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Young woman posed in kabuki makeup and costume (ddr-densho-383-448)
img Young woman posed in kabuki makeup and costume (ddr-densho-383-448)
Embossed on front of photograph: "Aiko Studio, Seattle, Wash." Written on back of photograph: "Tama in the late 1930s"
Portrait of two men (ddr-densho-383-382)
img Portrait of two men (ddr-densho-383-382)
George Tokuda (right) and Kenny (left). Written on front of photograph: "Sincerely, Kenny and George, 1936". Printed on mat: "Takano Studio, Seattle".
Performace at Nippon Kan Theatre (ddr-densho-383-357)
img Performace at Nippon Kan Theatre (ddr-densho-383-357)
Toku Inouye performing on stage (third from left) at Nippon Kan Theatre. Stamped on photograph mat frame: "Toyo Studio, Seattle, Wn." Written on back of photograph: "Mom, third from left. Teacher - in black kimono next to musicians. They all helped make sakura flowers while waiting their turn during practice".
Cast photo of kabuki performance (ddr-densho-383-363)
img Cast photo of kabuki performance (ddr-densho-383-363)
Line of seated young people in kimonos and stage makeup, costumed for a performance of "Meiboku Sendai Hagi" at the Nippon Kan Theatre. Printed and pasted on back of photograph: "A scene from a kabuki that pleased the Issei. Like their counterparts in Japan, the actors wore heavy makeup for the play. No photo credit needed." …
Four women standing outside house (ddr-densho-383-52)
img Four women standing outside house (ddr-densho-383-52)
Left to right: Hatsue Aoki, Haruye Teramaye, unidentified woman, and Kim Takehara.
Cast photo on stage (ddr-densho-383-359)
img Cast photo on stage (ddr-densho-383-359)
Photograph taken at Nippon Kan Theatre. Written on photo: "Aiko, Seattle". Written on back of photograph: "Mom [Tamako Inouye] - front row, 4th from rt in kimono. Tomi [Tomiko Inouye, sister of Tamako] - front row - 3rd from rt. Grandma [Toku Inouye] - 2nd row - 3rd from rt. Kibo [Kiichiro Kibo Inouye, brother of …
Original certified copy of birth certificate for Tamako (spelled Tamaki on form) Inouye used for travel (ddr-densho-383-504)
doc Original certified copy of birth certificate for Tamako (spelled Tamaki on form) Inouye used for travel (ddr-densho-383-504)
Photo of Tamako as a child on back with affidavit stating she is a U.S. citizen travelling to Japan and will return to make her permanent home in the U.S.
Inouye family portrait (ddr-densho-383-354)
img Inouye family portrait (ddr-densho-383-354)
Kameki and Toku Inouye with five children (Tetsumi, Tamako, Tomiko, Kiichiro Kibo, and Michiko), daughter-in-law (Seiko), and grandchild (Maruko). Back row, left to right: Tetsumi, Tamako, and Tomiko. Front row, left to right: Seiko (wife of Tetsumi) with daughter Maruko on lap, Kameki, Michiko, Toku, and Kiichiro Kibo. Stamped on photograph: "Aiko". Written on back of …
Postcard photograph of Tamako Inouye as baby (ddr-densho-383-449)
img Postcard photograph of Tamako Inouye as baby (ddr-densho-383-449)
Embossed on front of photograph: "Aiko Studio, Seattle, Wash." Written on back of photograph: "Tamako".
George and Tamako Tokuda on sidewalk (ddr-densho-383-471)
img George and Tamako Tokuda on sidewalk (ddr-densho-383-471)
George and Tamako Tokuda's post-war resettlement in Seattle.
Form letter sent to Japanese American community members from Gordon Hirabayashi and Cherry Kinoshita of the Community Committee on Redress/Reparations (ddr-densho-383-498)
doc Form letter sent to Japanese American community members from Gordon Hirabayashi and Cherry Kinoshita of the Community Committee on Redress/Reparations (ddr-densho-383-498)
Encouraging community members to participate in the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians hearings in person or in writing. Pages 2 and 3 contain response from George Tokuda.
Toshimi Nishimura in suit outside store (ddr-densho-383-180)
img Toshimi Nishimura in suit outside store (ddr-densho-383-180)
Written on album page next to photograph: "God's Gift to Women, Giggolo Nishimura." Printed and pasted on album page below photograph: "Famous last words. You look all right, dearie-when you're dressed up." Toshimi Nishimura was a University of Washington student and Japanese Students Club member.
Four men on lawn in backyard (ddr-densho-383-113)
img Four men on lawn in backyard (ddr-densho-383-113)
Jack Nakagawa standing in back. Dick Horita kneeling on right. William Takahashi in front, laying on grass.
Cutout of seated man (ddr-densho-383-8)
img Cutout of seated man (ddr-densho-383-8)
Cutout pasted on top of colored paper circle, to appear as though floating on a bubble. Man likely a University of Washington student and friend of George Tokuda.
Large group at funeral service (ddr-densho-383-371)
img Large group at funeral service (ddr-densho-383-371)
Funeral of Tsunezo Tokuda, father of George Tokuda. Written on back of photograph: "Grandpa Tokuda's funeral".
Two women sitting in grass (ddr-densho-383-176)
img Two women sitting in grass (ddr-densho-383-176)
Written on album page below photograph: "Kay Suzuki and Sumi Shimizu". Both were University of Washington students and members of the Fuyo Kai organization. Sumiko Shimizu graduated in 1933, and was the president of Fuyo Kai in her senior year.
Four women sitting on lawn (ddr-densho-383-10)
img Four women sitting on lawn (ddr-densho-383-10)
Members of the University of Washington pharmacy program with George Tokuda. Left to right: Elsie Johnson, Marion Ostliff, Claire Evans, Ada Marckx. Written on photograph: "Ada Marckx, Marion Ostliff, Elsie Johnson".