746 items
Yasu Koyamatsu Momii Interview Segment 4 (ddr-densho-1000-374-4)
Moving to Los Angeles, California
This material is based upon work assisted by a grant from the Department of the Interior, National Park Service. Any opinions, finding, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of the Interior.
Mas Okui Interview (ddr-densho-1003-13)
Nisei male. Born October 4, 1931, in Los Angeles, California. During World War II, removed to the Manzanar concentration camp, California. After leaving camp, returned to the Los Angeles area. Was drafted into the military and served during the Korean War. Became a teacher, and is active in Japanese American community organizations.
(This material is based …
Kazuo Shiroyama Interview (ddr-densho-1011-6)
Nisei male. Born 1930 in Monterey, California. Grew up in the Wilmington neighborhood of Los Angeles, where father was a fisherman. During World War II, removed to the Santa Anita Assembly Center, California, and the Heart Mountain concentration camp, Wyoming. Returned to Los Angeles after the war.
(This material is based upon work assisted by a …
John Nakada Interview (ddr-manz-1-102)
Nisei male. Born January 14, 1931, in Los Angeles, California. Grew up in Azusa, California, where parents ran a farm. During World War II, removed to the Pomona Assembly Center, California, and the Heart Mountain concentration camp, Wyoming, and Gila River concentration camp, Arizona. Returned to Azusa after leaving camp worked for the Forest Service.
CSU Dominguez Hills Hiroshi Fukuwa Manzanar Diary (ddr-csujad-34)
The Hiroshi Fukuwa Manzanar Diary consists of a diary written by Hiroshi Fukuwa, Kibei Nisei of Los Angeles, California, along with newsletters, clippings, and handwritten notes created/collected in the incarceration camps during World War II. The diary details his incarceration experiences in the Manzanar camp in California, the Gila River camp in Arizona, and the Tule …
Marriage license (ddr-csujad-42-2)
A marriage license of Istuhei Takano and Tomoye Kodama. Issued by County of Los Angeles, California on August 23, 1913. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: tak_01_02_001
Hiroki Kimiko Keaveney Interview (ddr-chi-1-3)
Yonsei. Born in Los Angeles, California, but raised in Ohio. During World War II, members of their family were incarcerated in the Manzanar and Tule Lake concentration camps in California. Graduated from San Francisco State University with a degree in Ethnic Studies. Moved to Chicago, involved in numerous community groups.
Dentists of Rivers Community Hospital (ddr-csujad-11-196)
A photograph of the dentists at the Rivers Community Hospital at the Gila River incarceration camp in Arizona. Each of the dentists' names are provided as well as their hometowns. Standing, left to right: Dr. Obo Sakaguchi- Los Angeles, Dr. Kawamura- San Jose, Dr. Kiyoshi Sonoda- Los Angeles, Dr. C. Nishi- San Francisco, Dr. Masao Sugiyama- …
Baby photo (ddr-densho-107-1)
This photo was taken at the Akagawa Studio in Los Angeles, California. At the time the photo was taken, Roy Matsumoto was about three and a half months old. A copy of the photo was made at the Hiroshima Studio on March 12, 1931.
[Nisei Week] (ddr-csujad-29-239)
Photograph of a man overseeing a craft booth during Los Angeles Nisei Week, presumably. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: P182
Taneyuki Dan Harada Interview (ddr-densho-1000-306)
Kibei male. Born June 17, 1923, in Los Angeles, California. Grew up in Los Angeles before moving to Japan and attending school. Returned to the U.S. in 1938, and was attending high school when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Removed to the Tanforan Assembly Center, California, and the Topaz concentration camp, Utah. While …
Letter from [Emiko] A. Terada to Mrs. and Mrs. Thomas, August 27, 1948 (ddr-csujad-4-26)
A letter from Emiko Amy Terada in Los Angeles, California to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas in Lawndale, California. The letter contains news of her mother's death. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nis_06_028
Joyce Okazaki Interview I (ddr-manz-1-125)
Sansei female. Grew up in Los Angeles, California, and was a young child when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor in 1941. During World War II, removed with family to the Manzanar concentration camp, California. While in camp, was photographed by renowned photographer Ansel Adams. After leaving camp, lived for a time in Chicago before family eventually returned …
Joyce Okazaki Interview II (ddr-manz-1-146)
Sansei female. Grew up in Los Angeles, California, and was a young child when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor in 1941. During World War II, removed with family to the Manzanar concentration camp, California. While in camp, was photographed by renowned photographer Ansel Adams. After leaving camp, lived for a time in Chicago before family eventually returned …
Statement on Testimony of Harold H. Townsend (ddr-csujad-19-65)
This is the Statement of Testimony of Harold H. Townsend before the House of Representatives Subcommittee of the Special Committee on Un-American Activities, Los Angeles, California, 1943 May 26. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: WRA_02-18_01
Settlement of escrow (ddr-csujad-42-13)
A settlement of escrow for the property in Los Angeles, California under the name of the new owner, Fumio Fred Takano. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: tak_01_10_003
Chizuko Omori Interview II (ddr-densho-1000-336)
Nisei female. Born 1930 in Oxnard, California. Family resided in Oceanside, California, when World War II broke out. Removed with family to the Poston (Colorado River) concentration camp, Colorado. After leaving camp, lived for a time in Los Angeles. Along with sister, produced the award-winning documentary Rabbit in the Moon.
Chizuko Omori Interview I (ddr-densho-1000-323)
Nisei female. Born 1930 in Oxnard, California. Family resided in Oceanside, California, when World War II broke out. Removed with family to the Poston (Colorado River) concentration camp, Colorado. After leaving camp, lived for a time in Los Angeles. Along with sister, produced the award-winning documentary Rabbit in the Moon.
Issei father (ddr-densho-151-310)
Original caption: Near Florin, California. This Issei, the father of seven children, came to the United States from Japan when he was a boy. Formerly he was in the wholesale grocery business in Los Angeles and came to Florin, California just before the freezing order came through for all persons of Japanese ancestry.
Yooichi Wakamiya Interview (ddr-manz-1-87)
Nisei male. Born July 10, 1933, in Hawthorne, California. Grew up in Hawthorne where parents ran a flower growing business. During World War II, removed with family to the Santa Anita Assembly Center, California, and the Rohwer concentration camp, Arkansas. After leaving camp, lived with family for a time in a trailer camp in Los Angeles, …
Testimony of Richard Takaji Nishioka (ddr-densho-67-163)
Written testimony of Richard Takaji Nishioka, born in Los Angeles, California. Incarcerated in Poston concentration camp, Arizona. This testimony was presented at the CWRIC hearing in Seattle, Washington, on Wednesday, September 9, 1981, in the section titled "Discrimination and Psychological Impact." Personal information excised by Densho.
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 23 No. 6 (August 10, 1946) (ddr-pc-18-32)
Selected article titles: "Application for Naturalization Will Be Accepted from Issei By Immigration Department" (p. 1), "California Judge Restrains State Body from Restricting Rights of Issei Fishermen" (p. 1), "Lack of Housing Temporarily Halts Canadian Movement" (p. 3), "JACL Chapter Reactived in Los Angeles" (p. 3).
Berth 58 at Port of Los Angeles (ddr-csujad-43-213)
Appraisal photograph number 3199 of Berth 58 at the Port of Los Angeles. Negative scan. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: ter_03_070
[Nisei Week] (ddr-csujad-29-238)
Photograph of Los Angeles Nisei Week from San Pedro Street with City Hall in the background. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: P181
Civilian exclusion order no. 43 (ddr-csujad-55-860)
Exclusion orders and evacuation instructions for persons of Japanese ancestry residing in the Los Angeles area. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_0862