820 items
820 items

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4288 (March 24, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-1)
Selected article titles: "Nation's First Anti-Discrimination Law Adopted by new York State"; "Service Sunday to Ordain Rev. Sakamoto to Ministry"; "New Yorkers Honor Mine Okubo: Nisei Artist Opens Exhibit of Her Pictures and Center Life"; "Pleas on Camps Scheduled for Denial"; "Nisei Bowlers' League"; "Denver City Tournament Will be Held Next Week"; "6,150 Japanese in U.S. …

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4335 (July 12, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-49)
Selected article titles: "Niseigram"; "California Group Will Form to Combat Racial Prejudice"; "Midwest Bussei to Hold Social"; "Hawaii Born Nisei Dies in Plunge"; "22 Wyoming Nisei Get Draft Sentences"; "WRA Hits Tenney on Nisei Charges"; "Only 100 Japanese in Detroit Attend Church"; "100 Leave Tule Lake for Alien Camp"; "Nisei Appointed to Staff of Chicago WLB."

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4372 (October 9, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-83)
Selected article titles: "12th Annual Young People's Christian Confab Plans Under Way"; "U.S. to Deport Nisei Who Renounce Citizenship"; "Late Attorney Leaves $100 to Japanese War Vet Vandal Victim"; "'Old Buyers' Can Still Evict on One Month's Notice to OPA"; "Washington Post: Relocation Funds"; "Yokohama Specie Bank First Dividend Payments to Start After Oct. 1, 1945"; …

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4376 (October 18, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-87)
Selected article titles: "Berkeley, Calif. Proves 'Test Tube' for Postwar Racial Problems"; "To Investigate Attack on Evacuee in Wyo."; "Nisei Find Selves Stuck in Japan"; "'Guaranteed Housing' Asked for Relocatees"; "YBA Goblin's Frolic"; "Cal. Equalization Board Finally Yields to Issei Demands"; "Nisei Wins Scholarship at College in Boston"; "Local Nisei Bowling League"; "Bears Meet Zebras in …

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4314 (May 24, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-28)
Selected article titles: "Evacuee Family Receives Hearty Welcome Home to Coast"; "Shots Hit Home of Returned Nisei"; "Racial Plan"; "Gila River Parents Wear 551 Service Pins"; "Native Sons Ask Army to Ban Japanese Return"; "'Nisei in the War Against Japan'"; "Nisei to Get Aid"; "Fashion Academy to Graduate 13"; "WRA Plans Drive for Hiring of Nisei"; …

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4295 (April 10, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-8)
Selected article titles: "WRA Agents Berated at Mass Meet in Shelton, Nebraska. Shelton Residents Oppose Japanese Colony"; "Nisei on Iwo Jima"; "Nisei Girl Helps Yanks on Okinawa"; "Flood of Japanese to West Coast Feared"; "The Christian Century: Canada Threatens Its Nisei Citizens"; "Cornelians to Meet Thursday, April 12"; "Nisei Spearhead Drive on Italian Front"; "WRA Will …

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4345 (August 4, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-57)
Selected article titles: "North Weld News Roundup"; "News Briefs of Relocatees"; "Army Reiterates It Controls Japanese Return to Coast"; "ILWU States Reasons for Trial Recommendations"; "Vagabonds Present..."; "Palo Alto Nisei Raise Book Fund to be Used by War Hero's Alma Mater."

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4380 (October 27, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-91)
Selected article titles: "Sacramento Bee: Tule Lake Japanese Still Pose Problem"; "Minidoka Closes Ahead of Schedule"; "Returnee Accused of Tried Attack"; "Choate is WRA Officer in Sacramento"; "Miyasaki-Kikunaga Betrothal Announced"; "Savage and Snelling Graduates Act as 'Eyes and Ears' of Army"; "Nisei Receive Scholarships"; "Nisei Driven Car Injures 2 Seriously"; "Sewing School to Begin Classes Next …

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4373 (October 11, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-84)
Selected article titles: "Niseigram"; "Placer Co. Brothers Acquitted in Terror Raid Case"; "Calif. Sanatorium Seeks Removal of Alien Japanese"; "Judge Sentences Nisei for Evading Induction Here"; "Immigration Men to Guard Tule Camp"; "Vagabonds' 'Hard-Times' Dance -- Coronado Club, Saturday, Oct. 13"; "Scholarships Won by Three Oregon Nisei"; "Nisei GIs from All Parts of World Enjoy Cross …

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4367 (September 27, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-78)
Selected article titles: "Wisdom and Constitutionality of Evacuation Challenged Anew. Racial Prejudice Motivated It, Says Yale Professor. Supreme Court Must Reverse Itself"; "S.F. Chronicle: Outrage on Pine Street"; "Restrictions on Nisei Civilian Airmen Lifted"; "Kalifornians' Varsity Drag at the Famous Hotel Sherman Sat., Oct. 6"; "Protest made Against Forcing Evacuees Back to Coast Without Adequate Housing."

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4357 (September 1, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-69)
Selected article titles: "How and Where Will Nisei Come Back? Niches Found Eastward by Japanese Americans"; "Ample Legal Counsel -- Free!"; "Nisei, Backed by Mayor Lupham, Returns to Job; Workers Confer"; "Special! Machinists Will Work With Nisei"; "San Francisco News: Mistaken Shopmen"; "Aliens May Own Real Property in New York"; "So. Calif. WRA Awarded First Prize …

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4318 (June 2, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-32)
Selected article titles: "First Arrest Made in Anti-Nisei Terror Raids"; "S.F. Chronicle: Only a Shotgun"; "2353 Japanese Back on Coast"; "Anti-Nisei Group Refuses to Testify at ILWU Hearing"; "Farm Returned to Oregon Nisei by Jury Order"; "Midwest Attitude Toward Nisei Favorable"; "Bears to Play Fitzsimons Sunday."

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4310 (May 15, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-23)
Selected article titles: "The Washington Post: West Coast Terror"; "Japanese in Fresno Terrorized Again"; "Capt. Nakada Injured in Italian Fight"; "Memorial Services Held for Pfc. T. Ito"; "Ickes Hits Terror Reign Against Japanese Americans"; "Merchants Hit for Buying Stolen Goods"; "New Law to Ban Fishing by Citizens at Heart Mountain"; "Red Cross Instructs Chapters on Needs …

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4358 (September 6, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-70)
Selected article titles: "Congressman Declares Back Door is Open to Undesirable Aliens"; "'Not Guilty' Pleas Made in Doi Case"; "Alien Loses Land Title in Court"; "Cadet Nurses Open Factory Jobs in PA in Round About Ways"; "Coast Ban Lifted on U.S. Japanese"; "Japanese Physicist Helped Toward A-Bomb"; "Brighton Child Hit Playing in Street"; "Japanese Sentenced to …

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4319 (June 5, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-33)
Selected article titles: "North Weld News Roundup"; "Nisei Promoted in Field to 2nd Lieutenant"; "Ickes Condemns Judge in Nisei Case"; "Judge Stands Pat on Decision"; "CIO Condemns Jury in Placer Raid Trial"; "National WLB Praises Nisei"; "Ranchers to Hire Evacuees in Fresno Area"; "Luptonians to Hold Skating Party"; "ILWU Officials Score Action of Stockton Local"; "Greeley …

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4296 (April 12, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-9)
Selected article titles: "Featuring... Nisei-Grams"; "Nisei GIs Recuperating at Vancouver, Washington"; "Nisei Coaches All Women's Basketball League"; "Saburo Kido, Nat'l JACL Prexy, Here"; "New Photo Studio Opens Here"; "Nisei Attorney Opens Law Office in Sacramento"; "Couple Found to Adopt Twins Born to Nisei in Chicago."

Letter from the State of Colorado, Liquor License Division (ddr-densho-319-577)
Correspondence from the State of Colorado's Liquor License Division about enforcement of regulation #13.

Former Los Angeles fruit and vegetable clerk Joe Sitsuda weighing nails in Union Hardware Store, Denver, Colorado (ddr-csujad-14-28)
Former Los Angeles fruit and vegetable clerk Joe Sitsuda weighing nails in Union Hardware Store, Denver, Colorado, where he has worked since December 1, 1942. He came from Colorado River incarceration camp. March 2, 1943. Photo by Tom Parker. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: HMLSC_TOMO_028

Bent County High School class of 1932 (ddr-csujad-42-194)
A group photograph of graduating class of Bent County High School, Colorado. Includes Yoneko Meguro. The handwritten note on the back side reads: Graduating class of Bent County, Colorado of 1932. It may be taken in 1936. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: tak_02_04_001

Yo Shinoda for Grace Umezawa (ddr-ajah-8-11)
In this video, Yo Shinoda talks about her mother, Grace Kuniye Umezawa. Grace was born in Alameda, and was the first Japanese American girl to graduate from Alameda High School. During World War II, removed to the Amache concentration camp, Colorado. Grace worked as a teacher at the navy language school in Boulder, Colorado. AFter the …

Newman's Drug Store (ddr-densho-159-9)
George Ochikubo, a native of Portland, Oregon, was a talented photographer who took numerous photographs of the Granada (Amache) concentration camp, Colorado. He used a 4x5 speed graphic camera.

Letter (with envelope) to Molly Wilson from Sandie Saito (July 17, 1943) (ddr-janm-1-16)
Handwritten letter to Molly Wilson from Sandie Saito (July 17, 1943). Envelope (addressed "The 'Flea' ") is postmarked July 19, 1943 from the Granada (Amache) Incarceration Camp in Amache, Colorado.

Bon Odori (ddr-densho-37-516)
Original WRA caption: Granada Relocation Center, Amache, Colorado. young dancers line up for refreshments during intermission at the Bon Odori dance, August 14, sponsored by the Granada Buddhist Church.

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 102, No. 6 (February 14, 1986) (ddr-pc-58-6)
Selected article titles: "Hirabayashi Verdict Reached" (pp. 1, 8), "Colorado Rep Backs H.R. 442" (p. 1), "Remark on Onizuka Protested" (p. 1), and "Bill to Eliminate 'Jap' Proposed" (p. 3).