Masaru Ed Nakawatase Interview Segment 4

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Parents' work at Seabrook Farms postwar

0:08:43 — Segment 4 of 17

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May 8, 2023

JACL Philadelphia Oral History Collection


Courtesy of JACL Philadelphia

JACL Philadelphia
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Masaru Ed Nakawatase

Masaru Ed Nakawatase Interview

2:08:58 — 17 segments

May 8, 2023

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Sansei male. Born September 29, 1943, in the Poston concentration camp, Arizona. After leaving camp, parents moved to and worked at Seabrook Farms in New Jersey. Masaru grew up in the Seabrook with the families that worked there. Became involved in the Civil Rights Movement and worked for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, the American Friends Service Committee, and serves on the board of the Seabrook Education and Cultural Center.

Rob Buscher, interviewer; Brett Kodama, interviewer

JACL Philadelphia

Courtesy of JACL Philadelphia