Amy Iwasaki Mass Segment 1

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Family background: immigration to Seattle, then moved to Los Angeles

0:05:49 — Segment 1 of 14

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March 12, 2019

Densho Visual History Collection


Courtesy of Densho


Amy Iwasaki Mass

Amy Iwasaki Mass Interview

1:34:50 — 14 segments

March 12, 2019

Emeryville, California

Nisei female. Born July 5, 1935, in Los Angeles, California. Grew up in Los Angeles, where father ran a produce business. During World War II, removed to the Pomona Assembly Center, California, and the Heart Mountain concentration camp, Wyoming. After leaving camp, returned to family home in Los Angeles. Became a social worker, one of the few Japanese American women in the field at that time.

Brian Niiya, interviewer; Dana Hoshide, videographer


Courtesy of Densho