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2923 items
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 89, No. 2073 (December 14, 1979) (ddr-pc-51-49)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 89, No. 2073 (December 14, 1979) (ddr-pc-51-49)
Selected article titles: "'Massive' Review of Iranian Students Challenged" (p. 1), "The Iranian Situation News Briefs: White House Appreciates JACL Support" (pp. 1, 4), "From the Midwest: The Invisible Woman: From Geisha to Feminist, Part Two" (p. 5), and "JACLers Visit South America: Counterpart in Brazil" (p. 8).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 120, No. 9 (May 5-18, 1995) (ddr-pc-67-9)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 120, No. 9 (May 5-18, 1995) (ddr-pc-67-9)
Selected article titles: "Militia Man Accuses Japan in Oklahoma City Bombing" (pp. 1, 7), "With 'Eye on Future,' Members Discuss New, Old JACL Issues" (pp. 1, 3, 7, 12), "Move to Include Asian American Studies Hits More Campuses" (p. 4), and "Sidebar: A-Bomb Revisited" (pp. 9, 12).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 121, No. 8 (October 20-November 2, 1995) (ddr-pc-67-20)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 121, No. 8 (October 20-November 2, 1995) (ddr-pc-67-20)
Selected article titles: "Leaders Comment on Impact of O.J. Verdict on APA Communities: Worries, Doubts, Concerns Begin to Surface" (pp. 1, 4), "JACL Legal Counsel Comments on Severance, Improper Conduct Charges" (p. 3), and "Books: Three Books Bring Alive the Many Stories of Nikkei Vets" (pp. 6-7).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 123, No. 6 (September 20-October 3, 1996) (ddr-pc-68-18)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 123, No. 6 (September 20-October 3, 1996) (ddr-pc-68-18)
Selected article titles: "Three Nisei Deported from Peru in WWII Sue U.S. for Redress" (pp. 1, 12), "Bill Poses Threat to Affirmative Action, Says AP Organization" (pp. 1, 12), "National JACL to Take on This 'Monumental Task'" (p. 5), and "Voices: Not Enough Asian Americans Ambassadors" (p. 9).
Letter from Mito to Michi Weglyn (ddr-csujad-24-43)
doc Letter from Mito to Michi Weglyn (ddr-csujad-24-43)
A letter from Mito to Michi Weglyn praising Frank Emi and criticizing the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL). See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: chi_02_002
Letter from Michi Weglyn to Frank Chin, August 31, 1988 (ddr-csujad-24-103)
doc Letter from Michi Weglyn to Frank Chin, August 31, 1988 (ddr-csujad-24-103)
A letter from Michi Weglyn to Frank Chin about investigating allegations against the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL). See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: chi_08_005
Gila News-Courier Vol. III No. 87 (March 11, 1944) (ddr-densho-141-242)
doc Gila News-Courier Vol. III No. 87 (March 11, 1944) (ddr-densho-141-242)
Selected article titles: "Power Shutout Next Week" (p. 1), "Food, Lodging for Inductees" (p. 1), "America: Melting Pot of the World" (p. 2), "Editorial: Unity and the JACL" (p. 2), "Poet Carl Sandburg Says Most Nisei are Loyal" (p. 3), "Railroad Jobs Open to About 300 Evacuees" (p. 5).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 44, No. 22 (May 31, 1957) (ddr-pc-29-22)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 44, No. 22 (May 31, 1957) (ddr-pc-29-22)
Select article titles: "House Approves Supplemental Appropriations Bill to Pay 1,300 Claimants over $1,600,000 By Summer" (p. 1); "YWCA director who befriended Japanese in Salt Lake during war years to retire" (p. 1); "Renunciants urged to file Form N-576 as soon as possible to secure administrative review of validity of own action" (p. 1); "Appeal Made …
Bill Tashima Interview (ddr-sjacl-2-39)
vh Bill Tashima Interview (ddr-sjacl-2-39)
In this interview, Ana Tanaka led a conversation with Bill Tashima. Bill spoke of his growing up in Cleveland, Ohio, his early involvement with JACL as a youth participant, and his coming to the Pacific Northwest in the 1980's. Bill has extensive experience with Seattle JACL's advocacy, community outreach, civil rights and for ensuring the continuation …

Narrator Clifford Uyeda

Nisei male. Born January 14, 1917, in Olympia, Washington. Raised in Washington before attending the University of Wisconsin, where he graduated in 1940. Earned medical degree from Tulane University School of Medicine in New Orleans, and completed his residency at Harvard Medical School in 1949. Served in the U.S. Air Force during the Korean War and …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 19 No. 21 (November 25, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-48)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 19 No. 21 (November 25, 1944) (ddr-pc-16-48)
Selected article titles: "President Roosevelt Praises 'Wonderful' Combat Record of Japanese American Soldiers" (p. 1), "Gov. Warren Says California Will Give 'Full Recognition' to Nisei Citizens Upon Return" (p. 1), "Anti-Evacuee Act Prompted by Economic Fear, Says Marshall" (p. 3), "JACL Conference to Discuss Japanese American Problems" (p. 4).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 23 No. 15 (October 19, 1946) (ddr-pc-18-42)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 23 No. 15 (October 19, 1946) (ddr-pc-18-42)
Selected article titles: "Nisei Wins Right to Farm In California Escheat Case. Stipulation Settlement Hailed As Victory By Wirin; $75,000 Paid to Clear Title to Land" (p. 1), "Canada Refusal To Admit Nisei GI's Protested" (p. 1), "Northern California JACL Delegates Pledge Support to Campaign Against Land Law" (p. 2).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 26 No. 21 (May 22, 1948) (ddr-pc-20-20)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 26 No. 21 (May 22, 1948) (ddr-pc-20-20)
Selected article titles: "Noted Witnesses Endorse Evacuee Claims Proposal. McCloy, Myer, Biddle, Ennis Urge Speedy Senate Action Compensation for Damages" (p. 1), "Mother Pleads With Sailor Son To Drop Romance With Nisei" (p. 1), "JACL Urges Passage of Bill to Repay Evacuees for Losses Resulting from Mass Removal" (p. 3).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 27 No. 23 (December 4, 1948) (ddr-pc-20-48)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 27 No. 23 (December 4, 1948) (ddr-pc-20-48)
Selected article titles: "Heavy Demand for Evacuee Claims Material Noted by JACL National Headquarters" (p. 1), "Los Angeles County Will Seek Court Ruling on Intermarriage" (p. 1), "Discrimination Affecting Nisei Group Noted by Masaoka in Report to Civic Unity Meet" (p. 3), "Japanese Americans Teach Democracy to New Immigrants" (p. 8).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 28 No. 22 (June 4, 1949) (ddr-pc-21-22)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 28 No. 22 (June 4, 1949) (ddr-pc-21-22)
Selected article titles: "JACL Honors Arlington Nisei in Memorial Day Ceremony" (p. 1), "Poison Oak Saves Nisei Trying to Commit Suicide" (p. 1), "Masaoka Declines Invitation To Attend Rearmament Meet" (p. 1), "Prejudice Still Handicaps Chicago Nisei Home Buyers" (p. 3), "Masaoka Named to Committee on Civil Rights" (p. 8).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 29 No. 7 (August 13, 1949) (ddr-pc-21-32)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 29 No. 7 (August 13, 1949) (ddr-pc-21-32)
Selected article titles: "JACL National Board Urges Continued Full-Fledged Right for Issei Citizen Rights" (p. 1), "Government Winds Up Case in Trial of 'Tokyo Rose'" (p. 1), "Loyalty Not Matter of Race, Says Japan Paper of Nisei" (p. 3), "California Agency Rescinds Ban on Issei Liquor Licenses" (p. 8).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 35 No. 14 (October 3, 1952) (ddr-pc-24-40)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 35 No. 14 (October 3, 1952) (ddr-pc-24-40)
Selected article titles: "New 'look' for PC in Los Angeles with new staff and board in charge" (p. 1), "Many P.C. readers respond" (p. 2), "JACL continuance necessary: Masaoka" (p. 4), "NCWC immigration director defends Walter-McCarran Act at Seattle confab" (p. 5), "Nisei voting bloc in Hawaii unknown" (p. 8).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 38 No. 10 (March 5, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-10)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 38 No. 10 (March 5, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-10)
Selected article titles: "Matoba 5-F case settled, judge concurs with Tsuji decision" (p. 1), "JACL submits testimony for FEPC" (p. 1), "Former intelligence officer warns Nisei not to be used as 'cudgel' for other minorities" (p. 2), "Amendment to include Peru Japanese in Refugee Bill urged by Masaoka" (p. 7).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 38 No. 22 (May 28, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-22)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 38 No. 22 (May 28, 1954) (ddr-pc-26-22)
Selected article titles: "JACL to participate in national memorial day rites at Arlington" (p. 1), "'Sake' regarded as beer for tax purpose, and for good reason" (p. 1), "Sue private housing developer aided by FHA, charge buyer refused solely because of race" (p. 1), "80,000 Commies in Japan" (p. 3).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 45, No. 25 (December 20, 1957) (ddr-pc-29-51)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 45, No. 25 (December 20, 1957) (ddr-pc-29-51)
The holiday issue included advertisements bought by JACL members and chapters that included personal addresses and phone numbers to better foster communications between Japanese American communities. These addresses and phone numbers have been redacted to help protect the privacy of Japanese American communities. Please contact Densho to request the original version.
Pacific Citizen, Vol 68, No. 1 (January 3, 1969) (ddr-pc-41-1)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol 68, No. 1 (January 3, 1969) (ddr-pc-41-1)
Select article titles: "A 1,000 Tsuru on a Tree" (p. 1); "Campus quiet, but SFSC crisis still at danger point" (p. 1); "JACL Chapters Cautioned on Hayakawa Issue" (p. 1); "Okei-san missing from 1870 census" (p. 3); "Listen to youth, Sen. Onouye warns; their credentials high, patience low" (p. 4).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 64, No. 23 (June 9, 1967) (ddr-pc-39-24)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 64, No. 23 (June 9, 1967) (ddr-pc-39-24)
Selected article titles: "Yokohama Specie Bank yen deposit claimants get final chance to file" (p. 1), "Watsonville JACL project to beautify Japanese cemetery" (p. 1), "UCLA Symposium on Evacuation: Japanese tailor-made for Army order, says Kitano" (p. 1), "UC Berkeley accepts Japanese women student clubhouse on Hearst Ave." (p. 1).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 72, No. 12 (March 26, 1971) (ddr-pc-43-12)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 72, No. 12 (March 26, 1971) (ddr-pc-43-12)
Selected article titles: "'Title II' campaign: Judiciary subcommittee meets 1 day for repealer" (p. 1), "Detroit celebrates 25th anniversary, hears Uno update on JACL directions" (p. 1), "MDC 'no-frill' format successful" (p. 1), "Calif. Alien welfare issue aired" (p. 1), "San Francisco Nihonmachi set for cherry blossom festival" (p. 1)
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 72, No. 16 (April 23, 1971) (ddr-pc-43-16)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 72, No. 16 (April 23, 1971) (ddr-pc-43-16)
Selected article titles: "Six JARP books in '72 expected" (p. 1), "Norman Mineta wins San Jose mayor election" (p. 1), "Parents demand Nisei principal be replaced" (p. 1), "Patsy Mink challenges Asian ethnic scholars to wider roles" (p. 1), "JACL urges anti-poverty programs be kept present OEO structure" (p. 2)
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 40 No. 15 (April 15, 1955) (ddr-pc-27-15)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 40 No. 15 (April 15, 1955) (ddr-pc-27-15)
Selected article titles: "Seek operational data of Refugee Relief Act after recent clarifications of definitions in measure" (p. 1), "New cycle of Orient-Caucasian romances" (p. 1), "Freemasonry in Japan" (p. 2), "JACL checking Georgia ban on mixed marriages, white-Japanese pair involved" (p. 3), "Theme Song for JACLers" (p. 5).