Tonko Doi Interview Segment 8

Father's family background (ddr-chi-1-19-1) - 0:02:53
Mother's family background (ddr-chi-1-19-2) - 0:05:35
Parents' meeting and settling in California (ddr-chi-1-19-3) - 0:03:17
Born the day before the bombing of Pearl Harbor (ddr-chi-1-19-4) - 0:03:37
Hearing about the day of mass removal from stories (ddr-chi-1-19-5) - 0:06:35
Insufficient medical care in camp (ddr-chi-1-19-6) - 0:07:51
Leaving camp and moving to a hostel in Cincinnati (ddr-chi-1-19-7) - 0:02:42
Hearing mother's recollections of camp (ddr-chi-1-19-8) - 0:04:13
Description of the Quaker hostel in Cincinnati (ddr-chi-1-19-9) - 0:08:14
Moving to Chicago (ddr-chi-1-19-10) - 0:04:11
Tonko Doi Interview Segment 11 (ddr-chi-1-19-11) - 0:04:20
Living with maternal grandmother (ddr-chi-1-19-12) - 0:02:30
Attending high school and church (ddr-chi-1-19-13) - 0:05:16
Remembering Japanese American social clubs in Chicago (ddr-chi-1-19-14) - 0:02:59
Parents' cleaners business after the war (ddr-chi-1-19-15) - 0:02:49
Evolution of Japanese American identity (ddr-chi-1-19-16) - 0:03:25
Seeing depictions of Japanese American history in entertainment media (ddr-chi-1-19-17) - 0:06:53
Attending the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians hearings (ddr-chi-1-19-18) - 0:02:05
Speaking out about wartime experiences (ddr-chi-1-19-19) - 0:05:45
The importance of the Japanese American story and its connection to present-day events (ddr-chi-1-19-20) - 0:06:52
Japanese American organizations in Chicago (ddr-chi-1-19-21) - 0:06:39
Reflections (ddr-chi-1-19-22) - 0:04:15
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Japanese American Service Committee (JASC) and Chicago Japanese American Historical Society (CJAHS) Oral History Project Collections
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ddr-chi-1-19-8 ()

Hearing mother's recollections of camp

0:04:13 — Segment 8 of 22

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September 3, 2019

Japanese American Service Committee (JASC) and Chicago Japanese American Historical Society (CJAHS) Oral History Project Collection

Japanese American Service Committee (JASC) and Chicago Japanese American Historical Society (CJAHS)

Courtesy of the Japanese American Service Committee (JASC) and Chicago Japanese American Historical Society (CJAHS)

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Japanese American Service Committee (JASC) and Chicago Japanese American Historical Society (CJAHS) Oral History Project Collections
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Tonko Doi

Tonko Doi Interview

1:43:42 — 22 segments

September 3, 2019

Chicago, Illinois

Nisei-Sansei female. Born December 6, 1941, in Los Angeles, California. During World War II, sent with family to the Santa Anita Assembly Center, California, and the Rohwer concentration camp, Arkansas. After leaving camp, lived in a Quaker-run hostel in Cincinnati, Ohio. Eventually moved to Chicago, Illinois, where parents ran a cleaners business.

(This material is based upon work assisted by a grant from the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department of the Interior.)

Anna Takada, interviewer

Japanese American Service Committee (JASC) and Chicago Japanese American Historical Society (CJAHS)

Courtesy of the Japanese American Service Committee (JASC) and Chicago Japanese American Historical Society (CJAHS)

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Copyright restricted