77 items
Letter from William K. Koyama from the Minidoka Concentration Camp to the United States Attorney Carl C. Donaugh asking him to parole his father, Keizaburo Koyama. Page 3 of 4. (ddr-one-5-167)
Photocopy of a declassified letter written by Keizaburo Koyama's son, William, to the United States Attorney Carl C. Donaugh asking him to release his father to the Minidoka War Relocation Center. William continues that his mom is in poor health and may not live much longer without being reunited with her husband. He does not wish …
Boy Scout troop (ddr-densho-259-62)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "The Boy Scout troop that Kay and Ches [Yasui] belonged to. It was taken inside of the scout cabin This cabin probably was located in the area we used to call 'Paradise Park', which was on the west side of [Hood River] just about at the area where Interstate Highway 84 now …
Letter to Daniel Evans from M. Katayama (ddr-densho-510-5)
Includes copy of letter to Alden Barber from M. Katayama. (ddr-densho-510-3)
Letter to Wes Uhlman from M. Katayama (ddr-densho-510-6)
Includes copy of letter to Alden Barber from M. Katayama. (ddr-densho-510-3)
Safety merit badge applications (ddr-densho-390-123)
Two partially filled in applications for Walter Matsuoka's safety merit badge.
Cooking merit badge application (ddr-densho-390-117)
Walter Matsuoka's application for a cooking merit badge.
Letter to Boy Scout Troop 53 from M. & K. Katayama (ddr-densho-510-13)
Includes copy of letter to Alden Barber from Kathy Katayama. (ddr-densho-510-11)
Camp permission slip (ddr-densho-390-122)
A permission slip for Walter Matsuoka to attend Civilian Conservation Corps camp, through the Boy Scouts of America, in exchange for helping the War Relocation Authority in tearing down buildings and acquiring lumber.
Japanese Boy Scout leader with Honolulu Boy Scout leaders (ddr-njpa-4-809)
Caption on reverse: "JAPAN SCOUT LEADER VISITS HERE: Eagle Scout Arthur K. Goto of Honolulu's Explorer Post 82 is shown wishing Count Yorihiro Matsudaira, president of the Boy Scouts Council of Kagawa prefecture, Japan, godspeed as he left aboard a Pan American plane for Tokyo following a two-day visit in Honolulu a week ago last Saturday, …
Application for membership (ddr-densho-390-131)
Walter Matsuoka's application for Boy Scout Troop 162.
Letter to L.S. Christofero from Mr. and Mrs. M. Katayama (ddr-densho-510-4)
Includes copy of letter to Alden Barber from M. Katayama. (ddr-densho-510-3)
Wade Warren Thayer speaking at Boy Scout event (ddr-njpa-2-956)
Caption on reverse: "KAMAAINA SCOUTER, NEW EAGLES SHARE HONORS: Wade Warren Thayer, a veteran of 40 years in the Boy Scout movement in Hawaii, is shown addressing the second annual Eagle Scout recognition dinner of the Honolulu Council, Boy Scouts of America, at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel ballroom last night, when he and 31 Oahu Eagle …