David Matsuoka Interview Segment 1

Born in Walnut Grove, California (audio only) (ddr-densho-1010-5-1) - 00:02:57
Operating the game scoreboard at local baseball and softball games (audio only) (ddr-densho-1010-5-2) - 00:03:34
Odd jobs as a child: selling concessions at sports events, running the movie projector at theater (audio only) (ddr-densho-1010-5-3) - 00:05:18
Acting in church performances (audio only) (ddr-densho-1010-5-4) - 00:02:35
Speaking mostly Japanese as a child (audio only) (ddr-densho-1010-5-5) - 00:02:06
Participating in church activities (audio only) (ddr-densho-1010-5-6) - 00:01:36
Attending a segregated elementary school (audio only) (ddr-densho-1010-5-7) - 00:01:57
Memories of interacting with Chinese Americans (audio only) (ddr-densho-1010-5-8) - 00:04:32
Japanese American community businesses in Walnut Grove (audio only) (ddr-densho-1010-5-9) - 00:04:29
Description of parents (audio only) (ddr-densho-1010-5-10) - 00:01:44
Celebrating the New Year's holiday (audio only) (ddr-densho-1010-5-11) - 00:06:46
Making arrangements with a non-Japanese family to take care of home (audio only) (ddr-densho-1010-5-12) - 00:03:35
Hearing about the bombing of Pearl Harbor (audio only) (ddr-densho-1010-5-13) - 00:01:51
A memorable interaction with a black porter on the train to camp (audio only) (ddr-densho-1010-5-14) - 00:03:32
Working to unload coal in camp (audio only) (ddr-densho-1010-5-15) - 00:02:30
Working on a camp's cattle ranch (audio only) (ddr-densho-1010-5-16) - 00:05:01
Earning money in camp to help family (audio only) (ddr-densho-1010-5-17) - 00:02:47
A Boy Scout camping trip outside of camp to a nearby National Park (audio only) (ddr-densho-1010-5-18) - 00:02:16
Remembering fights in camp school (audio only) (ddr-densho-1010-5-19) - 00:02:28
Brother's experience as a prisoner of war (audio only) (ddr-densho-1010-5-20) - 00:01:36
Encountering racial hostility upon return home to Walnut Grove (audio only) (ddr-densho-1010-5-21) - 00:04:28
Observing Japanese Americans returning to Walnut Grove (audio only) (ddr-densho-1010-5-22) - 00:03:35
Attending high school (audio only) (ddr-densho-1010-5-23) - 00:02:52
Changes in Walnut Grove after World War II (audio only) (ddr-densho-1010-5-24) - 00:03:57
Working for the postal service (audio only) (ddr-densho-1010-5-25) - 00:05:01
Decreased segregation in Walnut Grove after World War II (audio only) (ddr-densho-1010-5-26) - 00:04:14
Changes in land ownership laws after the war (audio only) (ddr-densho-1010-5-27) - 00:02:52
Moving to Sacramento, involvement in community activities (audio only) (ddr-densho-1010-5-28) - 00:04:47
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ddr-densho-1010-5-1 (Legacy UID: denshovh-mdavid-01-0001)

Born in Walnut Grove, California (audio only)

This material is based upon work assisted by a grant from the Department of the Interior, National Park Service. Any opinions, finding, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of the Interior.

00:02:57 — Segment 1 of 28

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December 10, 2009

Preserving California's Japantowns Collection

Preserving California's Japantowns Collection

Courtesy of the Preserving California's Japantowns Collection


David Matsuoka

David Matsuoka Interview

01:34:56 — 28 segments

December 10, 2009

Sacramento, California

Nisei male. Born December 21, 1929, in Walnut Grove, California. Grew up in Walnut Grove where father owned and operator a shoe sales and repair business. During World War II, removed with family to the Merced Assembly Center, California, and Granada concentration camp, Colorado. Returned to California as a high school student.

(This material is based upon work assisted by a grant from the Department of the Interior, National Park Service. Any opinions, finding, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of the Interior.)

Tom Ikeda, interviewer; Jill Shiraki, interviewer; Dana Hoshide, videographer

Preserving California's Japantowns Collection

Courtesy of the Preserving California's Japantowns Collection