334 items
Clipping regarding William M. Vories (ddr-njpa-1-2322)
Article title: "Dr. Vories seeks Japan citizenship."
Jose Maria Cantilo, Roberto Maria Ortiz, and Osvaldo Aranha (ddr-njpa-1-1010)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Brazilian Foreign Minister Vists Argentina. (Buenos Aires) Domei. Brazilian Foreign Minister Aranha visited Buenos Aires in early February and met with several important Argentine officials including President Ortiz in the hopes of establishing a South American bloc and improving goodwill between Brazil and Argentina. Photograph: (sitting, from left) Argentine Foreign Minister Cantilo, …
Wedding portrait of Louis Ferdinand and Kira Kirillovna (ddr-njpa-1-340)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Late Wedding. (Potsdam) Domei. The dreams of the Kaiser, living in exile in the Netherlands, are empty, but one has now been achieved. The wedding of Luis Ferdinand, the eldest son of the former German crown prince, and the daughter of Grand Duke Cyril of the former Russian royal family was held …
Yukio Ozaki being filmed with others (ddr-njpa-4-1239)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Domei National News. (Tokyo) January 17. Before opening of congress Mr. Ozaki appeared in constitutional talkie. In honor of the new capital, a Japanese movie studio decided to produce a talkie titled 'Our Constitutional Hall.' Cast for this movie was Kentaro Kaneko, Yukio Ozaki, Suzuki, Keisuke Mochizuki, Adachi, Tanaka, and others. They …
Clipping regarding Eiko Maeda, an international women's assocation leader (ddr-njpa-4-986)
Caption on front [translation]: "Eiko Maeda. 1. International Women's Assocation Councilor; 2. Kyoto; 3. July 1897; 4. Kyoto, Domei-Sha Girls' School; 5. Kobe, Kamitsutsui, 6th chome, 4-1; 6. Nagauta music, Japanese music, Western music; 7. As the International Women's Association Councilor and a member of the Kobe Women's Club, she is active in different relations with …
United States Supreme Court Justices (ddr-njpa-1-704)
Caption on reverse: "(Front row from L) Louis D. Brandeis (80) Willis Van Devanter (77) Chief Justice Charles Hughes (74) James C. McReynolds (75) George Sutherland (74) (Rear Row from L) Owen J. Roberts (61) Pierce Butler (70) Harlen [sic] F. Stone (81) Benjamin N. Cardozo (66)."
Caption on reverse [translation]: The President vs. The Protectors …
Book of 70th Anniversary of Japanese Congregational Church (ddr-densho-446-455)
The Japanese Congregational Church's 70th Anniversary coincided with the 100th Anniversary of the Japanese Christian Mission in North America. This book traces the history of JCC within the larger setting of national and local events, and some of the photos and narratives may be of interest. Ai Chih Tsai was pastor at JCC from 1948 to …
70th Anniversary of the Japanese Congregational Church (ddr-densho-474-53)
The Japanese Congregational Church's 70th Anniversary book traces the history of JCC within the context of national and local events.