Support from the non-Japanese American community

During mass removal and incarceration, Japanese Americans received outside support and assistance from religious organizations, civil rights groups, and other concerned individuals. The American Friends Service Committee was one of the most active groups to help the Japanese American community during World War II. Committee members donated educational materials to the camp schools and libraries and were influential in persuading the government to allow Nisei to leave the camps for colleges in the interior of the country. Ministers, peace activists and other supporters of the Japanese American community often visited the camps and spoke out publicly against the incarceration. Church groups across the country also organized clothing and food drives for the camp inmates.

World War II (240)
Support from the non-Japanese American community (454)

Related articles from the Densho Encyclopedia :
American Civil Liberties Union, American Friends Service Committee, Ernest Besig, Thomas Bodine, Charles H. Bonesteel, Clara Breed, John Burns, Miles E. Cary, Hung Wai Ching, Mark W. Clark, Cecil Coggins, Delos Emmons, Galen Fisher, Bob Fletcher, Charles Hemenway, Harold Ickes, Jewish response to incarceration, Dorothea Lange, Charles F. Loomis, Hugh Macbeth, Carey McWilliams, John Nason, Herbert Nicholson, Robert O'Brien, Morris Opler, Edward L. Parsons, Eleanor Roosevelt, Robert Shivers, Norman Thomas, Harry S. Truman, A.L. Wirin


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454 items
Letter from Friends of the American Way (ddr-densho-25-61)
doc Letter from Friends of the American Way (ddr-densho-25-61)
In this letter, the Friends of the American Way, an activist group sympathetic to Japanese Americans, expressed its condolences to Matahichi and Kisa Iseri following the death of their son, Mitsuo (Mike) Iseri, who had served in the military.
Petition to Congress from the Presbytery of the Redwoods (ddr-densho-67-73)
doc Petition to Congress from the Presbytery of the Redwoods (ddr-densho-67-73)
This group protests the evacuation of Japanese Americans on the grounds that it is unconstitutional. They suggest holding hearings in camps and then allowing the innocent to return home. They also warn that harsh treatment of Japanese Americans will fuel Japanese propaganda and lead to punishment of American POWs.
Letter from Ishi Morishita to Mrs. Charles Gates (ddr-densho-211-5)
doc Letter from Ishi Morishita to Mrs. Charles Gates (ddr-densho-211-5)
Letter explaining the sudden relocation of the Masuda family to Poston, Arizona. Four stamps that match the ones on letters from the Morishitas.
Letter  from the Masudas to Mrs. Charles Gates (ddr-densho-211-7)
doc Letter from the Masudas to Mrs. Charles Gates (ddr-densho-211-7)
Letter on a single sheet of paper, folded into quarters, from the Masudas in Poston.
Letter from Ishi Morishita to Mrs. Charles Gates (ddr-densho-211-8)
doc Letter from Ishi Morishita to Mrs. Charles Gates (ddr-densho-211-8)
Letter from the Morishitas telling about their Christmas in Minidoka.
Letter from Kikuye Matsuda to Mrs. Charles Gates (ddr-densho-211-1)
doc Letter from Kikuye Matsuda to Mrs. Charles Gates (ddr-densho-211-1)
Letter from Kikuye Masuda to Mrs. Charles Gates about a house Mrs. Gates is occupying.
Letter from Kikuye Masuda to Mrs. Charles Gates (ddr-densho-211-4)
doc Letter from Kikuye Masuda to Mrs. Charles Gates (ddr-densho-211-4)
Letter from Kikuye Masuda to Mrs. Charles Gates about relocation to Southeastern Idaho.
Letter from Ishi Morishita to Mrs. Charles Gates (ddr-densho-211-3)
doc Letter from Ishi Morishita to Mrs. Charles Gates (ddr-densho-211-3)
Letter from Ishi Morishita to Mrs. Charles Gates about camp life.