Rev. Michael Yoshii Interview Segment 1

Family background (ddr-ajah-1-10-1) - 0:01:40
Arrival in Alameda, California, as the pastor of the Buena Vista Methodist Church (ddr-ajah-1-10-2) - 0:05:05
Hearing about the passage of the Civil Liberties Act of 1988 (ddr-ajah-1-10-3) - 0:03:53
Suspension of Buena Vista United Methodist Church services during World War II (ddr-ajah-1-10-4) - 0:03:01
The impact of redress and reparations on congregation (ddr-ajah-1-10-5) - 0:06:33
Convening the Wounded Healer support group (ddr-ajah-1-10-6) - 0:02:31
Recognizing the need for intergenerational healing and forming the Sansei Legacy project (ddr-ajah-1-10-7) - 0:05:34
Testifying at the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians hearings (ddr-ajah-1-10-8) - 0:01:48
Creating a safe space for open community discussions (ddr-ajah-1-10-9) - 0:04:41
Response to racist incidents in Alameda (ddr-ajah-1-10-10) - 0:03:25
Mobilization of Alameda's Asian American community (ddr-ajah-1-10-11) - 0:06:31
Description of community organizer Roy Nitta (ddr-ajah-1-10-12) - 0:07:32
Political organizing: pushback against Proposition 187 (ddr-ajah-1-10-13) - 0:03:33
Formation of the Coalition of Alamedans for Racial Equality (ddr-ajah-1-10-14) - 0:06:45
Involvement with the Alameda Unified School District (ddr-ajah-1-10-15) - 0:03:49
Starting the CARE Multicultural Student Relations Program (ddr-ajah-1-10-16) - 0:05:43
Description of key community members (ddr-ajah-1-10-17) - 0:03:12
Activism around LGBTQ issues (ddr-ajah-1-10-18) - 0:05:41
Congregation's increasing work with activism and organizing (ddr-ajah-1-10-19) - 0:06:55
Evolution of the Buena Vista United Methodist Church (ddr-ajah-1-10-20) - 0:05:37
Activist work related to the closing of the Alameda Naval Base (ddr-ajah-1-10-21) - 0:07:05
Description of key community organizers (ddr-ajah-1-10-22) - 0:06:56
Formation of the Buena Vista United Methodist Church's Social Justice Committee (ddr-ajah-1-10-23) - 0:02:53
Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Buena Vista United Methodist Church (ddr-ajah-1-10-24) - 0:03:36
Congregation's response to 9/11 (ddr-ajah-1-10-25) - 0:04:13
Expansion into international human rights issues (ddr-ajah-1-10-26) - 0:04:52
Creation of a Palestine Task Force (ddr-ajah-1-10-27) - 0:05:14
Buena Vista Methodist Church's work with immigrant migrant families (ddr-ajah-1-10-28) - 0:06:22
Thoughts on work and calling as a pastor (ddr-ajah-1-10-29) - 0:03:20
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ddr-ajah-1-10-1 ()

Family background

0:01:40 — Segment 1 of 29

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May 19, 2023

Alameda Japanese American History Project Oral History Collection

Alameda Japanese American History Project

Courtesy of the Alameda Japanese American History Project

Alameda Japanese American History Project
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Michael Yoshii

Rev. Michael Yoshii Interview

2:21:22 — 29 segments

May 19, 2023

Alameda, California

Sansei male. Born August 10, 1952, in Berkeley, California. Graduated from UC Berkeley with a degree in social welfare. Attended the Pacific School of Religion and graduated with an MDiv. Appointed full-time pastor to the Buena Vista United Methodist Church in Alameda, California, in 1988. Served as pastor for more than thirty years, leading the church's congregation in numerous activist causes, from immigration to discrimination in the Alameda Unified School District. Advocated for human rights in the Philippines and partnered with the Palestinian village of Wade Foquin.

Patricia Wakida, interviewer; Shaun Daniels, videographer

Alameda Japanese American History Project

Courtesy of the Alameda Japanese American History Project