Pacific Citizen 1966 Collection

The Pacific Citizen
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All the issues for volumes 62 and 63 of the Pacific Citizen covering January 1966 through December 1966.



Pacific Citizen

Courtesy of the Pacific Citizen

53 Objects

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 62, No. 1 (January 7, 1966) (ddr-pc-38-1)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 62, No. 1 (January 7, 1966) (ddr-pc-38-1)
Select article titles: "The Nisei Personality" (p. 1); "Seattle Nisei talk with Negroes" (p. 1); :Japanese viewpoint on U.S. - Japan relations expressed" (p. 2); "442nd Veteran Appointed New Selective Service Director" (p. 4); "Discussion of new immigration law centers on individual labor certificate" (p. 5).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 62, No. 2 (January 14, 1966) (ddr-pc-38-2)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 62, No. 2 (January 14, 1966) (ddr-pc-38-2)
Select article titles: "Carnegie grants another $41,000 to 'Issei Story'" (p.1); "Tsukiyama: the AJA Pioneer" (p.1); "Shirota's novel: 'Lucky Come Hawaii' selling well in Islands and California" (p. 3); "D.C. installation goers to hear author Allan Bosworth tell of Evacuation story" (p. 4).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 62, No. 3 (January 21, 1966) (ddr-pc-38-3)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 62, No. 3 (January 21, 1966) (ddr-pc-38-3)
Select article titles: "Carnegie Grant to History Project Lauded" (p.1); "Paratrooper wins Bronze Star, nabs six Viet Cong in fist-swinging melee" (p.1); "White River Valley JACL commended for beng part of community picture" (p.1).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 62, No. 4 (Janurary 28, 1966) (ddr-pc-38-4)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 62, No. 4 (Janurary 28, 1966) (ddr-pc-38-4)
Select article titles: "West Point Sansei graduate killed in Viet Cong ambush" (p. 1); "Time Ripe Now for Nisei to Run for Political Office, Aiso urges" (p. 1); "Don't become too Americanized, Contra Costa told" (p. 1); "Castaways Leave Mark on History" (p. 2).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 62, No. 5 (February 4, 1966) (ddr-pc-38-5)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 62, No. 5 (February 4, 1966) (ddr-pc-38-5)
Select article titles: "Success Story: Japanese American Style" (p.1); "Sixth AJA killed in Vietnam, with helicopter team" (p.1); "Henry Kasai, 75, dies of Natural causes in Salt Lake Hospital" (p.1);"Appreciation banquet to three elders of Seattle community draws 300 Issei" (p.5).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 62, No. 6 (February 11, 1966) (ddr-pc-38-6)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 62, No. 6 (February 11, 1966) (ddr-pc-38-6)
Select article titles: "Nisei also 'Demonstrated' for Equal Rights, Yoshimura Reminds" (p.1); "Anti-Nisei Myths of WW2 Exploded at Snowstormed D.C. Installation" (p.1); "'First Death' Strikes the Men of Lt. Yoshida's Platoon" (p.1); "Who really 'discovered' America: Norsemen, Italian or the Japanese? Our Ideas Below" (p.3).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 62, No. 7 (February 16, 1966) (ddr-pc-38-7)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 62, No. 7 (February 16, 1966) (ddr-pc-38-7)
Select article titles: "Greater participation of Nisei in gov't urged at San Jose JACL installation" (p.1); "Immigration history of U.S. told in brief in forthcoming 'This Week'" (p.1); "South Seattle Farming Areas May Be Boeing's" (p.1).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 62, No. 8 (February 25, 1966) (ddr-pc-38-8)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 62, No. 8 (February 25, 1966) (ddr-pc-38-8)
Select article titles: "Personal Responsilibities stressed as basis of Human Relations" (p. 1); "It's 'natural' for Sansei to break from old cultural ties" (p. 1); " Rights Groups Protest Use of School by Elks" (p.1); "Great Debate: Vietnam" (p. 2).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 62, No. 9 (March 4, 1966) (ddr-pc-38-9)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 62, No. 9 (March 4, 1966) (ddr-pc-38-9)
Select article titles: "SJR 20 push to rid land law in Washington accelerates" (p. 1); "U.S. Supreme Court hears first Nisei argue major case: reapportionment" (p. 1); "History project: Machines taking over 'hone oru' labor" (p.1); "Repeal Anti-Alien Land Law in '66" (p. 3); "Japanese stand to gain most, says Negro attorney" (p. 5).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 62, No. 10 (March 11, 1966) (ddr-pc-38-10)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 62, No. 10 (March 11, 1966) (ddr-pc-38-10)
Select article titles: "Virginia Supreme Court Upholds its Ban Against Mixed Marriage" (p.1); "Voting Rights law of 1965 endorsed" (p. 1); "Hawaii's Reapportionment Case" (p. 2); "Nisei Farmers Cynical of Industry Boom" (p. 3).

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