3 items
3 items
Meriko on the bus (ddr-densho-494-30)
Caption on webpage: "Pictures from the later life of Meriko Maida, 1973-2012 / From Richmond to Sacramento / Meriko lived for many years in Richmond, California with her younger sister Junko and brother-in-law Shoichi Kimura. She later lived in various configurations with her other sister, Asako Tokuno. On some occasions, she visited both Seattle and Washington, …
Meriko at Arlington Cemetery (ddr-densho-494-31)
Caption on webpage: "Pictures from the later life of Meriko Maida, 1973-2012 / From Richmond to Sacramento / Meriko lived for many years in Richmond, California with her younger sister Junko and brother-in-law Shoichi Kimura. She later lived in various configurations with her other sister, Asako Tokuno. On some occasions, she visited both Seattle and Washington, …