381 items
Letter from Joseph Ishikawa to Board of Athletic Control at University of Nevada (ddr-densho-468-132)
Letter commending the University of Nevada for integrating college football team
Gidra, Vol. I, No. 3 (June 1969) (ddr-densho-297-3)
Selected article titlese: "The Persecution Rests" (p. 1), "CS, It's a Gas!" (p. 1), "Reflections in a Slanted Eye" (p. 2), "Grapes Are Coming!" (p. 4).
Misc. University of California, Berkeley documents (ddr-densho-356-724)
The miscellaneous documents include an aptitude test, a letter of introduction to a Miss. Brown from Alice Hoyt, and a letter from Assistant Dean Alice Hoyt to Yuriko Domoto.
Letter from Joseph Ishikawa to Dr. Franklin Rolfe (ddr-densho-468-105)
Typed draft letter to Dr. Rolfe. Letter on reverse appears to be from separate correspondence.
Iku Kiriyama Interview Segment 9 (ddr-densho-1000-251-9)
Attending the University of Southern California
Gidra, Vol. II, No. 2 (February 1970) (ddr-densho-297-11)
Selected article titles: "Ford Foundation" (p. 2), "Community Dat at U.C.L.A." (p. 2), "The March" (p. 5), "'White Male Qualities!' Oriental Males Reply" (p. 9).
University of California, Berkeley honorary degree materials (ddr-densho-433-979)
A collection of materials related to a 2009 event hosted by the University of California, Berkeley to honor students who were removed from the college due to Executive Order 9066.
Gidra, Vol. II, No. 4 (April 1970) (ddr-densho-297-13)
Selected article titles: "ARM and Order" (p. 2), "Peace, or Else" (p. 3). "Gidra Banned from UCLA" (p. 4), "Revolution at Isla Vista" (p. 5), "The Gidra Story" (p. 9), "Yellow Brotherhood" (p. 18), "An Analysis of and Alternatives to Nixon's Welfare Proposals" (p. 19), "Legal Self Defense" (p. 23).
Telling Our Stories, CSUN Asian American Studies 390 (ddr-csujad-31-1)
Video edited and recorded by students of CSUN's Asian American Studies 390 course in the spring semester of 2004. This video serves as an introduction to the oral history project regarding Japanese Americans in the San Fernando Valley, and features portions of interviews edited from numerous oral history recordings made by students of the class. See …
Mutsu Homma Segment 11 (ddr-densho-1000-24-11)
Majoring in music at the University of Southern California
Letter from Joseph Conard to Joseph Ishikawa (ddr-densho-468-103)
Letter from Joseph Conard, Executive Secretary, National Japanese American Student Relocation Council West Coast Committee with instructions on how to proceed with student leave process.
Letter from Helen G. Duggan to Joseph Ishikawa (ddr-densho-468-147)
Refusal of admission to the University of Colorado
Mutsu Homma Segment 12 (ddr-densho-1000-24-12)
Dealing with the language barrier at the University of Southern California
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 104, No. 13 (April 3, 1987) (ddr-pc-59-13)
Selected article titles: "AP Students Discuss Issues in Education" (pp. 1, 8), "Asian Candidate Building a Coalition in 'Black District'" (pp. 1, 3), "Takeru Higuchi: Chemist Who Invented Time Release Pill Dies" (p. 3), and "USC Opens Clinic Geared for Older JAs" (p. 10).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 104, No. 12 (March 27, 1987) (ddr-pc-59-12)
Selected article titles: "'More Perfect Union': Smithsonian Gets Hate Mail on JA Exhibit" (pp. 1, 3), "Walerga Park: WW2 Assembly Center Site Memorialized with Plaque" (pp. 1, 3), "JACL Personnel Manual: Framework for Discussion" (pp. 4-5), and "Backlash on the Campuses" (p. 5).
Gidra, Vol. I, No. 4 (July 1969) (ddr-densho-297-4)
Selected article titles: "Experimental College Starts" (p. 1), "Yellow Brotherhood Food for Thought" (p. 1), "Blind Reflections?" (p. 2), "The Misunderstanding in Chinatown" (p. 4).
Gidra, Vol. I, No. 8 (November 1969) (ddr-densho-297-8)
Selected article titles: "Moratorium Day" (p. 2), "1969 Internal Security Act" (p. 2), "Pioneer Center Opens in Little Tokyo" (p. 3), "Yellow and Proud" (p. 5), "Revelance of Ethnic Studies" (p. 5), "The High Cost of Saving Face the American Way" (p. 8-9).
Robert Coombs Interview Segment 7 (ddr-densho-1000-146-7)
Learning to be self-sufficient while attending the University of Southern California
Henry Nishi Interview I Segment 18 (ddr-manz-1-60-18)
Attending the University of California at Davis, working summers at father's nursery
Outline of University of California study of evacuation and resettlement (ddr-csujad-26-2)
Outline for an academic social science study, the Japanese American Evacuation and Resettlement Study (JERS), led by the University of California of the incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II. Outline highlights area of administrative, social, political and personal areas to be studied by a team of researchers encamped with incarcerees. See this object in …