Newspaper clipping regarding Francisco Franco
Dennis M. Ogawa Nippu Jiji Photograph Collection
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ddr-njpa-1-356 (G126.010)
Nippu Jiji Photograph Archive, "Gaijin" Collection
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Person of the Day: Franco. With Barcelona, the stronghold of the Spanish Popular Front, drawing the attention of all of Europe, no, of the entire world, voices have steadily gathered among elements of the right-wing elite, especially the military, calling for it to be taken and 'the fatherland saved from the evil hand of communism.' General Don Francisco Franco, the father of a rising Spain, became a central figure among these men when he boldly raised a force in Morocco in July 1936.
Franco's father was a naval officer and he and both of his brothers entered the military; his older brother Nicolas and he entered the army while his younger brother Ramon entered the air force. General Franco graduated from the officers' school in Toledo at the age of 20 and was stationed as a young lieutenant in Morocco, which was referred to at the time as 'Spain's cancer.' There he formed the elite Spanish foreign legion and following the outbreak of the large Rif revolt, this 28 year old foreign legion commander was always at the front of his men on a white horse, earning great accolades. The way his foreign legion and native troops stood at the vanguard in this holy war provides ample proof of the general's bravery and virtue in the Moroccan war.
Franco became a general officer at the young age of 34 and became director of the newly established military academy after returning to Spain. He then became Chief of the General Staff, but was pushed to the side and made military commander of the Canary Islands following the appearance of the Popular Front government in February 1936. But at a certain point he flew to Morocco, called upon the people to rise up via radio, and was soon back in Spain where he proclaimed a military dictatorship and set up the Popular Revolutionary Army's provisional government in Burgos. These brilliant activities were accomplished within a mere ten days. The days from that point until the present have been spent in a holy war against communism. Franco, a man suitably hot-blooded for Spain, has left a deep impression in its history. He was born in 1892."
c.1930s -1940s
Still Image
Hawai'i Times Photo Archives Foundation
Courtesy of the Hawai'i Times Photo Archives Foundation
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