JACL Philadelphia
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Personal reactions to hearing the testimonies at the commission hearings

0:05:59 — Segment 7 of 8

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October 23, 1994

JACL Philadelphia Oral History Collection


Courtesy of JACL Philadelphia

JACL Philadelphia
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William Marutani

William Marutani Interview

0:37:55 — 8 segments

October 23, 1994

Medford, New Jersey

Nisei male. Born March 31, 1923, in Kent, Washington. During World War II, was incarcerated at the Pinedale Assembly Center, California, and Tule Lake concentration camp, California. After leaving camp to attend college in South Dakota, was drafted into the U.S. Army and served with the Military Intelligence Service during the postwar occupation of Japan. After military service, became an attorney and then a judge. Served as the legal counsel for the Japanese American Citizens League from 1962 to 1970. Was the only Japanese American appointed to serve on the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians (CWRIC) during the redress movement.

Herbert J. Horikawa, interviewer

JACL Philadelphia

Courtesy of JACL Philadelphia