Pacific Citizen 1939 Collection ddr-pc-11
4 items
4 items
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. XI No. 128 (January 1939) (ddr-pc-11-1)
Selected article titles: "Officers for 1939 About All Chosen by JACL Chapters" (p. 1), "Historian Asking Aid in Compiling Record of League" (p. 1), "Sunday Radio Programs Telling Contribution of Racial Groups" (p. 1).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. XI No. 130 (March 1939) (ddr-pc-11-2)
Selected article titles: "Membership Drive of National JACL Was Huge Success" (p. 1), "Chapters Asked To Send Minutes Soon To Pacific Citizen" (p. 1), "Life Sketched in Two Orient Ports by Bill Hosokawa" (p. 2).
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. XI No. 132 (May 1939) (ddr-pc-11-3)
Selected article titles: "By-Laws For League Come In This Issue Of Pacific Citizen" (p. 1), "Portland Chapter Starts Plans for National Session" (p. 1), "League's By-Laws of Convention Presented
Convention Review, Vol. I No. 1 (September 4, 1939) (ddr-pc-11-4)
Selected article titles: "Opening Ceremony Impressive; Sakamoto Keynote Speaker" (p. 1), "Discussions of Nisei Issues Summarized" (p. 1), Seattle Chapter Recalls Early Struggles in League Formation" (p. 1).