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1028 items
Members of the French Resistance with Nisei soldiers (ddr-densho-114-25)
img Members of the French Resistance with Nisei soldiers (ddr-densho-114-25)
Original caption: Two members of the Free French of the Interior, act as guides for man of the Japanese-American Combat Team in France, 2nd Lt. Arthur McColl of Chicago, Ill., (not in this picture,) stands in front of a jeep driven by Pfc. William I. Soma, of Kealia, Hawaii. 10/14/44. 2nd Bn., 442nd Combat Team, Chambois …
Statement by Dillon S. Myer about constitutional principles involved in the relocation program (ddr-densho-381-15)
doc Statement by Dillon S. Myer about constitutional principles involved in the relocation program (ddr-densho-381-15)
A statement from Dillon S. Myer, Director of the War Relocation Authority, presented before the Costello Sub-committee of the House Committee on Un-American Activities. Myer discusses the benefits of leave regulations in relation to the constitutionality of the evacuation and relocation program.
Letter from Bill Becker to Joseph Ishikawa (ddr-densho-468-202)
doc Letter from Bill Becker to Joseph Ishikawa (ddr-densho-468-202)
Requirements to add candidate to Nebraskan ballot from Socialist Party U.S.A.
Letter from the Department of the Army to William I. Sakai, April 13, 1953 (ddr-csujad-55-173)
doc Letter from the Department of the Army to William I. Sakai, April 13, 1953 (ddr-csujad-55-173)
Correspondence from the Department of the Army, Office of the Adjutant-General to William I. Sakai regarding Sakai's award of the Bronze Star Medal, "for exemplary conduct in ground combat against the armed enemy during the Rhineland Campaign in the European Theater of Operations, while assigned as First Sergeant, 442nd Infantry Regiment." See this object in the …
1st Cavalry Division parade (ddr-densho-299-139)
img 1st Cavalry Division parade (ddr-densho-299-139)
Caption: "Major General Chase, Commanding General of the 1st Cavalry Division parades / at the head of his troops and the sign made especially for the occasion." The sign reads: "1st Cav. Div. / First in Tokyo."
Jack Dempsey boxing Arturo Godoy (ddr-njpa-1-164)
img Jack Dempsey boxing Arturo Godoy (ddr-njpa-1-164)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Dempsey Returns to the Ring. (New York) Domei. God of the Ring Dempsey has returned to the ring after an absence of many years. This photograph shows his fierce training with Godoy, 'the Chilean [illegible]' who recently caused trouble in his fight with Joe Louis. Fired up by his losses to Louis, …
img Hollister "Merchants" (ddr-densho-475-522)
Black and white team photo of the Hollister Merchants baseball team. Written below the photograph on the album page is "Hollister 'Merchants'" in white pencil. Written across the top of the album page is "Hollister Merchants Reno, Nevada, July 27-28, '40" in white pencil.
Photo of Fumiko
doc Photo of Fumiko "Nellie" Itahara in wedding dress (ddr-ajah-6-538)
Includes copy of newspaper engagement notice for Fumiko "Nellie" Itahara and Shozu "Bill" Takeda
Photos and text titled: On the Last Boat from Japan (ddr-ajah-6-537)
doc Photos and text titled: On the Last Boat from Japan (ddr-ajah-6-537)
Document with photo of Fumiko Itahara and Bill Takeda, Takeda's travel documents and story of his arrival from Japan
Boys playing on swings (ddr-ajah-6-740)
img Boys playing on swings (ddr-ajah-6-740)
Caption below photo: Nisei boys play on a swing in Alameda, CA., circa 1910-1930s. The white house in the background is 2327 Buena Vista Avenue. A few years after World War II ended, it would become the home of Bill Takeda and Nellie Itahara.
Postcard to Dr. Keizaburo
doc Postcard to Dr. Keizaburo "Kei" Koyama from Teru Koyama (ddr-one-5-12)
One cent postcard addressed to Dr. Keizaburo Koyama at Fort Sill from his wife, Teru Koyama, at the Portland Assembly Center. Postmarked May 14, 1942. Message on the back dated May 13, 1942. Teru writes to Kei about her and the children getting their first typhoid shots, her new work duties, and the family's enjoyment of …
Aiko and Jack Herzig, Harry Ueno, Michi and Walter Weglyn, Yuriko and William Hohri, and George Ikeda (ddr-csujad-29-283)
img Aiko and Jack Herzig, Harry Ueno, Michi and Walter Weglyn, Yuriko and William Hohri, and George Ikeda (ddr-csujad-29-283)
Photograph titled: "The Capitol Hill hotel, front: Aiko & Jack Herzig; back: Harry Ueno, Michi & Walter Weglyn, Yuriko & William Hohri, and George Ikeda." At the Capitol Hill Hotel with the National Council for Japanese American Redress. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: P226
Samuel Wilder King posing with members of his cabinet (ddr-njpa-2-1009)
img Samuel Wilder King posing with members of his cabinet (ddr-njpa-2-1009)
Caption on reverse: "GOVERNOR GREETS NEW CABINET MEMBERS: Governor King (elft [sic]) is shown greeting two new members of his cabinet -- Michael M. Miyake (center), territorial auditor, and William W. Wachter, superintendent of public works. Miyake recently resigned as a deputy attorney general to take his new post, while Wachter was formerly with the University …
Memo from Heart Mountain Temporary Council of Block Chairmen to Mr. William S. Myer, WRA Director, August 11, 1943 (ddr-csujad-55-434)
doc Memo from Heart Mountain Temporary Council of Block Chairmen to Mr. William S. Myer, WRA Director, August 11, 1943 (ddr-csujad-55-434)
Memorandum of understanding from Heart Mountain Block Chairmen to William S. Myer regarding problems at the incarceration camp and relocation. Includes discussion on camp food, unemployment, clothing, medical services, and issues related to "resettlement." See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_0436
Members of SYNKOA in front of the Japanese Students Club clubhouse (ddr-densho-45-2)
img Members of SYNKOA in front of the Japanese Students Club clubhouse (ddr-densho-45-2)
After World War II, the Japanese Students Club became known as SYNKOA to honor members who had died during the war. The first letters of the following members' last names make up the acronym: George T. Sawada, Frank M. Shigemura, George Yamaguchi, Hideo H. Yasui, Shigeo Yoshioka, William K. Nakamura, Ben Ninomiya, Jiro Kanetomi, Yoshio Kato, …
U.S. Department of Justice Alien Enemy Questionnaire page 18 of 26 and contains the right side of the questionnaire only. (ddr-one-5-139)
doc U.S. Department of Justice Alien Enemy Questionnaire page 18 of 26 and contains the right side of the questionnaire only. (ddr-one-5-139)
Photocopy of a declassified questionnaire used to determine if the person named is to be considered an enemy alien. This page covers questions 75 - 76 of 111 and contains the right side of the questionnaire only. This portion of the questionnaire asks where any children are currently attending school. William is at a grade school …
Postcard to Dr. Keizaburo
doc Postcard to Dr. Keizaburo "Kei" Koyama from Marie (ddr-one-5-5)
One cent postcard addressed to Dr. K. Koyama at Fort Missoula with no return sender. Postmarked Jan. 28, 1942. Purple "Examined" stamp in the upper left corner signed in red pencil. On the back, purple "Examined" stamp over center of text; postage cancellation in lower left corner. The message talks about his daugher Kiyo and wife …