820 items
820 items

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4370 (October 4, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-81)
Selected article titles: "Glenn Co., Cal., Finds Solution to Japanese Student Problem"; "Racial Discrimination Practiced by Calif. State Board of Equalization"; "Japanese Applicant for License Gets a Hearing"; "Vags 'Paper Moon'"; "Skating Party Slated by 'Colleens'."

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4352 (August 21, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-64)
Selected article titles: "Army Appeals Decision in Individual Exclusion Case"; "Admires Nisei Troops"; "Detroit Nisei Sponsor Dance"; "Bulletin! 442nd to Help Occupy Japan!"; "John Matsushima Gets Degree at Fort Collins"; "ACLU Reward Offer Unclaimed, Evacuees Flocking Back to Coast"; "Nisei Champ of Guernsey Dairy Dept."; "Learn of Marriage"; "Kalifornians' Pre-Labor Day Hop at Stevens Hotel September …

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4320 (June 7, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-34)
Selected article titles: "Violence Threats are Held Bar to Nisei Return to Coast"; "Army to Get 'Japanese Course' From Nisei Instructors"; "Army Power to Bar Japanese from War Area is Upheld"; "Yank Power Bitterly Denounces West Coast Abuse of Loyal Nisei"; "Rev. Fujimori to Leave for California"; "Fresno Churches Provide Quarters for Evacuees"; "Organize Against Returnees: …

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4363 (September 18, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-74)
Selected article titles: "Coast Housing Situation Aided by WRA and FPHA"; "Calif. Attorney General Commends Yolo Sheriff"; "North. Cal. Evacuees Have No Difficulties Obtaining Sales Tax Permits"; "Tolerance"; "Colorado Nisei Have Lauded by Comrades in New York"; "Vets Unite to Combat Prejudice"; "Jr. YBA to Hold Skating Party"; "Calif. State Names Japanese Ranchers in Suits"; "Japanese …

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4327 (June 23, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-41)
Selected article titles: "Union Limits Nisei to Ex-Service Men. Teamsters' Union Says It Will Oppose All Other Japanese in West Coast Jobs"; "Solon Champions Minority Workers"; "360 Nisei Return to Oregon"; "Closed Trial Held in Stockton Union Dispute"; "33 Attacks Made on Resettlers"; "C. of C. in Yuba County Opposes Harvest Use of Japanese"; "NWAA Softball"; …

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4323 (June 14, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-37)
Selected article titles: "Appropriations Committee Recommends $25,000,000 to Wind Up Work of WRA"; "Nisei in Draft to Go Thru Same Routine as Others"; "West Coast Hostel Residence Limitation Rescinded"; "Nisei Veteran Wonders About Home Reception"; "Soldier of Japanese Ancestry Winner of British Award"; "Anti-Japanese Group Prove Suggested"; "Kenny Believes Officials Have Deterred Anti-Japanese Acts"; "ILWU Official …

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4336 (July 14, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-50)
Selected article titles: "The New Republic: The Nisei Come Home"; "What's Doing in the Churches"; "Nisei-Driven Truck Collides with Police Car"; "Families of Nisei Vets & Servicemen Now Eligible for FPHA"; "Amache One of Centers to Close"; "Centerites Receive Ration Books"; "Theft Reported."

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4354 (August 25, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-66)
Selected article titles: "'Soldier Asleep'"; "Delta Japanese Appeal Newell Camp Sentences"; "Sacramento Bee: Japanese Language Schools Should Not be Allowed"; "Nakama Wins 2 Natl. Swim Titles"; "What's Going On? News of Californians You May Know"; "Calif. Japanese Threatened"; "Vagabonds -- Pre-Labor Day 'Spree'"; "Manzanar Orphans Welcomed at L.A. Orphanages."

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4313 (June 1, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-43)
Selected article titles: "The 11th Street Corner"; "700 of Returned Japanese Go on Calif. Relief Rolls"; "Nisei Art Exhibit Moves to Boston"; "WRA Hits Boycotts Against Price Cutting by Japanese"; "YPF Sponsors Skate-Fest Sat. Nite"; "Chicago Buddhist Church Group Will Sponsor Carnival"; "The Washington Post: Rebuke from the Front"; "Tule Lake Has Picnic Park, Recreation Area"; …

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4290 (March 29, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-3)
Selected article titles: "Resettlement Assistance Fund Aids St. Louis Issei"; "The Human Story of the Evacuees"; "Sunrise Services at the California Street Community Church"; "Heartaches Await Nisei. Many of Them, Not 'Liking the Looks of Things,' Remain in War Relocation Centers"; "Nisei Heroism Affords Antithesis of Racism"; "Zephyrs Upset by Marusho Vags; Bears Trounce T.K., 80-59"; …

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4293 (April 5, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-6)
Selected article titles: "Exhibition of Resettlers Paintings Shown in Philadelphia"; "Oregon Passes Anti-Alien Land Ownership Bill"; "Resolution Urges U.S. to Pay for Japanese Return"; "Buddhists Plan Hana Matsuri"; "Nisei Held on Draft Charge"; "Court Restores Building to Japanese Grocer"; "WRA Probes Report of Attempt to Oust Nisei in Neb. Farmers Seek to Head Off Japanese American …

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4359 (September 8, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-71)
Selected article titles: "Tule Lake Office of WRA to Speed Relocation Plans"; "Representative Samuel Dickenson: 'Hate and Intolerance Do Not Belong in a Democracy'"; "More on Army's Rescission Order"; "Chicago Resettlers' Committee"; "Cornelians to Meet!"; "Ft. Snelling Grads to Aid MacArthur"; "Don't Sit Too Tight"; "Former Tuleans Supply Navy Hsptl. With Flowers."

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4330 (June 30, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-44)
Selected article titles: "WRA Aide's Home Fired On"; "Moving Nisei Belongings Will Cost U.S. $300,000"; "100th Infantry Veterans Continue to Come Home Via ATC Planes"; "400 Leave Newell for Enemy Camp"; "JACL Ball Great Success"; "Tadano-Taguchi Betrothal Told"; "JACL Attends FEPC Mass Meeting"; "Monterey Fish Cannery Jobs Open"; "U.S. to Keep Seized Japanese and Nazi Assets"; …

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4378 (October 23, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-89)
Selected article titles: "North Weld News Roundup"; "8000 Tule Japanese Free to Leave"; "Ickes Approves Stilwell's Stand on Nisei"; "Solon Wants Aliens at Tule Deported"; "Auburn Baptists to Aid Sakamotos"; "Race Accord Board Idea Starts Argument"; "Bears Edge Zebras for Tourney Championship"; "Sales Tax Permits Now Issued to All"; "BCA Publishes Monthly Bulletin"; "Denver JACL Plans …

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4325 (June 19, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-39)
Selected article titles: "What's Going On? News of Californians You May Know"; "WRA Reveals 911 Japanese Return to L.A. County"; "What is a Minority?"; "S. Doi Purchases Burlington Hotel and Building"; "Harry Aihara Wins First; Brings U. Ill. In 2nd in NCAA"; "Camp Lookout Open to Nisei Girls"; "Film Company Hires 25 N.Y. Nisei for Movie …

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4332 (July 5, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-46)
Selected article titles: "Empty Relocation Centers Seen by 1946"; "Home is the Soldier"; "Kalifornians' 'July Jump' Sunday, July 15 at Midland Hotel. Okabe and Kosaki Pushing Plans for a 'Groovy' Eve"; "2000 Indigents Expected to Return to Los Angeles"; "Nisei Wins $200 Essay Prize at University of Chicago"; "OPA to Put Ceiling on Japanese Food"; "Baseball …

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4303 (April 28, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-16)
Selected article titles: "'Back in California Again'"; "Three Acquitted on Charges of Burning Nisei's Property"; "Nisei Bowlers' League"; "Cal. College Students Vote Against Return of Japanese"; "65,000 U.S. Japanese Need Homes This Year"; "Chicago Nisei Plan Conference."

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4356 (August 30, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-68)
Selected article titles: "California Legion Restores Nisei Vets Post Charter"; "Rev. K. Kikuchi Paves Way for Relocatees"; "Canada's Japanese Want to Remain. Survey, However, Shows That West Coast Evicters Prefer New Homes is Dominion"; "6000 Nisei Face Deportation Soon"; "Returned S.F. Japanese Gets Mayor's Backing in Right to Work"; "Japanese Owners are Dispossessed of Land"; "Elliott …

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4337 (July 17, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-51)
Selected article titles: "Pfc. John Y. Tanaka to Receive Silver Star Posthumously"; "Forfeiture of Alien Held Land is Sought"; "Rev. I. Inouye Appointed to Oregon Church"; "Chicago Nisei Hero Officer on Hospital Leave"; "Nisei Troops Will be Strategic Res."; "12 Evacuee Families Return to Hood River"; "$1,000 Reward Posted to Prevent Anti Japanese Acts"; "Army Officers …

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4300 (April 21, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-13)
Selected article titles: "Interracial Tolerance Aided by Bataan Hero and Two Nisei"; "Closer Check Will be Made on Tule Internees"; "Nisei Honored in Calif. Legislature"; "Heroic Cook"; "Buy War Bonds and Stamps"; "Legion Committee Rules Post May Admit Nisei"; "California Near Showdown on Nisei Question"; "Nisei Bowlers' League"; "Nisei Quits Legion Post"; "California Sues to Escheat …

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4298 (April 17, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-11)
Selected article titles: "Nisei Find Welcome in S.F."; "Nisei Back on Italian Front -- Prefer France"; "L.A. Physician Denied Old Post"; "Joint YPCF-YBA Meeting"; "L.A. Civic Group Assails Japanese Fund Proposal"; "New Group Will Fight Nisei Return"; "Nisei Slashed in Chicago Cafe"; "Baltimore Relocation Office Closes"; "YBA Holds Memorial for Roosevelt."

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4308 (May 10, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-21)
Selected article titles: "Oregon's Alien Land Law 'Of Doubtful Constitutionality' Says WRA Solicitor"; "Next of Kin of War Heroes Warned Against Fraudulent Schemers"; "7 Bay Region Nisei Recent Casualties in Northern Italy"; "The Voice of Youth"; "Placer Nisei Plans to Appeal Draft Status"; "Hero of a Horatio Alger Story Laid in Chicago"; "Nisei Employees Cited for …

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4369 (October 2, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-80)
Selected article titles: "California Alien Land Law to be Contested"; "WRA Student Record Transcripts to be Transferred to Washington"; "Deportation Please of Nisei May be Reviewed"; "Burbank, California Opposes Quartering of Japanese Americans"; "Rock is Tossed Into Home of Seattle Japanese"; "Japanese POWs to Work in Cal. Cotton Fields"; "Internees Jailed for Bugle Blowing are Freed …

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4361 (September 13, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-72)
Selected article titles: "Little Tokyo Showing Signs of Old Activity"; "Denver YBA Holds Semi-Annual Election"; "Japanese Double Talk Stumps Nisei"; "Drop in Nisei Colony Seen for West Coast"; "Four Nisei Veterans Donate Funds to FDR Memorial"; "Placer Board Denies County Aid to Returnees"; "Kin of S.F. Nisei Servicemen Get Richmond Housing"; "Half of Canadian Japanese to …

Colorado Times Vol. 31, No. 4301 (April 24, 1945) (ddr-densho-150-14)
Selected article titles: "Interracial Tolerance Aided by Bataan Hero and Two Nisei"; "The San Francisco Chronicle: What is America Like?"; "Army Officials Investigate Fire"; "The Anti-Nisei Dynamite Case. Alien Land Act Issue Injected in Arson Trial"; "Probe Goes On in Alien Ownership of Placer Land"; "Commander of Legion Post Quits Over Nisei Vet Issue"; "Kings County …