Seattle Chapter JACL
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0:05:54 — Segment 8 of 8

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Seattle JACL Oral History Collection

Seattle JACL

Courtesy of Densho

Seattle Chapter JACL
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Lois Hayasaka

In Memory of Phil Hayasaka Interview

1:05:15 — 8 segments


In this interview, Camila Nakashima and Bill Tashima interviewed Lois Hayasaka, widow of the late Phil Hayasaka, Seattle JACL Chapter President in 1961. Hayasaka was a visionary leader who fiercely advocated for JACL to advocate for all people in the 1960's civil rights struggles. As chair of the Chapter's Civil Rights and Human Rights committee and through programs educating our members and speaking out for other, Hayasaka led the Chapter in "raising our voice." As the first Asian American City Department Chair, Hayasaka authored Seattle's Open Housing ordinance which later would become a model for the country.

Camila Nakashima, interviewer; Bill Tashima, interviewer

Seattle JACL

Courtesy of Seattle JACL, Densho