Yoshiye Handa Yasuda Interview Segment 4

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Mother's prewar decision to return to Japan to live

0:08:04 — Segment 4 of 20

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Densho Visual History Collection


Courtesy of Densho


Yoshiye Handa Yasuda

Yoshiye Handa Yasuda Interview

2:03:57 — 20 segments

July 15, 2021

Seattle, Washington

Nisei female. Born August 26, 1934, in San Francisco, California. Grew up in San Francisco's Japantown neighborhood, where father ran a carpentry business. During World War II, removed to the Tanforan Assembly Center, California, and the Topaz concentration camp, Utah. After leaving camp, returned to San Francisco with parents and finished high school. While still in school, worked for civil rights attorney Wayne Collins. Attended college in San Jose and became an occupational therapist, working with various groups, including psychiatric and geriatric patients.

Virginia Yamada, interviewer; Dana Hoshide, videographer


Courtesy of Densho