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9472 items
Galeazzo Ciano with his children (ddr-njpa-1-62)
img Galeazzo Ciano with his children (ddr-njpa-1-62)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Count Ciano as a Father. (Rome) Domei. Even with [Italy's] entrance into the war fast approaching, Prime Minister Mussolini's advisor Count Ciano acts like a good father despite his business. (taken in Rome on May 7). [stamped] June 6, 1940."
Young Buddhist League Convention Queen (ddr-one-1-25)
img Young Buddhist League Convention Queen (ddr-one-1-25)
Black and white photographic print of the Fourth Annual Northwest Young Buddhist League's Convection Queen: Mary (Nakata) Fujii of Portland, Oregon. She is dressed in a dark formal gown, wearing a jeweled tiara and velvet robe. The photograph was found in Frank Hirahara's memorabilia of his time in Portland.
Group photo (ddr-densho-474-41)
img Group photo (ddr-densho-474-41)
Group of 25 men and women in front of curtain
Dinner in gymnasium (ddr-densho-474-31)
img Dinner in gymnasium (ddr-densho-474-31)
Photo of men and women sitting around tables set with tableware inside a gymnasium.
Winston Churchill deboarding a plane (ddr-njpa-1-86)
img Winston Churchill deboarding a plane (ddr-njpa-1-86)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Churchill Enters Cabinet. (London) Domei. With war declared on Germany, Mr. Churchill, Mr. Eden, and others entered the cabinet as part of a wartime unity government. Photograph: Winston Churchill, the new First Lord of the Admiralty, returning from inspecting the Maginot Line in mid-August. [stamped] September 5, 1939."
Howard Hughes and two others sitting in a parade car at the New York Worlds Fair (ddr-njpa-1-694)
img Howard Hughes and two others sitting in a parade car at the New York Worlds Fair (ddr-njpa-1-694)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "New York (Domei). Mr. Hughes and party, safely returned to New York after setting a new record for flying around the world, head to the welcome area on July 15 amidst a passionate storm of cheers from the citizens of New York. Photograph: Mr. Hughes receiving cheers. [Stamped] August 6, 1938."
Adolf Hitler inspecting an automotive squad (ddr-njpa-1-670)
img Adolf Hitler inspecting an automotive squad (ddr-njpa-1-670)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Hitler Inspecting. (Berlin) Domei. Fuhrer Hitler, who has a deep interest in the advancement of weapon science, attended the automotive show here on February 18 and inspected the automotive squad."
Neville Chamberlain walking with an umbrella (ddr-njpa-1-17)
img Neville Chamberlain walking with an umbrella (ddr-njpa-1-17)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Wartime London. (London) Domei. Photograph: Prime Minister Chamberlain arriving at Parliament with his umbrella. [stamped] October 14, 1939"
Lazaro Cardenas, President of Mexico (ddr-njpa-1-97)
img Lazaro Cardenas, President of Mexico (ddr-njpa-1-97)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Domei Photographic Overseas News. Uprising in Mexico. (Mexico) Domei. Mexican President Cardenas traveled to San Luis Potosi on May 24 to suppress an uprising of farmers there sparked by the followers of his political opponent General Cedillo. Photograph: President Cardenas (left) and federal troops arriving at San Luis Potosi station after hearing …
William Leahy (ddr-njpa-1-842)
img William Leahy (ddr-njpa-1-842)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "New Ambassador to Vichy France Presents Credentials. (Vichy) Domei. Admiral Leahy, the new American ambassador to France, arrived in Vichy on January 30 and presented his credentials to Marshal Petain. Photograph: Marshall Petain (left) and Ambassador Leahy (right) engaged in warm conversation. [Stamped] March 3, 1941."
Sonja Henie cooking (ddr-njpa-1-627)
img Sonja Henie cooking (ddr-njpa-1-627)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "What Followed for the Queen of the Rink. (Oslo) Domei. Sonja Henie, the queen of the women's figure skating world is now aiming to become queen of the silver screen, made her first visit to her home country since appearing in Hollywood movies. She has been happily spending several days with her …
Benito Mussolini and other military leaders (ddr-njpa-1-939)
img Benito Mussolini and other military leaders (ddr-njpa-1-939)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "German-Italian Meeting in Rome. (Rome) Domei. German Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop visited Rome on September 19 and held important talks with Prime Minister Mussolini and Italian Foreign Minister Ciano regarding the strategy against Britain and the American problem. Photograph: taken at the Doge's Palace in Venice after the meeting."
Neville Chamberlain walking (ddr-njpa-1-13)
img Neville Chamberlain walking (ddr-njpa-1-13)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Domei Photographic Overseas News June 23, 1937. The Life of British Prime Minister Chamberlain. (London) Domei. The leisurely daily routine of Mr. Neville Chamberlain, who has succeeded Baldwin as prime minister of the British Empire: (1) Prime Minister Chamberlain leaving No. 10 Downing Street for his first visit to the House of …
Mickey Norman sitting on a table (ddr-njpa-1-993)
img Mickey Norman sitting on a table (ddr-njpa-1-993)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Mickey Likes Tobacco. (Paterson, New Jersey) Domei. Seven year old Mickey Norman likes cigars more than candy. His mother has scolded him, but in the end she tolerates him smoking one a day. Photograph: Mickey being bad, puffing on his cigar."
Adolf Hitler observing the front line (ddr-njpa-1-659)
img Adolf Hitler observing the front line (ddr-njpa-1-659)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Domei Photographic Overseas News September 9, 1938. German Grand Autumn Exercises. (Berlin) Domei. 12 week-long autumn military exercises began on October 15, with fighting that held the passion of real battle. Photographs: Fuhrer (center) observing the front line on August 20 and the outstanding work of the artillery."
Nazi's saluting Adolf Hitler with the Parteiadler in the background (ddr-njpa-1-666)
img Nazi's saluting Adolf Hitler with the Parteiadler in the background (ddr-njpa-1-666)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Giving Up on Peace [...]. (Berlin) Domei. [...] having given up on a peaceful resolution [...] Fuhrer Hitler boldly made his statement that Germany [...] at home and abroad [...] the Anglo-French offensive [...] determination not to surrender [...]. Photographs: (left) German [..] dispatched to the North Sea. (right) Chancellor Hitler's declaration …
Sonja Henie skating (ddr-njpa-1-623)
img Sonja Henie skating (ddr-njpa-1-623)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "(New York) Domei. Sonja Henie, the top female ice skater, eschewed the ice carnival held nearby at Madison Square Garden to engage in fierce training."
Charles Edison (ddr-njpa-1-246)
img Charles Edison (ddr-njpa-1-246)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "In the Prime of His Life at 49. Son of the Great Inventor. New Secretary of the Navy. (Washington) 30th, Domei. President Roosevelt formally appointed Assistant Secretary of the Navy Charles Edison to fill the the position of American Secretary of the Navy on the 30th, which had been vacant since the …
Young Buddhist League Convention Court and Queen (ddr-one-1-26)
img Young Buddhist League Convention Court and Queen (ddr-one-1-26)
Black and white photographic print of the Fourth Annual Northwest Young Buddhist League's Convection Court and Queen. Left to Right: Mae (Okazaki) Sasaki of Tacoma, Washington; Margaret Tomoguchi of Seattle, Washington; Mary (Nakata) Fujii of Portland, Oregon (Queen); Sumi (Hashimoto) Kurokawa, and Takako Nitta of Spokane, Washington. This photograph was found in Frank Hirahara's memorabilia of …
Winston Churchill observing England's defenses (ddr-njpa-1-75)
img Winston Churchill observing England's defenses (ddr-njpa-1-75)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Prime Minister Churchill Firm to the Bitter End. (London) Domei. Prime Minister Churchill, filled with fighting spirit, observing the condition of defenses on the northeastern English coast with a machine gun in hand. [stamped] August 20, 1940."
Frances Perkins at a Department of Commerce banquet (ddr-njpa-1-1143)
img Frances Perkins at a Department of Commerce banquet (ddr-njpa-1-1143)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "The Flourishing Female Secretary Mrs. Wallace. (Washington) Domei. The flourishing Labor Secretary Frances Perkins (left) and the wife of Agriculture Secretary Henry Wallace (right) attending the 26th anniversary banquet held by the Department of Commerce on May 5. [Stamped] June 11, 1938."
Galeazzo Ciano leaving for Spain (ddr-njpa-1-47)
img Galeazzo Ciano leaving for Spain (ddr-njpa-1-47)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Count Ciano Goes to Spain. (Barcelona) Domei. Foreign Minister Ciano visited Barcelona via a warship on July 10, where he engaged in various negotiations with General Franco towards the formation of a Italo-Spanish military alliance. Photograph: Count Ciano departing the port of Gaeta on his way to Spain. [stamped] July 29, 1939."
Benito Mussolini observing the front (ddr-njpa-1-944)
img Benito Mussolini observing the front (ddr-njpa-1-944)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Prime Minister Mussolini Observes the Front. (Rome) Domei. Prime Minister Mussolini visited the Greek front to encourage the soldiers there. [Stamped] June 5, 1941."