989 items
989 items

Bruce T. Kaji Interview II (ddr-densho-1000-300)
Nisei male. Born May 9, 1926, in Los Angeles, California. Grew up in Los Angeles and was in high school when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. During the war, removed to the Manzanar concentration camp, California. Left camp to attend Morningside College in Sioux City, Iowa, then was inducted into the army. Joined …

Narrator Bruce T. Kaji
Nisei male. Born May 9, 1926, in Los Angeles, California. Grew up in Los Angeles and was in high school when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. During the war, removed to the Manzanar concentration camp, California. Left camp to attend Morningside College in Sioux City, Iowa, then was inducted into the army. Joined …

Wedding Reception of Olinda Saito and Sgt. Raymond Funakoshi (ddr-one-2-49)
Black and white photographic print of wedding reception for Olinda Saito and Sgt. Raymond Funakoshi at American Club in Tokyo, Japan, with (from left): Col. Stewart, unidentified, Mrs. Stewart, Capt. Waddington, Lt. Downs, unidentified, unidentified, Olinda Saito (bride), Capt. Humphries, Shiuko Sakai, Maj. Bach, Lt. Zuretti, unidentified, Maj. Dickie, unidentified, Mrs. Bach, and Capt. Townsend. Shiuko …

The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 24 No. 24 (June 21, 1947) (ddr-pc-19-25)
Selected article titles: "Gov. Warren Signs Measure Repealing California Law on Separate Schools for Orientals" (p. 1), "House Passes Amendment To Law on Soldiers Brides. Will Permit Entry Into U.S. of Japan-Born, Canada Nisei Wives of American Soldiers" (p. 1), "Eighteen Issei Receive First Citizen Papers" (p. 3), "Nisei War Veterans Face Job Discrimination Upon Return …

Nisei, UC Berkley (ddr-csujad-25-316)
A page from a photo album including Japanese family photographs. Pasted on the page are photographs of Japanese American students at the University of California, Berkeley. The photographs are probably taken in the early 1900s. Also included is a postcard of "Gajoen" in Tokyo, Japan. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization …

Nisei typists (ddr-densho-114-153)
Original caption: The typing sub-section of the production section, Allied translator and interpreter sectioin, General Headquarters, Allied Forces in the Pacific, NYK Building, Tokyo, Japan. All documents which have first been translated and written in long hand by both civilian and military Nisei personnel, are typed by the sub-section and sent to proof-readers for final check …

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4350 (August 16, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-62)
Selected article titles: "Grandson of Tokyo Lawyer in Texas Ready to Take on Japan. Major Robert Saibara of Webster, Texas, Has 3 Battle Stars"; "Racial Problem May Come Up in Calif. As Initiative Measure"; "Anti-Japanese Unit Formed in California"; "An Editorial That Ranks Well in the Big Parade for Right Thinking!"; "'And Little Children Shall Lead …

Visit from Ms. Mahon (ddr-one-2-156)
Black and white photographic print of Ada Mahon (center) with former student Toshie Phyllis Yorioka (left) and her son Gerald "Jerry" Yorioka (with camera) and another unidentified woman and child standing outside on lawn. Ms. Mahon served as the principal at Donor’s school, Bailey Gatzert grade school in Seattle, Washington. After Ms. Mahon retired, she visited …

Victor Fleming, Sojin Kamiyama, Douglas Fairbanks, and Sessue Hayakawa waving on the deck of a ship (ddr-njpa-1-391)
Caption on reverse [translation]: Popular Man of the Movie World Douglas Comes to Japan. The cruise ship the Bergenland pulled into Yokohama at 11 a.m. on the 21st carrying the party of King of the Screen Douglas [Fairbanks] and famous director Victor Fleming for a great welcome including [illegible] Hiroaki, Sessue Hayakawa, and Sojin Kamiyama. They …

Narrator Aya Uenishi Medrud
Nisei female. Born April 9, 1925, in Malden, Washington. Grew up in Seattle, Washington, before being removed with family to the Puyallup Assembly Center, Washington, and the Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho. From Minidoka, relocated with family to Utica, New York. Worked in Japan for the U.S. Army of Occupation, and for the Tokyo General Army Hospital …

Ching-ting Wang standing with Councillor Yang (ddr-njpa-1-1109)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "(Tokyo) May 7, 1937. Newly appointed Chinese Ambassador to the US Wang Ching-ting entered Yokohama port at 6 a.m. on the 7th aboard the Dollar Steamship SS President Hoover while on his way to his post in Washington. He was accompanied by his daughters Yuling (28) and Anfu (23) as well as …

Narrator Mike Murase
Sansei male. Born January 25, 1947, in Tsuyama, Okayama, Japan. Moved to the U.S. with family at age nine and grew up in Los Angeles, California. Graduated from UCLA and was involved in a number of civil rights movements and organizations. One of the founders of Gidra, the groundbreaking Asian American publication. Worked for both of …

Kibei Nisei at Camp Rupert, Idaho (ddr-csujad-38-14)
A photo of Goerge Nobuo Naohara's Kibei friend. It is presumably taken at Axel Johnson Ranch in Utah. The caption reads: After graduating from Meiji University, Tokyo Japan, I came back to the United States. Then, the outbreak of the war between Japan and the U.S.! After the incarceration at the Manzanar camp, I came to …

Clipping photograph of Utashito Nakashima, his daughter and a koto player (ddr-njpa-4-1322)
Caption on front: "ENROUTE TO INTERNATIONAL MUSICAL OLYMPICS: Utashito Nakashima (center), president of the Seiha School of Japanese Music Koto of Tokyo, arrived by Pan American Airways this morning enroute to the international musical olympics to be held at Pasadena, Calif., from October 12 to 18. At left is his daughter Yasuko and at right, Sachio …

The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 28 No. 18 (May 7, 1949) (ddr-pc-21-18)
Selected article titles: "U.S. Supreme Court Reaffirms Ruling Against Enforcement of Race Restrictive Covenants" (p. 1), "Judge Goodman Refuses U.S. Request to Delay Granting Citizen Rights to Renunciants" (p. 1), "Attorney in 'Tokyo Rose' Case Charges Intimidation by Army" (p. 1), "High Cost of Racial Bigotry Told by Masaoka in Minneapolis" (p. 1), "Nisei, White, Negro …

Narrator Ramsay Yosuke Mori
Nisei male. Born February 23, 1933, in Tokyo, Japan. Moved with parents to Hawaii at a young age, and grew up in Honolulu, where family held a prominent position in the community. Just prior to the bombing of Pearl Harbor, parents received a phone call from Japan, which was tapped by the FBI. The U.S. government …

Negative strip (ddr-densho-356-32)
Negative strip of four images of Richard Tsukada's trip to Japan c. 1939. Print copies of the negatives visible at ddr-densho-356-24, ddr-densho-356-29, and ddr-densho-356-21. Images 1 & 2: Negatives of Richard Tsukada sitting a on a rock above water. Image 3: Negative of a group of 12 people on the deck of the …

Short article regarding a judo champion (ddr-njpa-4-1028)
Article text [translation]: "Supervisor, 6th-grade in Judo, born in Akita, 33 years old. The golden age which the Meiji University Judo Club experienced before was obtained with his power. Can it be said it is an odd chance of fortune that this time he is the coach of the same Judo club which is commemorating the …

The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 32 No. 17 (May 5, 1951) (ddr-pc-23-18)
Selected article titles: "Two Hundred 442nd Veterans Will Be Guests at Tokyo Premiere of 'Go for Broke!' (p. 1), "Ruling by Supreme Court May Affect Japanese Aliens" (p. 1), "JACL ADC Official to Testify in Favor of Fair Employment Law Before Assembly Group" (p. 2), "California Assemblyman Plans Resolution to Delete Racist Terms in State's Constitution. …

Nisei defense attorney in war crimes trial (ddr-densho-114-145)
Original caption: Nisei defense attorney for Tojo, one of the major war criminals to be tried before the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, War Ministry Bldg., Tokyo, Japan, is George Yamaoka, a civil service employee, who stands at the addressing stand. Mr. Yamaoka, who lives in N.Y. City, was attached to the Japanese delegation, …

Nisei translators (ddr-densho-114-164)
Original caption: Nisei Japanese civilians and soldiers of the U.S. Army, work in the translation and scanning sections, and the Allied translator and interpreter sections, General Headquarters, Allied Forces in the Pacific, located in the NYK Building, Tokyo, Japan. The majority of the personnel working in these sections are Nisei civilians and soldiers, who are responsible …

Two Rotarians, from Honolulu and Tokyo, holding an American flag (ddr-njpa-2-353)
Caption on reverse: "Ichiro Yano, right, president of the Tokyo Rotary Club, accepts the new 50-star American flag from H. Tucker Gratz, Honolulu businessman and Rotarian, in recent ceremonies in Japan. Gratz made similar presentations to Rotary organizations in Taiwan, Korea and Okinawa. Chairman of the Pacific War Memorial Commission, Gratz made a three-week tour of …

Ainu chieftain visiting Tokyo to present a gift (ddr-densho-299-189)
Parts of the caption are smeared unfortunately obstructing the chieften's [sic] name and date. First part of the name seems to be "Nos" and ends with "To" Caption on reverse: "[Name], Ainu tribe Chief / [Name], Chief of the Ainu tribe from Northern Hokkaido, / Japan, who is in Tokyo visiting his / friend Col. C. …

Louis Ferdinand and Kira Kirillovna watching judo (ddr-njpa-1-337)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Kaiser's Grandson and his Wife Observe Jujutsu. (Tokyo) August 8, 1938. The Kaiser's grandson and his wife have spent their days since coming to Japan in a dazzled state as they've gone sightseeing and been welcomed everywhere. One example was their visit to the Kodokan at 2 p.m. on the 8th, where …

Aya Uenishi Medrud Interview (ddr-densho-1000-213)
Nisei female. Born April 9, 1925, in Malden, Washington. Grew up in Seattle, Washington, before being removed with family to the Puyallup Assembly Center, Washington, and the Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho. From Minidoka, relocated with family to Utica, New York. Worked in Japan for the U.S. Army of Occupation, and for the Tokyo General Army Hospital …