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4 items
Galeazzo Ciano leaving for Spain (ddr-njpa-1-47)
img Galeazzo Ciano leaving for Spain (ddr-njpa-1-47)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Count Ciano Goes to Spain. (Barcelona) Domei. Foreign Minister Ciano visited Barcelona via a warship on July 10, where he engaged in various negotiations with General Franco towards the formation of a Italo-Spanish military alliance. Photograph: Count Ciano departing the port of Gaeta on his way to Spain. [stamped] July 29, 1939."
Francisco Franco at the Catalonia front (ddr-njpa-1-352)
img Francisco Franco at the Catalonia front (ddr-njpa-1-352)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Domei Photographic Overseas A News February 10, 1939. General Franco at the Front. (Burgos) Domei. With the fall of Barcelona and the taking of Madrid already certain, all of Spain has come under the grasp of Franco's forces. Photograph: General Franco at the Catalonia front. [stamped] February 12, 1939."
Newspaper clipping regarding Francisco Franco (ddr-njpa-1-356)
img Newspaper clipping regarding Francisco Franco (ddr-njpa-1-356)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Person of the Day: Franco. With Barcelona, the stronghold of the Spanish Popular Front, drawing the attention of all of Europe, no, of the entire world, voices have steadily gathered among elements of the right-wing elite, especially the military, calling for it to be taken and 'the fatherland saved from the evil …