Pythias Band occasionalyl gave concerts in the summertime. It also shows the 12 pounder Napoleon smoothbore cannon of American Civil War vintage."
Japanese American family at train station (ddr-densho-259-210)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "[Shidzuyo Yasui] and all eight of the Yasui children seeing [Renichi Fujimoto] off at the Hood River train depot."
Nisei children gathered in a living room (ddr-densho-259-193)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Portrait of the Yasui children, from Michi on down, together with the Shimbo children, in the living room of the latter. The Shimbos were family friends living in Walla Walla, WA, and we went to visit them one summer."
Nikkei at a train depot (ddr-densho-259-236)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Some [Hood River] Nikkei next to a train, maybe seeing the Rev. Uemura's off."
"Girls from Dee" (ddr-densho-259-272)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Five Nisei girls who lived in Dee [Oregon]. This picture was taken on the south side of the old Dee Japanese Community Hall. I can identify Mikie Kageyama and Hannah Kinoshita but I don't recognize the other three."
Nisei boy outside garage (ddr-densho-259-515)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Me, at around age 10-11, standing on the east side of our old garage In the background is a huge pule of cut up apple wood, which we three young boys--Roku, Shu & me--had to load onto wheelbarrows, and trundle down a steep concrete steps to the basement, to be later burned …
Hood River Japanese community band (ddr-densho-259-319)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "The Hood River Japanese community band--or maybe it was the Hood River Japanese Methodist Church Band I think that LeRoy Burns used to lead this band and maybe later on it was a Mr. Savo, but in this picture, neither of them are pictured. This was taken on the wooden front steps …
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