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6 items
doc "Japanese American Journalism during World War II" (ddr-densho-122-604)
Presentation to the Fifth National Conference of the Association of Asian American Studies by James Omura
10th Annual 4H Club camp 1931 (ddr-densho-359-7)
img 10th Annual 4H Club camp 1931 (ddr-densho-359-7)
Group photograph of the attendess of the 4H Club Camp in 1931 at State College of Washington in Pullman, Washing. Written on the back of the photograph "Mrs. Pearl Munn Leland, Wash. Jefferson Co. Staying at Stevens hall. 10 annual Alice Kawamoto".

Narrator Art Hansen

White male. Born October 10, 1938, in Hoboken, New Jersey. Education History: BA, MA, Ph.D. at University of California, Santa Barbara. Work History: Professor of History and Asian American Studies, California State University, Fullerton (1966-Present); Visiting Professor, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, 1979-1980; Editor, Oral History Review, 1980-1987; President, Southwest Oral History Association (1991-1992); …
Art Hansen Interview I (ddr-densho-1000-295)
vh Art Hansen Interview I (ddr-densho-1000-295)
White male. Born October 10, 1938, in Hoboken, New Jersey. Education History: BA, MA, Ph.D. at University of California, Santa Barbara. Work History: Professor of History and Asian American Studies, California State University, Fullerton (1966-Present); Visiting Professor, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, 1979-1980; Editor, Oral History Review, 1980-1987; President, Southwest Oral History Association (1991-1992); …
Art Hansen Interview II (ddr-densho-1000-310)
vh Art Hansen Interview II (ddr-densho-1000-310)
White male. Born October 10, 1938, in Hoboken, New Jersey. Education History: BA, MA, Ph.D. at University of California, Santa Barbara. Work History: Professor of History and Asian American Studies, California State University, Fullerton (1966-Present); Visiting Professor, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, 1979-1980; Editor, Oral History Review, 1980-1987; President, Southwest Oral History Association (1991-1992); …
Art Hansen Interview (ddr-densho-122-23)
vh Art Hansen Interview (ddr-densho-122-23)
White male. Born October 10, 1938, in Hoboken, New Jersey. Education History: BA, MA, Ph.D. at University of California, Santa Barbara. Work History: Professor of History and Asian American Studies, California State University, Fullerton (1966-Present); Visiting Professor, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, 1979-1980; Editor, Oral History Review, 1980-1987; President, Southwest Oral History Association (1991-1992); …