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161 items
Japanese Americans inside barracks (ddr-densho-151-330)
img Japanese Americans inside barracks (ddr-densho-151-330)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Old Mr. Konda in barrack apartment, after supper. He lives here with his two sons, his married daughter and her husband. They share two small rooms together. His daughter is seen behind him, knitting. He has been a truck farmer and raised his family who are also farmers, in Centerville, Alameda …
Japanese American voters (ddr-densho-151-26)
img Japanese American voters (ddr-densho-151-26)
Original WRA caption: San Bruno, California. Here a line is seen waiting to enter the building where they will cast their votes for Councilman from their precinct. A general election for five members of the Tanforan Assembly center Advisory Council is being held on this day. This is the first time Issei have ever been able …
Japanese Americans playing basketball (ddr-densho-151-464)
img Japanese Americans playing basketball (ddr-densho-151-464)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Evacuee boys in the foreground are playing basket-ball. This is one of eight recreation centers which are distributed about the assembly center. One of the barrack buildings is, in each case, set apart for games and recreation under the Recreation program administered by a Wartime Civil Control Administration official with college …
Dental clinic (ddr-densho-151-341)
img Dental clinic (ddr-densho-151-341)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. The dental clinic in one of a group of four buildings devoted to medical services. All medical services at this assembly center are conducted by doctors and nurses of Japanese ancestry. After weeks of difficulty due to lack of equipment and facilities, they are now able to care for the needs …
View of barracks (ddr-densho-151-230)
img View of barracks (ddr-densho-151-230)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Barracks for family living quarters. Each door enters into a family unit of two small rooms. The center was opened just two days before this picture was taken. The people shown in this photograph have just arrived and are occupying themselves with building benches, chairs, tables, and shelves, for their belonging, …

Narrator Mitsue Matsui

Nisei female. Born November 3, 1918, in San Francisco, California. As a young woman, entire family visited Japan for ten months, where she acquired the skill of Japanese typing at the Kumahira Typist Yoseisho in Hiroshima. Returned to the U.S. with most of her family (eldest brother remained in Japan) and was working at the Japanese …
Bedding and clothing in front of barracks (ddr-densho-151-456)
img Bedding and clothing in front of barracks (ddr-densho-151-456)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. This assembly center has been open for two days. Bus- load after bus-load of evacuated Japanese are arriving today. After going through the necessary procedure, they are guided to the quarters assigned to them in the barracks. This family had just arrived. Their bedding and clothing have been delivered by truck …
Tanforan Assembly Center barracks (ddr-csujad-52-20)
img Tanforan Assembly Center barracks (ddr-csujad-52-20)
Caption above image reads, "TANFORAN INTERNMENT CAMP--Looking from the grandstand of the old Tanforan Race Track, some 170 barracks can be seen that housed Japanese-Americans during World War II. The Tanforan internment camp was located near present-day San Bruno. A government report has been released recently and it blames the internment on prejudice and hysteria." See …
View of barracks (ddr-densho-151-350)
img View of barracks (ddr-densho-151-350)
Original caption: San Bruno, California. Looking down one of the avenues between rows of barracks. The ones on the right are converted horse stalls, and those on the left are newly constructed and typical of an assembly center and relocation centers throughout the west. They are 100 feet long, covered with black tar paper, contain five …
Mitsue Matsui Interview (ddr-densho-1008-3)
vh Mitsue Matsui Interview (ddr-densho-1008-3)
Nisei female. Born November 3, 1918, in San Francisco, California. As a young woman, entire family visited Japan for ten months, where she acquired the skill of Japanese typing at the Kumahira Typist Yoseisho in Hiroshima. Returned to the U.S. with most of her family (eldest brother remained in Japan) and was working at the Japanese …
Letter from Kathleen M. O'Connor, archivist, National Archives-Pacific Sierra Region to Michi Weglyn, June 23, 1997 (ddr-csujad-24-77)
doc Letter from Kathleen M. O'Connor, archivist, National Archives-Pacific Sierra Region to Michi Weglyn, June 23, 1997 (ddr-csujad-24-77)
A letter from Kathleen M. O'Connor at the National Archives in response to Weglyn's request for records about Japanese American citizenship renunciation cases. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: chi_06_003
Some of the first arrivals to the assembly center at Tanforan Race Track, near San Francisco in 1942 (ddr-csujad-52-4)
img Some of the first arrivals to the assembly center at Tanforan Race Track, near San Francisco in 1942 (ddr-csujad-52-4)
A LaserPhoto copy of an Associated Press image, taken in 1942, shared in 1981. Caption on photo reads "These were among the first Japanese to be moved into the newly built assembly center at Tranforan Race Track, near San Francisco in 1942. The people here were watching a horse race at the track." A message from …
Program for the Tanforan Committee Day of Rememberance event (February 19, 1979) (ddr-janm-4-15)
doc Program for the Tanforan Committee Day of Rememberance event (February 19, 1979) (ddr-janm-4-15)
Program for the Tanforan Committee Day of Rememberance event being held at the Tanforan Park Shopping Center (February 19, 1979).
Information sheet about the Tanforan Racetrack/Detention Center (ddr-janm-4-22)
doc Information sheet about the Tanforan Racetrack/Detention Center (ddr-janm-4-22)
Information sheet about the history of the Tanforan Racetrack/Detention Center.
Program for the Tanforan Detention Center Day of Remembrance event (February 19, 1979) (ddr-janm-4-20)
doc Program for the Tanforan Detention Center Day of Remembrance event (February 19, 1979) (ddr-janm-4-20)
Program for the Tanforan Detention Center Day of Remembrance event being held at the Tanforan Park Shopping Center (February 19, 1979).
Drawing of the south east corner of Tanforan (ddr-densho-392-23)
doc Drawing of the south east corner of Tanforan (ddr-densho-392-23)
Caption written by Kenneth Iyeki: "The scene is in the south east corner of Tanforan. Partially hidden behind trees and bushes were [?] guard posts."
Drawing from the middle of the race track at Tanforan Assembly Center (ddr-densho-392-1)
doc Drawing from the middle of the race track at Tanforan Assembly Center (ddr-densho-392-1)
Caption written by Kenneth Iyeki: "Here is another scene, skeched from the middle of the track. The striped pole in the foreground represented a furlough. 220 yards. The barrack in the scene is number 115. There were five rooms to a barrack. Five families. Separating each room were plywood walls, built half-way to the ceiling. One …
Hideo Iyeki's car captain designation (ddr-densho-392-57)
doc Hideo Iyeki's car captain designation (ddr-densho-392-57)
Form designating Hideo Iyeki as a car caption for a group of incarcerees during their transfer from Tanforan Assembly Center to Topaz concentration camp. Includes a list of all families in Group No. 11, Movement No. 18.
Drawing from the center of the racetrack at Tanforan Assembly Center (ddr-densho-392-24)
doc Drawing from the center of the racetrack at Tanforan Assembly Center (ddr-densho-392-24)
Caption written by Kenneth Iyeki: "Here is a scene from the center of the racetrack. I often wondered how the horses felt when pounding down the stretch with the crowd screaming like mad. The building near the center to the left is a shower room. Beyond that, underneath the grandstand is the canteen where one could …