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Governor Samuel Wilder King and others listening to a speech (ddr-njpa-2-255)
Caption on reverse: "FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF WALTER-MCCARRAN ACT NOTED: The first anniversary of the Walter-McCarran Act, which eliminated all racial barriers to naturalization in the United States for the first time, was celebrated at a dinner sponsored by the Naturalization Encouragement Association of Honolulu last night at the Waikiki Lau Yee Chai. Frank J. Drees, director …

Two directors of the Department of Public Welfare, Samuel Wilder King and Neal Blaisdell (ddr-njpa-2-742)
Caption on reverse: "NEW T.H. WELFARE DIRECTOR TAKES OFFICE: Mary Noonan is is [sic] being congratulated by Governor Samuel Wilder King and two of her predecessors, Mayor Neal S. Blaisdell and George H. McLane, shortly after being sworn in this morning as director of the department of public welfare. Left to right are: Gov. King, McLane, …

Samuel Wilder King and Elizabeth P. Farrington receiving tickets to a football game (ddr-njpa-2-284)
Caption on reverse: "FOR NEBRASKA GAME: Jimmy Lovell (right), representing the University of Hawaii, presents tickets to Governor Samuel Wilder King and Delegate Elizabeth Farrington for the UH-Nebraska football game here Nov. 26. The intersectional contest will be dedicated to the memory of the late Delegate Joseph R. Farrington and two others.--(Hawaii Times photo)."

Neal Blaisdell, Samuel Wilder King, fire chief and AmFac manager holding poster (ddr-njpa-2-1166)
Caption on reverse: "FIRE PREVENTION WEEK: As proclaimed by Gov. Samuel Wilder King, Fire Prevention Week will be observed throughout the territory starting Sunday. Shown with the poster for this year's observance are, left to right: Mayor Neal S. Blaisdell, Fire Chief Harold C. Smith, Gov. King and Stafford W. Kelley, manager of the special accounts …

The inauguration of Paul S. Bachman (ddr-njpa-2-42)
Caption on reverse: "INAUGURAL OF NEW U.H. PRESIDENT: Dr. Paul S. Bachman (indicated by arrow) was formally installed as fifth president of the University of Hawaii at colorful inaugural ceremonies held at the Arthur L. Andrews outdoor theater this morning at 10. On his left are Governor Samuel Wilder King and Philip E. Spalding, chairman of …

Photographs and article regarding Nobusuke Kishi visiting Honolulu (ddr-njpa-4-428)
Article title [translation]: "Prime Minister Kishi Cheerily Calls at Port He Is Proud of Significant Role of People of Japanese Ancestry He Announces His Message at the Airport."

Samuel Wilder King at Ala Moana Beach with a city employee and two young boys (ddr-njpa-2-210)
Caption on reverse: "CITY GETS NEW ALA MOANA BEACH AREA: The new $43,000 Ala Moana beach and swimming area was officially transferred to the city-county by the territory at a ceremony held yesterday at 11 a.m. Left to right: Kneeling, John P. Creedon, city-county parks board chairman, and Gov. Samuel Wilder King, who were among the …

George H. McLane being sworn into office (ddr-njpa-2-657)
Caption on reverse: "McLANE HEADS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE: George H. McLane, administrative assistant to Governor Samuel Wilder King for the past 20-1/2 months, was sworn in today at 9:45 a.m. by Chief Justice Edward Towse of the Territorial Supreme Court (left) in a brief Iolani Palace ceremony as director of the Territorial department of public …

Wade Warren Thayer speaking at Boy Scout event (ddr-njpa-2-956)
Caption on reverse: "KAMAAINA SCOUTER, NEW EAGLES SHARE HONORS: Wade Warren Thayer, a veteran of 40 years in the Boy Scout movement in Hawaii, is shown addressing the second annual Eagle Scout recognition dinner of the Honolulu Council, Boy Scouts of America, at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel ballroom last night, when he and 31 Oahu Eagle …

Farrant L. Turner speaking at 49th State Fair opening ceremonies (ddr-njpa-2-986)
Caption on reverse: "DIGNITARIES ATTEND 49TH STATE FAIR OPENING: Military and civilian dignitaries attended the opening ceremonies of the sixth 49th State Fair last night at Sand Island. Standing before the mike is Secretary of Hawaii Farrant L. Turner, who was one of the principal speakers, representing Gov. Samuel Wilder King. Others, left to right, are: …
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