Eddie Owada Interview Segment 3

Family background: father's immigration to U.S. as a government photographer (ddr-manz-1-37-1) - 00:06:28
Father's prewar photography business (ddr-manz-1-37-2) - 00:03:48
Mother's family background (ddr-manz-1-37-3) - 00:05:13
Description of siblings (ddr-manz-1-37-4) - 00:03:19
Childhood memories of going fishing while visiting grandparents (ddr-manz-1-37-5) - 00:04:29
Attending Christian church as a child (ddr-manz-1-37-6) - 00:02:15
Memories of childhood (ddr-manz-1-37-7) - 00:03:59
Parents' separation, caring for younger brother (ddr-manz-1-37-8) - 00:09:35
Moving around as father changed jobs (ddr-manz-1-37-9) - 00:06:50
Childhood memories of Vashon Island, Washington (ddr-manz-1-37-10) - 00:05:24
Hearing about the bombing of Pearl Harbor: "It was a real shock to us" (ddr-manz-1-37-11) - 00:05:25
Witnessing the arrest of father by FBI (ddr-manz-1-37-12) - 00:05:45
Hearing rumors about impending mass removal (ddr-manz-1-37-13) - 00:06:29
Vivid memories of the trip to Pinedale Assembly Center, California (ddr-manz-1-37-14) - 00:08:04
Adjusting to life in an assembly center (ddr-manz-1-37-15) - 00:04:56
Transferring to Tule Lake, finding work there (ddr-manz-1-37-16) - 00:03:21
Moving to Minidoka, getting a job driving the camp's fire truck (ddr-manz-1-37-17) - 00:07:05
Reuniting with father in camp (ddr-manz-1-37-18) - 00:05:30
Receiving draft notice (ddr-manz-1-37-19) - 00:01:06
Making friends in camp (ddr-manz-1-37-20) - 00:03:09
Selected for the Military Intelligence Service, wanting combat duty (ddr-manz-1-37-21) - 00:09:31
Reuniting with mother many years later (ddr-manz-1-37-22) - 00:05:13
Feeling grateful for redress (ddr-manz-1-37-23) - 00:01:24
Working for the U.S. Forest Service (ddr-manz-1-37-24) - 00:03:12
Reflections (ddr-manz-1-37-25) - 00:04:47
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ddr-manz-1-37-3 (Legacy UID: denshovh-oeddie-01-0003)

Mother's family background

00:05:13 — Segment 3 of 25

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July 5, 2008

Manzanar National Historic Site Collection

Manzanar National Historic Site Collection

Courtesy of the Manzanar National Historic Site Collection

Manzanar National Historic Site
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Eddie Owada

Eddie Owada Interview

02:06:17 — 25 segments

July 5, 2008

Denver, Colorado

Nisei male. Born December 22, 1925, in Tacoma, Washington. Grew up primarily on Vashon Island, Washington. Removed to the Pinedale Assembly Center and the Tule Lake concentration camp, Washington, later transferring to the Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho. Drafted into the army and served with the Military Intelligence Service. Worked for the U.S. Forest Service and eventually settled in Denver, Colorado.

Alisa Lynch, interviewer; Kirk Peterson, videographer

Manzanar National Historic Site Collection

Courtesy of the Manzanar National Historic Site Collection