187 items
187 items

Large group photo outside building (ddr-ajah-3-178)
Inscribed on front: March 13, 1932 / Murphy Studio

Clipping regarding Frank Murphy (ddr-njpa-1-1256)
Caption on front: "Yokohama saw the arrival of Mr. Frank Murphy, new Governor-General of the Phillippines, on June 5, en route to Manila."

American Bible Society building (ddr-densho-353-302)
The building was located on James Street near Boren, and was directed by the Rev. Ulysses Grant Murphy.

The Northwest Times Vol. 5 No. 9 (January 31, 1951) (ddr-densho-229-270)
"Father Murphy Appeals to the Nisei" (p. 1), "Northwest District Council Sets Conclave for Labor Day Holidays; Seattle to be Host" (p. 1).

Group photo of 15 people (ddr-densho-474-6)
First row: Dr. Carpenter, Miss April, Toyoshiko Kagura, Rev. Gengi Shoji; Second Row: Anima, Rev. U.G. Murphy, M. Teroyama, Doris, ?, ?, Riku Hashiguchi, ?, Chosuku Hashiguchi

A grassland expert receives an award (ddr-njpa-2-735)
Caption on reverse: "GRASSLAND AWARD WINNER: Recognition of his accomplishment with grassland improvement on Maui for 1952 was given recently to Frank Thomas Murphy (left), former county agent by the National Fertilizer Association of Washington, D.C. An engraved silver plaque symbolic of his outstanding achievement in grassland farming was presented to Murphy by associate extension director …

AC Transit press release (ddr-densho-433-549)
An Alameda-Contra Costa District (AC) Transit press release about direct bus commute trips to the General Motors plant and Safeway Retail Offices.

Granada Pioneer Vol. II No. 93 (September 27, 1944) (ddr-densho-147-205)
Selected article titles: "Proposed Board Unpopular. Tally Shows Support Lack" (p. 1), "Institute New Policies on Draftee Reinduction" (p. 1), "To Argue Two Test Cases" (p. 1), "Justice Murphy Pleads for Racial Tolerance" (p. 5).

Child's birthday card (with envelope) addressed to Molly Wilson for Millard from "Little Kennie" (March 6, 1945) (ddr-janm-1-46)
A children's birthday card with envelope addressed to Molly Wilson. Illustration of one cat and one dog on front. Card for Millard turning 4 years old, and signed from "Little Kennie." Envelope stamped March 6, 1945.

Alameda Meeting 1934 (ddr-ajah-6-156)
Panorama of large group posed in front of building. Inscription on front in Japanese.

Large group photo outside building (ddr-ajah-3-228)
Inscription on photo front: March 13, 1932. Caption below photo: March 13, 1932 Buddhist Temple of Alameda, CA, Sunday school and teachers

Alameda Meeting 1934 (ddr-ajah-2-5)
Panorama of large group posed in front of building. Inscription on front in Japanese.

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 123, No. 4 (August 16-September 5, 1996) (ddr-pc-68-16)
Selected article titles: "JACL National Convention, San Jose, Aug. 6-11, 1996: All Aboard" (p. 1), "English-Only Bill Passes House" (pp. 1-2), "Severity of Anti-Asian Violence Is Increasing, Report Says" (p. 4), and "Michigan to Recall Murphy Dissent Against Internment" (pp. 6, 9).

Four portrait photographs from scrapbook (ddr-janm-1-134)
Four black and white photographs of two young Japanese American woman. The first three photographs are of Haruko Nagahiro and the last one is of Miyeko Imamura.

Four photographs from scrapbook page (ddr-janm-1-2)
Four black and white photographs on a portion of a scrapbook page. From left to right, upper left corner: (1) Portrait of Mary Murakami. She has curly hair, wears eyeglasses, colored shirt and vest. (2) Portrait of Fujiko Murakami, Mary's sister. She wears pigtails and checkered jacket, and head tilted to proper left side. (3) Image …

Group of women posing for photo with Rev. Joshin Motoyoshi (ddr-ajah-3-232)
Inscription on photo front: Feb. 4 1934. Caption below photo: February 4, 1934 Buddhist Temple of Alameda, CA YWBA - Rev. Joshin Motoyoshi