5 items
5 items

Arbo-Gram Vol. I No. 4 (June 13, 1942 (ddr-densho-189-4)
Selected article titles: "Tule Lake Transfer Procedure Announced" (p. 1), "Future Status of Workers" (p. 1), "Telegrams" (p. 1), "Drs. Leave" (p. 1), "Baby Born" (p. 1), "Tolo Dance" (p. 1), "Amateur Show Sunday Night" (p. 2), "Tule Bound" (p. 2), "Recreational Program" (p. 3), "Soft Ball Season Opens" (p. 4).

Arbo-Gram Vol. I No. 1 (May 23, 1942) (ddr-densho-189-1)
Selected article titles: "Block Monitors Organized" (p. 1), "Hospital Facilities Increased" (p. 1), "Mess Workers Praised" (p. 1), "Visitors Day" (p. 1), "It Can't Happen Here!!!" (p. 2), "Sports Program Mapped. Construction Under Way for Early Diversion" (p. 3), "Attention! Boy Scouts Introduced" (p. 3), "Children's Play Center Now Open on West Side" (p. 3), "Scrip …

Arbo-Gram Vol. I No. 2 (May 30, 1942) (ddr-densho-189-2)
Selected article titles: "Commencement Rite Held. Dr. Oertel Lauds Nisei Students" (p. 1), "Newcomers Welcomed" (p. 1), "Amateur Show Success" (p. 1), "Kiddies' Center" (p. 2), Freedom of Worship" (p. 2), "Swing Band" (p. 2).

Arbo-Gram Vol. I No. 3 (June 6, 1942) (ddr-densho-189-3)
Selected article titles: "Councillors Elected. Closer Coordination Expected" (p. 1), "Openings in W and M" (p. 1), "Patients Overtax Hospital" (p. 1), "Transfer Rule Announced" (p. 1), "Aloha! Apollo Amazes Arbogans" (p. 1), "Hey! Bass Artists" (p. 2), "Recreation Department Announces Program" (p. 2).

Arbo-Gram Collection (ddr-densho-189)
This collection consists of issues of the Arbo-Gram, which was the newspaper for the Marysville Assembly Center, California, open from May 8, 1942, to June 29, 1942. The newspaper provided information about activities and sports, living conditions, and the move to permanent camps.